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Tirumurai Series-583

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cundharar thiruppATTu

thalam thiruppukkoLiyUr avinAci

paN kuRinyci

EzAm thirumuRai




uraippAr urai ukan^thu uLgavallAr thaN^kaL ucciyAy

araikkADu aravA Athiyum an^thamum AyinAy

puraikkADu cOlaip pukkoLiyUr avinAciyE

karaikkAl muthalaiyaip piLLai tharaccollu kAlanaiyE.





Oh the One on the crown of those who get to

passionately think

enjoying the words of those who say! oh the One with

the snake

for the waist! You became the beginning and end! Oh


at thiruppukkoLiyUr having old forests and gardens!

Ask the kAla

to make crocodile give the child on the shore.



1. The great song that was sung to bring back to life


young boy who was eaten away years before by a


The details could be found at


2. avinAci is the name of God. thiruppukkoLiyUr is the


of the town.

3. purai - old; karaikkAl - on the shore.




Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org








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