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LalithA SahasranAma [322] kAmakalArUpA

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KAmakalArUpA: In the form of KAmakalA


There are three bindus and the hArdakalA; in these, the first bindu

is called kAmA and last KalA. According to the rule of PratyAhAra,

KAmakAla includes all four. The real nature of that [KAmakalA] is

set forth in the KAmakalAvilAsa, from the verse beginning, "The

ParAsakti is in the form of the sprout, expanding out of the union

of Siva and Sakti." till the verse "KAma [means] desirableness and

the KalA the same. The two bindus [in the middle] represent the sun

and the moon."


Or kAma both Siva and Devi, and kalA manifestation. This is

explained in the TripurAsiddhAnta :"O Parvati, kalA is the

manifestation of KAmesvara and KAmesvari, hence she is known as



Or, she is the manifestation [KalA] of desire [kAma. The KAlikA Pr,

explains Devi alone is indicated by the word kAma. "Devi is called

KAma because she came to the secret place in the blue peak of the

great mountain [KailAsa] along with me for the sake of desire[kAma];

thus Devi is called KAmA. As She is also fulfilling desire,

desiring, desirable, beautiful, restoring the body of KAma

[Manmatha] and destroying the body of KAma, hence she is called






BhAskararAya's Commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry

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"KAma-KalArUpA [means] 'of the form of KAma-KalA.' KAma-KalA is the

word Aham, which symbolizes the Universe of words formed by letters

between A and Ha [in the Sanskrit syllabary, this is the equvalent

of 'A to Z' in English, or 'Alpha to Omega' in Greek - DB]. Aham is

the Universal Self residing in everybody [that is, each apparent

individual] as the 'I' notion. KAma-KalA also means the Kama-KalA,

EkAksarI-Mantra. It also means Kala, i.e., 'the desire of KAma,'

i.e. Siva, meaning IcchA-Sakti."


- Dr. C. Suryanarayana Murthy, 1962 Commentary




, "NMadasamy" <nmadasamy@s...>



> KAmakalArUpA: In the form of KAmakalA


> There are three bindus and the hArdakalA; in these, the first


> is called kAmA and last KalA. According to the rule of


> KAmakAla includes all four. The real nature of that [KAmakalA] is

> set forth in the KAmakalAvilAsa, from the verse beginning, "The

> ParAsakti is in the form of the sprout, expanding out of the union

> of Siva and Sakti." till the verse "KAma [means] desirableness and

> the KalA the same. The two bindus [in the middle] represent the


> and the moon."


> Or kAma both Siva and Devi, and kalA manifestation. This is

> explained in the TripurAsiddhAnta :"O Parvati, kalA is the

> manifestation of KAmesvara and KAmesvari, hence she is known as

> KAmakalA"


> Or, she is the manifestation [KalA] of desire [kAma. The KAlikA


> explains Devi alone is indicated by the word kAma. "Devi is called

> KAma because she came to the secret place in the blue peak of the

> great mountain [KailAsa] along with me for the sake of desire


> thus Devi is called KAmA. As She is also fulfilling desire,

> desiring, desirable, beautiful, restoring the body of KAma

> [Manmatha] and destroying the body of KAma, hence she is called

> KAma."





> BhAskararAya's Commentary

> Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry

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