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Amma and Mammon

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Mary Ann <buttercookie61 wrote:

> Now maybe someone other than myself recognizes a

> connection between

> Amma and Deepak Chopra. BTW like anywhere else, it

> is necessary to

> pay attention when shopping. For example, you can

> buy a necklace for

> $5 and receive darshan and have Amma bless it for

> you, or you can

> receive darshan, and then go buy a necklace Amma has

> blessed that

> costs $65 or more. Hel-lo!!! And of course, you do

> not have to buy anything at all.


I gather that the "blessed" jewelry that is sold at

Amma's darshans was WORN by her during Devi Bhava. So

you have not only a blessing, but the vibrations of

her body, her DNA, and the Shakti of Devi imbuing the

jewelry... purportedly. :-)


My friend Karen always buys an expensive piece of

Amma's Devi Bhava jewelry when she goes for darshan,

and always is thrilled with the "vibes" it gives. May

she always have enough money to indulge this

obession... and may it be put to good use by Amma.



> Nora's post also brings to mind Jesus overturning

> the tables in the

> temple, angry that greed was trading on his father's

> name. I don't

> know what was being sold there and then, for what

> purpose; I'm not

> sure that was ever specified.



Money-lenders, no?


When Christianity became the predominant religion of

Europe, Jews were often forbidden to work as farmers,

and could not get positions with the crafts guilds.

They were often forced into becoming money-lenders to

Christians, because Christians were forbidden this

form of income. (And that's where the rumors that

Jews are all rich comes from!)


-- Len/ Kalipadma








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