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LalithA SahasranAma [397] mUlaprakrtih [part 2]

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This six creations are prAkrta [belong to prakrti].


The vaikrta [belonging to products, mahat etc] creation, comprises

trees, etc whose life-current tends upwards; animals, whose life

current is horizontal; and bUtha, preta, etc whose life-current

tends downwards.


These prAkrta and vaikrta creations, taken together arecalled the

kaumAra creation. The BhAg. Pr. Says, "The first is the creation of

mahat, therein the inequality of the gunas arises. The second is

egoism, therein arise object [dravya], knowledge [jNAna], and action

[kriyA]. The third is the creation of the elements. Therein arise

the subtle elements, having the energies of dravya. The fourth is

the creation of the senses, which consists of knowledge and action.

The fifth is the vaikArika, the creation of the Devas, which

consists of mind. The sixth si the creation of tamas which is the

creation of the all-pervading [mAyA] devoid of knowledge. These six

are called prAkrta creations. Hear from me the vaikrta creation,



Here the creation of tamas called avyakta, is the sixth in the

order, but according to its meaning, it should be taken as first. In

this connection the Vayu and other PurAnas should be consulted.


In these creations beginning with the avyukta creation, the previous

one is the origin of succeeding ones. Brahman alone is the origin of

the avyakta. So, as he is the root of all creations, and as he has

no root, he is the root-matter [mUlaprakrti]. Hence the Sruti [Kath

Up.; III. 10-11] says, "beyond the senses there are the objects..

Beyond the mahat, the avyukta, beyond avyakta there is the Person.

Beyond the Person, there is nothing. This is the goal, and the

Supreme abode."


Or, ma, five ie the five subtle elements and la, three, ie avyakta,

mahat and ahamkAra, therefore mUla, eight, prakrti, causes. The

SamAsa-sutra says, "There are eight prakrtis"




BhAskararAya's Commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry

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