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LalithA SahasranAma [274] paNcakrtyaparAyanA

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paNcakrtyaparAyanA : Devoted to the five functions


According to the Visva, "ParAyana, means fond of, devoted to, and

dependent." The Mrgendra Sam says, "That [brahman] is the one cause

of the origin, preservation, destruction and annihilation of the

universe and of the order of the existence of elements and beings. "

The other Agamas also say, "The five functions of him are the

creation, preservation, destruction, annihilation, and causing the

reappearance of the universe which manifests incenssantly." The De.

BhAg. Pr. , IV, says, "She creates the universe, she protects, she

destroys what she protects at the end of the cycle; she it is who in

her three forms bewilders the universe. BrahmA united with her

creates the universe, Visnu united with her protects, Rudra united

with her destroys. She binds the whole universe and holds bewildered

by the noose of illusion., O king, by the firm noose of "I"

and "Mine". Yogins released from worldly attachments, desiring

liberation and seeking after emancipation, worship the beneficent

Devi alone, the ruler of the universe." AcArya also [saun. La. v.

24], "BrahmA creates the universe, etc" the Sakti-Sutra also, "Thus

like that [she] exercises the five functions." The next Sutra

describes their characteristics, namely, "Illumination [creation],

affection [preservation], dissatisfaction [destruction], planting

the seed [causing reappearance], and lamentation [annihilation]."

The reader is referred to the PratyabhijNAnrdaya for their meaning.





BhAskararAya's Commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry.

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