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'Tirumurai Series-597"

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cundharar thiruppATTu

thalam thirukkOlakkA

paN thakkEci

EzAm thirumuRai




n^ALum innicaiyAl thamiz parappum

nyAnacamban^dhanukku ulagavar mun

thALam In^thu avan pADalukku iraN^gum

thanmaiyALanai en manak karuththai

ALum bUdhaN^gaL pADa n^inRADum

aN^gaNan thanai eNgaNam iRainycum

kOLilip peruN^kOyil uLLAnaik

kOlakkAviniR kaNDukoNDEnE.





For thirunyAnacambandhar, who spreads thamiz

through nice music everyday, giving cymbals in

front of the world, One Who showers mercy for

his songs, the Conception of my mind, the beautiful

eyed Lord Who dances as the ruling bUthas sing,

One in the grand abode of thirukkOLili saluted by

the eight gaNas, Him, I got to see at thirukkOlakkA.



1. cundharar remembers the God giving cymbals

to cambandhar at thirukkOlakkA. cambandhar had

sung "maDaiyil vALai" at this place and got the

music instrument.




Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

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