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Psychic Tubes

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Dear Shakta Janas,


Psychic Tubes


It is said that when man first killed a kinsman, great strength came into the

nerve system of the animal body of all upon this planet. Normal seasonal cycles

of mating turned into promiscuity. The population increased and is increasing

even now with this intensification of kundalini fire through the sexual nature

of men and women.


Through the ancient traditions of Saivite monasticism, the inner laws of

brahmacharya have been preserved down through the centuries to help guide

humanity through the Kali Yuga. This knowledge records the methods of how to

preserve the vital energy within the body of men and women so that Saivism, the

remembrance of Siva and His crystal clear shakti, can be passed through the

darkness of the Kali Yuga in unbroken continuity.


For only through the power of the tapas of brahmacharya can His shakti be passed

on from one to another until the individual's shakti finally accrues enough

intensity so that the brahmachari becomes as Lord Siva Himself.



It is when fear pervades a country or the planet that the impulses of the animal

nerve system cause desires for mating to intensify for the prolongation of the

species. During intercourse, the astral bodies of the man and woman merge

together, and conception may occur, as a person in the Devaloka gains a body

from the woman to enter this world.


The connection formed between a man and a woman during intercourse makes a

psychic, astral, umbilical-cord-like tube in the lower astral-plane world which

lasts for twelve years or more. Providing no other connection with the same or

other individual occurred in the meantime, the tube would slowly wear away

during the ensuing years. This is provided that, at the same time, sadhana or

tapas is performed and regular pilgrimages and visits to Shakthi temples are



Brahmacharya is holding the power of the Divine within the core of the

individual spine so that, as Godess Rajarajeshwari sends Her power through the

five great winds of the astral body within the physical body, the winds adjust

among themselves and emanate a shakti strong enough to adjust the five great

psychic fluids within everyone around. This power of brahmacharya is accrued and

disseminated through sublimation, then transmutation, of the sexual force.

Transmutation occurs automatically through regular daily sadhana, the rigors of

positive living and adherence to the ceremonial customs of our religion.

Ideally, brahmacharya begins at puberty for virgins and continues on until

marriage. Otherwise, brahmacharya sadhana begins after the last sexual encounter

with a member of the opposite sex has occurred and when a conscious decision is

made to begin the practice of brahmacharya.


While "in the process" of brahmacharya, those who have had sexual encounters

with one or more members of the opposite sex experience times of trial. Great

temptation may occur on the physical plane as the astral matter of the animal

nerve system and systems of fluids and odors that attract the opposite sex store

up in great abundance. This creates a magnetism which attracts those of the

opposite sex. Especially attracted will be those of a similar nature and

deportment as those of past encounters.



Each person is born in a full state of brahmacharya. Upon reaching puberty,

those boys and girls who remain virgins maintain the inherent state of

brahmacharya. They are able to ward off, and may not even notice, many emotional

and sexual temptations that would be troublesome to the nonvirgin. This is

because the psychic shield surrounding the virgin's aura has never been

penetrated. They are the ones "who walk in the rain without getting wet, sit

long in the sun without getting burned." They are the ones for whom reading

about worldly experiences nurtures only their curiosity, whereas had they

established psychic tubular connections with a member of the opposite sex, the

reading would nurture a much deeper sexual desire. It is the virgins performing

brahmacharya sadhana since puberty who can, if they persist, live in "Brahm," or

God consciousness, most of the time, even without performing intense sadhanas.

This is because they have never consciously entered into worldly

consciousness. Instead they look out into it as if through a veil.


Astral Magnetism


The force of kundalini flows as a river through men and women. Sexual

intercourse gives that river an outlet, creates a channel, a psychic-astral tube

between their muladhara chakras. After the first intercourse, awareness is

turned outward into the external world and the man or woman is more vulnerable

to the forces of desire. The ramification of the intellect can now be

experienced more than ever before. If the force is contained within the marriage

covenant, with blessings from the Shakthiloka and Sivaloka, rays similar to the

astral tube established between the couple are established between each of them

through the higher chakras with the Mahadevas and their devas. A holy state of

matrimony has been entered into.



Dancing with Siva, Hinduism's Contemporary Catechism states: "When a young

virgin man and woman marry and share physical intimacy with each other, their

union is very strong and their marriage stable. This is due to the subtle,

psychic forces of the human nerve system. Their psychic forces, or nadis, grow

together, and they form a one body and a one mind.


This is the truest marriage and the strongest, seldom ending in separation or

divorce. Conversely, if the man or woman has had intercourse before the

marriage, the emotional/psychic closeness of the marriage will suffer, and this

in proportion to the extent of promiscuity." The above statements are very

true for twinflames.If the union is a twinflame-union the bond is the strongest.


The higher rays and lower astral-psychic tubes that are created between husband

and wife can contain the forces of desire within them. They also control the

instinctive curiosities of the intellect, allowing its full power to manifest

and create a productive and abundant life for the family which has continuity

and consistency. A life of dharma can be lived.


(Muladhara Chakra,the first chakra)


The release of the sacred seed into the woman during sexual intercourse

establishes, through the first chakra, a connecting psychic astral tube which

can be clearly seen on the astral plane. It is through this psychic tube that

desires, feelings and even telepathic messages can be passed from one to

another. This connecting tube is generally about six inches in diameter.


(Inner image of a man due to promiscuity and recurring sexual thoughts...the

inner aura gets corrupted and the inner causal body becomes like this even if

the outer body is very handsome.)


Nowadays, because of promiscuity, masses of people are connected one to another

in this way. A great bed of astral matter envelops them as they go from one

partner to another. This causes the forces of intense fear to persist. From an

inner perspective, their soul bodies are obscured by this astral matter, and it

is most difficult for those living in the Devaloka to contact anyone on the

Earth plane who is thus involved. Such individuals must fend for themselves,

with little or no protection from the Shakthiloka or the Sivaloka, as do the

animals, who do not have benefit of the intellect to guide their actions.


(Auras penetrating each other when the act of kissing and embracing is done.In

this image the artist has used the golden flame to symbolize consciousness and

spirit. There are two infinity bands of golden flames looping throughthe hearts

and minds of the couple, suggesting the bond ofinfinite love which transcends

the impermanence of the flesh.)



Any two people touching in other ways -- kissing, embracing -- also establishes

a temporary connecting link of astral matter which penetrates their auras and

completely covers their forms. This is sometimes called the great magnetism, for

it appears in the Second World as a psychic mass connecting the two of them as

wide as the length of their bodies. This astral matter is created from the

diverse expulsion of emotional energies, blending their auras together. The

psychic connection is magnetic enough to repeatedly pull them back together or

cause emotional pain if they are separated. But unless the encounter is

repeated, the astral matter will wear away in three or four days, a month at the

most. In this way, touching or caressing someone causes an abundant release of

magnetic force to occur. A person is too long away from his partner (excepting

his twinflame) will see that the aura between them wears down in a matter of few

days even though He/ She is not aware of this. That is why in the case of love "

Familiarity breeds love and distance breeds contempt".


Blessings of Rajarajeshwari devi have paved the way for hundreds of couples to

be more friendly and loving, many to get married and even lovers to get united.

She is the mother who sees all and knows all and knows who loves whom truly and

who is the twinflame of whom. Trust Her and pray hard...do not play hard but

pray hard!


(Idol which emerged out of fire in Nanganallur temple)


Yours yogically,


Para & Babitha

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