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Welcomingthe Solar Feminine Energy To Earth

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I find this truly beautiful, and since everyone is talking about

worshipping the planets, it seems somewhat appropriate.


(( Also interesting is http://www.solarhealing.com ))



Welcoming the Solar Feminine Energy to Earth

An Aspect of the Divine Feminine

by Celia Fenn




Spanish/Espanol German/Deutsch French/Francais Hungarian

Dutch/Nederlands Italian/Italiano


Quan Yin, the Compassionate Expression of the Divine Feminine brings

forth this information and has asked me to share it with you at this



The Lion's Gate or Sirius stargate of 2005 has brought through

powerful new energies to the Planet. In the months that come, you

will see the shifts and changes as you experience the full effects of

the new harmonics or vibrational tones. The most powerful of these

energies is an aspect of the Divine Feminine, the beautiful and

potent Orange-Pink Ray. When the Goddess Matrix was grounded and

activated on the Planet in Hawaii in March, the way was opened for

the Earth to once again receive the full and powerful transmissions

of the Divine Feminine energy that emanate from the Galactic Center

or Great Central Sun. These transmissions are amplified through the

Sirius field, as Sirius functions as a Second Sun for Planet Earth.

So, when Planet Earth aligns with the annual Sirius Stargate, these

powerful energies are received and transmitted into the Earth's Grid



For many thousands of years, the Earth has not been receiving the

full transmissions of the Divine Feminine energy. The Grid system on

Earth was manipulated to exclude the Divine Feminine energy in its

full power, and the Goddess energy left the planet, except for some

places where the echoes continued. However, with the Ascension

process, the return of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine has been a

key factor in the rebalancing of the energy on the planet.


The new Grid that was laid down in March, called the Paradise Grid or

the Goddess Grid, will facilitate the full transmission of the Divine

Feminine energy into the Earth's new Fifth Dimensional Crystal Grid

system. This important channel for the Goddess energy was supervised

and overseen by the Goddesses. Firstly, Quan Yin, who is responsible

for maintaining the Feminine Energy on the Planet, assisted by Ma'at,

who is responsible for maintaining the Cosmic Balance on a Galactic,

Planetary and Individual level. The Great Mother, Isis, was also

present at the "birth" of the new Grid, which was also a "marriage"

of the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine on the Planet.

Balance was being achieved, as was symbolized by this marriage of the

Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine principle on Earth. This

key moment opened the way for soulmate partnerships between Earth

beings that would function as perfect and balanced unions of the

Divine Male and Female principles.


Also present was Pele, the great Fire Goddess of Hawaii, whose

special function was to anchor the Goddess Grid into the Earth at

Hawaii, and then ensure that it was transmitted out to the rest of

the Planet. This duly happened in April and May. This process of

ensuring that the Goddess grid was anchored into the Planetary Grid

was overseen also by the Taras. White Tara working with humans to

align their energy to the levels of sensitivity and clarity required

to hold the Grid, and Green Tara, bringing back into the minds and

hearts of humans who were ready a sense of stewardship and caring for

the Planet that is a function of a Ninth Dimensional Human



And so, the stage was set for the arrival of the powerful Orange-Pink

Ray through the Sirius Stargate in late July and early August of




What is the Solar Feminine Energy

This may be difficult to understand, since this energy has been

absent from the planet for so long, and only lingers on in the

memories of those who recall the Great Fire Goddesses and their power

and creativity. Pele is one of the original Fire Godesses and an

embodiment of the Solar Feminine, as are Sekmet the Egyptian Lioness

Goddess, Amaterasu the Japanese Creation Goddess, and Brigit, the

Celtic Keeper of the Sacred Flame.

When the Earth Grid was manipulated to exclude the Solar Feminine,

humans forgot that women could Powerful Creators. Their creative

functions were limited to childbirth, and the Lunar Goddesses became

the "mothers" and the keepers of the Feminine Energy on Earth. As a

result, in the dualistic and rational belief systems that took hold

on Earth, humans were conditioned to define the masculine and the

feminine as oppositional, and to assign solar energy to the male and

lunar energy to the female. But the ancients knew better, and their

pantheons included Solar Goddesses and Lunar Gods.


And so, at this time, humanity is once again recognizing the Solar

Feminine energy and the Lunar Male energy.


To embody the Solar Feminine Energy is to be strong, passionate,

creative and energetic.It is a Creative energy, and belongs to

artists, writers, musicians, and dancers. (The Solar Masculine, by

contrast, channels this energy into the mental sphere and produces

philosophers, scientists, politicians and business people). The Lunar

Feminine energy is gentle, receptive, nurturing and meditative, it is

the energy of the Archetypal Mother manifested in nurses, teachers

and caregivers. The Lunar Male energy is also gentle, meditative,

nurturing and caring, and people who run this energy enjoy

professions where they can care for people or support people whether

in business or in professions such as doctors, physiotherapists, or

even lawyers.


To be a woman and to embody the Solar Feminine energy has been very

difficult. Women have conditioned to identify with the Lunar Feminine

energy, and those who express their Solar energy have often had to go

the route of the Solar Masculine, which sets up Inner Conflicts

between a Solar Masculine outer life and a Lunar Feminine model that

seems not to "work" or "fit" who they are. With the grounding of the

Solar Feminine Energy the Archetypal model of the Fire Goddess and

her intense but Feminine Power and Creativity will once again be

available to women. There are going to be a lot of women on the

Planet who are going to start feeling a lot more comfortable with who

and what they are at this time. And a lot of men who will have a

better understanding of what their partners and female friends are



But also, being able to move an understanding of the Masculine and

Feminine energies beyond dualism and into complexity, will break the

patterns of dualistic thinking and the judgments that so often go

with them. People may choose to embody one of the energies, or all of

them at different times. Humans will no longer be trapped

in "either"/"or" scenarios, but can exercise freedom and choice to

express whatever aspects of their being appeals most to them at that

time in their lives. It is a choice of aligning with a harmonic and a

tone that most suits your sense of who you are. And the return of the

SolarFeminine will certainly be the enabler for this new freedom and




Powering the Solar Feminine : The Orange-Pink Ray

The Harmonic Tone or Color Energy that is powering the return of the

Solar Feminine a this time is the Orange-Pink Ray or vibration. This

energy unlocks and activates the Heart Chakra and the Sacral Chakra.

That is why so many people have experienced intense cleansing on the

emotional and feeling levels with the arrival of the Lion's gate

energies this year.

The cleansing has been a fiery transformation and a "clean out" of

all the negative and destructive ways in which the solar energy has

been used since the Solar Feminine was excluded from the Earth. This

includes the use of sacred "fire" for warfare, and especially nuclear

warfare. It is no coincidence that the topic of Nuclear War has once

again emerged into Human Consciousness at this time.


Other issues that have been raised by the powerful cleansing ray are

related to sexuality and abundance, or relationships and money! All

these past life and present life issues are coming into consciousness

now to be released from the Earth's Matrix Grids so that the Solar

Feminine may once again bring the balance that is needed to the



If they were not released at this time, humans would continue to play

out these dramas and would miss out on the benefits of the harmonics

of the Orange-Pink ray and others that resonate with the Solar

Feminine energy. So the intense discomfort that so many of you are

experiencing at this time is so that you can be clear channels for

the Divine Feminine energy in its full expression. Well worth the



When these old energies are released and cleared, then the Divine

Feminine energy can flow clearly through the Heart and Sacral

chakras. The Heart activation produces energies of Unconditional Love

and Harmony. The activation of the clear Sacral Chakra produces

Creativity, Passion, Sexuality and Abundance! And I think most of you

are thinking, about time too!


This is the time to move forward and enjoy the warm and wonderful

energy of the Fire Goddesses as expressed through the Orange-Pink





image by Infinityky/Vicky Mansvelt


Quan Yin also directed me to share with you this information on the

Orange-Pink Ray that was channeled in the 1990s by Vywamus through

Janet McClure. The information is found in "Prelude to Ascension :

Tools for Transformation" published by Light Technology Publishing.


Vywamus calls the Orange-Pink Ray the "Eleventh Ray":


"Because the tenth ray has paved the way for it, we call Ray Eleven a

bridge to the New Age or to the next level. But it already is, in a

very special sense, the next level. When you work with this ray

you've unlocked something very important.......As this ray begins to

come in, we see many people seeking their higher purposes. The color,

an orange-pink, seems to me important. It gets you in touch with

divine love expanded by divine wisdom. The eleventh ray color

combination contains the source light, which we equate with love

(although it isn't pink), and also the second ray, fifth ray and some

first ray. These are the kinds of rays of which it is composed. It is

very special because it is a bridge to a whole new era in human

living here on earth. The first makes it very penetrating. It is

softened then by the second, and again made more penetrating by the

fifth. What does it need to penetrate at that level? It is the

remnant -remover, we could say. As the new opportunity comes closer

and that final cleansing approaches, the final removal of the former

remnants will be cleared out.


Does that say something about the times that are coming......If it is

not balanced by humanity, the first ray destructive mode could

be "interesting". In clearing out the remnants there might be war,

catastrophe. It can be used that way, but it doesn't have to be. If

you balance it with the penetrating quality, which sees beyond the

necessity for destruction, for clearing out, and you add some divine

love to it, then it can be used without the destructive connotation.

There does not have to be destruction if the energy is used in the

highest and most appropriate manner. The opportunity will be there to

use the energy as humanity chooses - that's always true, isn't it? It

is a penetrating ray that clears out the remnants. You can look at

the situation if it is within self and see what is still there, the

remnants of what you've had. Or, if it is Earth, then humanity in

general can look at the remnants of what needs to be let go of and

can move Earth into a final clearing.


But the Eleventh Ray - I like the bridging connotation, and I like

the choice that it gives. And that's important. It says to me that

the Source really does allow us free will - that we may choose how we

transcend or transmute from one level to another. The choice is

there. (pp184-185).

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The Germanic peoples (including Pagan Anglo-Saxons!)

saw the Sun as female (goddess Sunna), and the Moon as

male (god Mani). I'm pretty certain that there were

other peoples with female Sun deities. It's

over-simplistic to say that because the Sun is seen as

male in many cultures, women were kept from creative



-- Len/ Kalipadma



--- SophiasRealm <SophiasDream wrote:

> I find this truly beautiful, and since everyone is

> talking about

> worshipping the planets, it seems somewhat

> appropriate.



> Quan Yin, the Compassionate Expression of the Divine

> Feminine brings

> forth this information and has asked me to share it

> with you at this

> time.



> Pele is one of the original Fire

> Godesses and an

> embodiment of the Solar Feminine, as are Sekmet the

> Egyptian Lioness

> Goddess, Amaterasu the Japanese Creation Goddess,

> and Brigit, the

> Celtic Keeper of the Sacred Flame.








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I suppose there is truth to what you say. Still and all, I have been

far and wide on the internet and sampled all sorts of alternative

spirituality groups, and have only found many MoonWorshipping

Wiccans. No Sun. But there is one group I saw where the Sun was

honored as Divine She.


I know the Japanese have their great Feminine Deity Amaterasu, the

Great Heaven Shining She.


Still. I felt very happy to see this article cuz I relate to the Sun

as a Feminine Deity though I know others relate to Her as the

masculine side, and since I am a woman, and I am a sungazer, this

means something to me.


But, I do feel the Feminine and Masculine energies have been out of

balance, and in our modern day, by and large, most people are aware

of the Sun as a masculine force and not a feminine force. The vast

majority of people.


And I do feel in the area of masculine and feminine forces, there is

imbalance and a need for balance.


To me this article is very meaningful.


Blessings from the Solar Feminine Force,


, Len Rosenberg

<kalipadma108> wrote:


> The Germanic peoples (including Pagan Anglo-Saxons!)

> saw the Sun as female (goddess Sunna), and the Moon as

> male (god Mani). I'm pretty certain that there were

> other peoples with female Sun deities. It's

> over-simplistic to say that because the Sun is seen as

> male in many cultures, women were kept from creative

> persuits.


> -- Len/ Kalipadma



> --- SophiasRealm <SophiasDream@a...> wrote:


> > I find this truly beautiful, and since everyone is

> > talking about

> > worshipping the planets, it seems somewhat

> > appropriate.

> >

> <snip>

> > Quan Yin, the Compassionate Expression of the Divine

> > Feminine brings

> > forth this information and has asked me to share it

> > with you at this

> > time.

> >

> <snip>

> > Pele is one of the original Fire

> > Godesses and an

> > embodiment of the Solar Feminine, as are Sekmet the

> > Egyptian Lioness

> > Goddess, Amaterasu the Japanese Creation Goddess,

> > and Brigit, the

> > Celtic Keeper of the Sacred Flame.








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> I have been far and wide on the internet and sampled all sorts of

>alternative spirituality groups, and have only found many

>MoonWorshipping Wiccans. No Sun.


As was mentioned, Asatru and other Germanic pagan groups revere the

sun as female, and so do the Lithuanians, as Saule. Her Celtic

counterpart was Sul, commemorated in an inscription at Bath England

to Aquae Sulis (the waters of Sul, remember these are hot springs).

These names are cognate with Indian Surya btw. Across much of Eurasia

the sun was female and moon male, all the way to Japan (Amaterasu,

the greatest of the kami).


Patricia Monaghan has written a book to reclaim the many solar

goddesses, O Mother Sun, which you can find online.




Max Dashu

Suppressed Histories Archives

Global Women's History




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I have read about the Sun Goddesses. There are books on Shakti, so why

does this group exist when everyone can just go read the book.


I don't need to read the book cuz I now about them and have read about them

and just cuz somebody writes a book doesn't mean everyone has read the book,

or even those who read the book, that it has made a lasting impression on



Are you suggesting because there is a book on Sun Goddesses there is no need

to rebirth the Solar Feminine? That's an overly simplistic view of



Trends are trends and one book does not make a cultural trend, but it can be

like a drop in a pond and the ripples can spread outward in widening

circles. Maybe her book was the drop in the pond that trigger this other

stuff and

that is a good thing. It does not mean cuz somebody wrote a book therefor

that makes this other woman's article somehow invalid.


How many books have been written on Shakit, or Kali. Does everyone worship

Her? Is it possible to widen the influence. MOST people in the world have

never heard of Shakti, and even though people in India know Her, it is still

possible to rebirth Her for the MASSES who do not.


I do not have a need for a book on the Sun Goddesses cuz I have read on the

Sun Goddesses and am familiar with them. The article names some of them. I

have named some of them myself.


People will try to trivialize what is threatening to them. Who cares about

what is written in the book. A Goddess is a living force and people can

pick up a book and read it and set it back down again and not be changed much


all. The words can go through the mind and the mind can set the ideas

aside. A book is not the same as a cultural rebirth of an idea. It may play

it's own part. But a book is a book. Show me a live person who is living

from the ideas and ideals in the book. Show me a group of people who have

internalized a Feeling for and a Love of the Principals in the book. Then let

that group who love the ideas, go out into the world and those will create the

movement. The book is just the pebble in the pond.


I didn't ask for advice on Sun Goddesses. I shared an article. I have no

desire for the book. I have the real Sun. I gaze at the Sun every morning

for 39 min i gazed at the sun this morning. I do not need the book.


Thank you,


a message dated 8/26/2005 5:25:21 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time,

maxdashu writes:

> I have been far and wide on the internet and sampled all sorts of

>alternative spirituality groups, and have only found many

>MoonWorshipping Wiccans. No Sun.


As was mentioned, Asatru and other Germanic pagan groups revere the

sun as female, and so do the Lithuanians, as Saule. Her Celtic

counterpart was Sul, commemorated in an inscription at Bath England

to Aquae Sulis (the waters of Sul, remember these are hot springs).

These names are cognate with Indian Surya btw. Across much of Eurasia

the sun was female and moon male, all the way to Japan (Amaterasu,

the greatest of the kami).


Patricia Monaghan has written a book to reclaim the many solar

goddesses, O Mother Sun, which you can find online.




Max Dashu

Suppressed Histories Archives

Global Women's History








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>Are you suggesting because there is a book on Sun Goddesses there is

>no need to rebirth the Solar Feminine?


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Big leap! I'm saying no such thing. I only thought

it would be of interest to you because i agree that we need to bring

back awareness of the full spectrum of Goddess, in all her divine


>People will try to trivialize what is threatening to them.


It is often a mistake to jump to conclusions. I don't know why you

thought i was hostile to anything you said, and assure you that is

not the case.


I agree that a book is never the full story, as full consciousness

can never come through in that form. But we can still benefit from





Max Dashu

Suppressed Histories Archives

Global Women's History




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Thanks for explaining. And btw, I did not know that the Asatru were

into Sun Goddesses, and that's certainly interesting. They are

however a pretty slim minority of the general populace.


It's good to know there's a good book out on Sun Goddessses, and I'll

see if I can locate a copy of the book you mentioned at the local





, Max Dashu <maxdashu@l...>


> >Are you suggesting because there is a book on Sun Goddesses there


> >no need to rebirth the Solar Feminine?


> Whoa, whoa, whoa. Big leap! I'm saying no such thing. I only


> it would be of interest to you because i agree that we need to


> back awareness of the full spectrum of Goddess, in all her divine

> forms.


> >People will try to trivialize what is threatening to them.


> It is often a mistake to jump to conclusions. I don't know why you

> thought i was hostile to anything you said, and assure you that is

> not the case.


> I agree that a book is never the full story, as full consciousness

> can never come through in that form. But we can still benefit from

> books.


> Max

> --

> Max Dashu

> Suppressed Histories Archives

> Global Women's History

> http://www.suppressedhistories.net



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