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Worshiping the planets (for health problems?)

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This post wasn't addressed to me, but I could use some

advice, myself.


I have extensive psoriasis (skin irritation), and

related arthritis deterioration of left hip, fingers,

and neck. I've tried change of diet, ultra violet

treatments. What can you suggest?


-- Len/ Kalipadma



--- Dev Maharaj <dev_maharaj wrote:

> Namaskaar

> Please indicate what your health problems are and I

> may be able to recommend some help for you or at

> least point you to some


> Dhanyavaada


> Pandit Devindra Maharaj




> --- vikram vanam <vikram_vanam2005 wrote:


> > Dear Dev

> >

> > I entered into spirituality path since I had lot

> of

> > problems....

> >

> > I pray and still do so today to the divine mother,

> > its her will and wish to see how I go thru the

> > entire expereince

> >

> > I was interested in spirituality from my child

> hood

> > days, I cant give any valid answer for why i was

> > interested, it appealed to my heart reading from

> > lofty words of holy men

> >









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well I am told Psoriasis is the result of Rahu dosha. IF that is so, the remedy

is to pray to Rahu and burn a small pinch of pure turmeric powder in the house

during sun set time and to ket the smoke permeat the place u spend most time in.

Mind you a VERY small pinch in an inscence burner may be very good.


Rahu's navagrahastotra mantra is


ardhakAyam mahaavIryaM chandrAditya vimardanam

simhikA garbha sambhootam tam raahum pranamAmyahaM.


Astrological treatises also say

"rAho shanivat" ==> rAhu is like Shani in effect.



Len Rosenberg <kalipadma108 wrote:


This post wasn't addressed to me, but I could use some

advice, myself.


I have extensive psoriasis (skin irritation), and

related arthritis deterioration of left hip, fingers,

and neck. I've tried change of diet, ultra violet

treatments. What can you suggest?


-- Len/ Kalipadma



--- Dev Maharaj <dev_maharaj wrote:

> Namaskaar

> Please indicate what your health problems are and I

> may be able to recommend some help for you or at

> least point you to some


> Dhanyavaada


> Pandit Devindra Maharaj




> --- vikram vanam <vikram_vanam2005 wrote:


> > Dear Dev

> >

> > I entered into spirituality path since I had lot

> of

> > problems....

> >

> > I pray and still do so today to the divine mother,

> > its her will and wish to see how I go thru the

> > entire expereince

> >

> > I was interested in spirituality from my child

> hood

> > days, I cant give any valid answer for why i was

> > interested, it appealed to my heart reading from

> > lofty words of holy men

> >









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Namaskaar Leonard (like a lion)


Ok there are several things you may wish to do

Healing your condition requires several things to be

tried, as I am not physically with you I can only

guess on what might work. You have to help a little

here by reporting on your progress

positively/negatively or no change and be willing to

try all until you find what works, ok.


Ayurvedic methods of healing deals with treating the

cause and not merely the symptoms as in allopathic

medicine. The objectives to be met are


1) To heal your condition, at the least possible cost

2) To do so with minimal side effects using mostly

natural methods / materials

3) create a sutainable regimen for managing your

disease until cured.


So we will begin at the beginning


Categories of pertinent factors that may cause your

diseases are


1) Environmental - Atmospheric Pollutants,

- negative energies in the



2) Personal - Hygiene - infrequent or over bathing


some types of soaps may act as a


If possible get a sandalwood and


soap. (This works wonders on your skin)

- Diet (malnutrition-in the sense of bad

eating habits, wrong foods,

inadequacies of right nutrients)

- Habits - Smoking, excessive alcohol


- Excessive toxicity in your body

(liver, skin and blood)

- Deterioration from lack of proper

exercise and self care


3) Mental - Negative subconscious programs / thought


forms that create the disease


3) Spiritual - Karmic - Consequence of ones sins

- Astrologically induced

- Astral/Energy blockages in your

chakras,nadis and/or misalignment of

your koshas.



You should be aware that in order to heal properly you

will be required to :

1) make changes to your existing circumstances (in


or all of the above catergories to create lasting


2) Understand that sometimes your condition may get

worse before the body begins to truely heal.






Arthritis is a degenerative bone disease for which

there is no known cure at present - at least not to

me. Hence this is one that has to be managed



I would like you to do the following

Get up each morning just before dawn at about 4-5 a.m

before any traffic is present and perform these two



Firstly as much as you can tense all of your muscles,

then stretch as far as you can your legs, arms and

back. This not only improves circulation but it also

opens up your energy channels which promotes healing.


Abdominal Exercise

Leaning forward with hands on knees and feet apart,

breathe out. Contract abdominal muscles pulling them

up and inside, rotate muscles right to left as fast as

is possible (increase the speed as you gain

proficiency), breathe in after rotation and repeat up

to 10 times. This stimulates the nervous system and

reduces disorders caused by mucus.


Breathing Exercise

Scrape tongue clean, and stick out in fresh air for a

few minutes then breathe in and out quickly and

evenly, stop when strain is felt. This destroys

diseases caused by phlegm.


Then drink approximately 4-5 glasses of water (Room

temperature - not too warm, not too cold. initially

you may have a slightly nauseous feeling but this will

pass after a few days.


Wait until after you urinate and take 1 calcium tablet

as well as 1 magnesium tablet.


If you can get coconut oil (sesame will do also) warm

about 3-4 tablespoons and add a half teaspoon cayenne

pepper. Gently massage the areas of your hip and

fingers in a circular downward motion only after

bathing in warm water.


This will do to start the process, I will look up

alternatives for you to try if this is not helping.


Psoriasis is a skin condition that is generally caused

by impurities in the liver and blood which in turn

affects the skin.


To treat this I would like you to do the following


Things to limit/avoid

1) If you smoke - reduce this as much as you can

2) If you drink - avoid alcohol, this really


the condition.

3) If you eat meat - limit quantity and quality of


Red meat (beef and pork) significantly lowers your

bodily vibration which in turn inhibits your


healing and fills you with toxins galore ! None

would be ideal.

4) Limit your sugar intake, don't use the artifical

stuff either, if possible use honey as a sweetner.

5) avoid fried/oily foods


Things to do

Take 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder ( if you can get

the root even better), boil a small cup of water and

let the turmeric draw like a tea. Drink 1-2 cups per

day for 7 days, stop for 3 days and then begin the

cycle again. ( if you notice increased stomach

acidity, reduce the quantitiy to 1 cup only.

Turmeric is an antioxidant with both antiseptic and

antibiotic properties, this should work wonders in

clearing up your skin and liver toxicity.


If you can get bitter neem leaves, take six fresh

leaves and chew it up quickly - do this for 5 days

only. ( note a neem branch has about 9 pairs of leaves

use only 3 pairs at the tip- if you suffer from high

blood pressure stop this if you feel any mal effects

such as headaches. You will also notice a drop in your

libido- this is temporary and everything will be

normal after a few days.) Prolonged use of large

amounts of neem is known to raise your blood pressure

and reduce your sperm count. This cleans your colon

which is essential to getting you to absorb nutrients

properly as well as ridding yourself of excess toxins

which can cause skin problems.


If you can get saffron - mix about 100 mg in some warm

milk and drink before going to sleep, this purifies

the blood.


EAT lots of green leafy vegetables such as spinach,

lettuce and Bak choi (Chinese spinach). Before eating

all vegetables soak the vegetable in warm water for 5

minutes, this has the effect of diluting pesticides

which was sprayed on the vegetable. It should also

reduce skin irritation if this is a factor.


Drink lots of natural fruit juices ( not with too much

acidity though, this may negatively affect your skin)

Recommended juices are orange, lime, watermelon, fruit



Weekly Bath - until Psoriasis disappears

Get the following

10 pounds of Salt, 1 pound of turmeric powder and 4



Get up early in the morning remove your bedsheets,

spread some newspaper on your bed and evenly

spread about four pounds of salt on the newspaper.

leave this for the full day. In the evening, remove

both salt and newspaper and spread fresh bedsheets. Do

not touch the salt with your hands. Dump the salt in

the toilet, flush and rinse before using the toilet.

This will remove negative enregy from your bed.


Then Mix the one pound of turmeric with water until it

becomes a thick spreadable paste, apply this from the

crown of your head going down to your toes (in a

downward motion only). Apply extra amounts to your

chakra points. Leave this on your body for about 30-45

minutes until it dries. Rinse off the paste

This removes excessive toxins from your skin


Then mix four pounds of salt with water until it

becomes a thick spreadable paste, apply this from the

crown of your head going down to your toes (in a

downward motion only). Apply extra amounts to your

chakra points. Leave this on your body for about 10-15

minutes. Rub your body in a downward motion only.

Rinse off the paste. This removes superficial negative

energy from your aura, also because salt is an

electrolyte it

sparks up your energy fields which aids in healing.


Cut the four limes and use the halves to rub your

body in a downward motion only. This will remove extra

yellowness from the Turmeric. Be careful to wash

crevices in your body carefully such as underarms as

when you sweat this may further irritate your skin.


Now you should feel a sense of lightness ( this is

because the negative energy/toxins have been reduced.

go to sleep, avoid sleeping next to anyone if


If you are married it would be recommended to double

the quantities suggested and have your spouse do the

same as impurities from her aura will be passed on to

you when you sleep together !



“Aum Gange cha Yamune chaiva Godaavari, Sarasvati,

Narmade, Sindhu, Kaaveri Jalesmin Sannidhim Kuru”

While reciting look at the sun ( if it is not there

visualize it) and visualize the rays of yellow, white,

red, blue, green, purple and gold entering the water

from the sun. Mantra is intended for purification and

energizing of water.


Ok this is what I normally recommend to most people

and it seems to work quiet well in similar cases,


trying it, record your progress and report.


Just for legal purposes everything that I have

recommended to you is at your request, and is free of

charge. You do all of the above on your own volition

and with no direct or indirect consequences to me.


If you feel relief and wish to thank me. Then find

needy persons and hungry animals and help them just as

you have been helped in the name of MA Kali.



Pandit Devindra Maharaj



--- sankara menon <kochu1tz wrote:

> well I am told Psoriasis is the result of Rahu

> dosha. IF that is so, the remedy is to pray to Rahu

> and burn a small pinch of pure turmeric powder in

> the house during sun set time and to ket the smoke

> permeat the place u spend most time in. Mind you a

> VERY small pinch in an inscence burner may be very

> good.


> Rahu's navagrahastotra mantra is


> ardhakAyam mahaavIryaM chandrAditya vimardanam

> simhikA garbha sambhootam tam raahum pranamAmyahaM.


> Astrological treatises also say

> "rAho shanivat" ==> rAhu is like Shani in effect.



> Len Rosenberg <kalipadma108 wrote:


> This post wasn't addressed to me, but I could use

> some

> advice, myself.


> I have extensive psoriasis (skin irritation), and

> related arthritis deterioration of left hip,

> fingers,

> and neck. I've tried change of diet, ultra violet

> treatments. What can you suggest?


> -- Len/ Kalipadma



> --- Dev Maharaj <dev_maharaj wrote:


> > Namaskaar

> > Please indicate what your health problems are and

> I

> > may be able to recommend some help for you or at

> > least point you to some

> >

> > Dhanyavaada

> >

> > Pandit Devindra Maharaj

> >

> >

> >

> > --- vikram vanam <vikram_vanam2005

> wrote:

> >

> > > Dear Dev

> > >

> > > I entered into spirituality path since I had lot

> > of

> > > problems....

> > >

> > > I pray and still do so today to the divine

> mother,

> > > its her will and wish to see how I go thru the

> > > entire expereince

> > >

> > > I was interested in spirituality from my child

> > hood

> > > days, I cant give any valid answer for why i was

> > > interested, it appealed to my heart reading from

> > > lofty words of holy men

> > >

> >

> >

> >





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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]









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Typical! My birthstar is Svati (ruled by Rahu).


Several years ago, I was undergoing a negative aspect

from Rahu. I did some research, and the remedy was to

offer a coconut just after sunset into a flowing



I searched my neighborhood with my friend Alexei, but

could not find a place selling coconuts. As dusk

approached, I said, "This is the Kali Yuga, damn it!"

and bought a Mounds coconut candy bar. We stood on a

bridge over a stream in Inwood Hill Park, I broke the

candy bar into four pieces (four is Rahu's number),

and began chanting his mantra. My eyes were closed,

Alexei gave a shout, and I gently threw the coconut

candy into the stream.


"Why did you shout?" I asked Alexei.


He insisted that, while I was chanting, a large owl

flew out of the forest in the park, and swooped over

my head, low enough that he was afraid it would graize

my scalp!


"Well, I guess Rahu accepted my offering," I said.

(Are owls ruled by Rahu?)


I will try offering turmeric at sunset, Kochu. But

I'm closing my windows, first -- I don't need any owls

swooping around my apartment.


(I'm reading the Harry Potter books lately. Having

one's mail delivered by owls may be more efficient

than the Post Office!)


-- Len/ Kalipadma




--- sankara menon <kochu1tz wrote:

> well I am told Psoriasis is the result of Rahu

> dosha. IF that is so, the remedy is to pray to Rahu

> and burn a small pinch of pure turmeric powder in

> the house during sun set time and to ket the smoke

> permeat the place u spend most time in. Mind you a

> VERY small pinch in an inscence burner may be very

> good.


> Rahu's navagrahastotra mantra is


> ardhakAyam mahaavIryaM chandrAditya vimardanam

> simhikA garbha sambhootam tam raahum pranamAmyahaM.


> Astrological treatises also say

> "rAho shanivat" ==> rAhu is like Shani in effect.







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yes one must close windows so that teh smoke will remain in and you inhale it.

But please, only a teeny weeny pinch OK? otherwise the smell would be over



Len Rosenberg <kalipadma108 wrote:

Typical! My birthstar is Svati (ruled by Rahu).


Several years ago, I was undergoing a negative aspect

from Rahu. I did some research, and the remedy was to

offer a coconut just after sunset into a flowing



I searched my neighborhood with my friend Alexei, but

could not find a place selling coconuts. As dusk

approached, I said, "This is the Kali Yuga, damn it!"

and bought a Mounds coconut candy bar. We stood on a

bridge over a stream in Inwood Hill Park, I broke the

candy bar into four pieces (four is Rahu's number),

and began chanting his mantra. My eyes were closed,

Alexei gave a shout, and I gently threw the coconut

candy into the stream.


"Why did you shout?" I asked Alexei.


He insisted that, while I was chanting, a large owl

flew out of the forest in the park, and swooped over

my head, low enough that he was afraid it would graize

my scalp!


"Well, I guess Rahu accepted my offering," I said.

(Are owls ruled by Rahu?)


I will try offering turmeric at sunset, Kochu. But

I'm closing my windows, first -- I don't need any owls

swooping around my apartment.


(I'm reading the Harry Potter books lately. Having

one's mail delivered by owls may be more efficient

than the Post Office!)


-- Len/ Kalipadma




--- sankara menon <kochu1tz wrote:

> well I am told Psoriasis is the result of Rahu

> dosha. IF that is so, the remedy is to pray to Rahu

> and burn a small pinch of pure turmeric powder in

> the house during sun set time and to ket the smoke

> permeat the place u spend most time in. Mind you a

> VERY small pinch in an inscence burner may be very

> good.


> Rahu's navagrahastotra mantra is


> ardhakAyam mahaavIryaM chandrAditya vimardanam

> simhikA garbha sambhootam tam raahum pranamAmyahaM.


> Astrological treatises also say

> "rAho shanivat" ==> rAhu is like Shani in effect.







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