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"Tirumurai Series-573"

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thirunAvukkararcar thEvAram

thalam thirukkaRkuDi


ARAm thirumuRai




maNNathanil ain^thaimA n^Iril n^Angai

vayaN^geriyil mUnRaimA rudhaththu iraNDai

viNNathanil onRai virika thiraith

thaNmathiyaith thArakaikaL thammin mikka

eNNathanil ezuththaiyE zicaiyaik kAman

ezilaziya eriyumizn^tha imaiyA n^eRRik

kaNNavanaik kaRkuDiyil vizumi yAnaik

kaRpakaththaik kaNNArak kaNDEn n^AnE.





Five in earth; Four in great water;

Three in encompassing fire; Two in air;

One in sky; Widening Ray; Cool Moon;

The Script of the number that is greater than the

(count of) stars;

The Music of seven svaras;

One with the unblinking eye in the forehead

that spat fire ruining the charm of cupid;

The Supreme of thirukkaRkuDi;

One Who is kaRpakam, Him, I saw to the feast of eyes.



1. Earth has five qualities - light, sound,

tangibility, taste, smell.

water four - light, sound, tangibility, taste.

fire three - light, sound, tangibility.

air two - light, sound.

sky one - light.

These are called panca tanmatras in philosophy.




Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org








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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

In the original posting, the notes need to be

corrected. The correct order is


Earth - sound, tangibility, light, taste, smell.

water four - sound, tangibility, light, taste.

fire three - sound, tangibility, light.

air two - sound, tangibility.

sky one - sound.


Please bear with this mistake. Thank you for the

devotee who corrected the same.


namaH shivAya

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> thirunAvukkararcar thEvAram

> thalam thirukkaRkuDi

> thiruththANDakam

> ARAm thirumuRai


> thirucciRRambalam


> maNNathanil ain^thaimA n^Iril n^Angai

> vayaN^geriyil mUnRaimA rudhaththu iraNDai

> viNNathanil onRai virika thiraith

> thaNmathiyaith thArakaikaL thammin mikka

> eNNathanil ezuththaiyE zicaiyaik kAman

> ezilaziya eriyumizn^tha imaiyA n^eRRik

> kaNNavanaik kaRkuDiyil vizumi yAnaik

> kaRpakaththaik kaNNArak kaNDEn n^AnE.


> thirucciRRambalam


> Meaning:

> Five in earth; Four in great water;

> Three in encompassing fire; Two in air;

> One in sky; Widening Ray; Cool Moon;

> The Script of the number that is greater than the

> (count of) stars;

> The Music of seven svaras;

> One with the unblinking eye in the forehead

> that spat fire ruining the charm of cupid;

> The Supreme of thirukkaRkuDi;

> One Who is kaRpakam, Him, I saw to the feast of



> Notes:

> 1. Earth has five qualities - light, sound,

> tangibility, taste, smell.

> water four - light, sound, tangibility, taste.

> fire three - light, sound, tangibility.

> air two - light, sound.

> sky one - light.

> These are called panca tanmatras in philosophy.






Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org







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