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UK PM Tony Blair invites Dr.Devangji to UK for advice in wake of his predictions coming true.

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Original Message ----- Aamir


Monday, August 01, 2005 12:44 AM

Fw: UK PM Tony Blair invites Dr.Devangji to UK for advice in wake of

his predictions coming true.



Dear friends,


It was news to me recently that Mr.Brian Butler the former Director of Counter

terrorism Communications, UK government is disciple and fan of Devangji. He too

considers Devangji as God.


It is a great feeling to know that British Premier Tony Blair too has recognized

the reality of Devangji and has invited him for advice in wake of his

predictions coming true. Of course it is quite unlikely as pointed out by

Mr.Brain in his email that he will accept the invitation until British

government shows its good-will or sincerity by withdrawing from its colonialist

oppressions or clandestine motives.


It is great feeling and matter of proud for me to have known Devangji while he

was in MIT where he finished his course in record time. It was great to have the

GENIUS Devang, the modern EINSTEIN as my classmate. he was so much helpful to

all of us.


More great is to know how he sacrificed money name fame for the sake of humanity

refusing to work for clandestine defense technological motives of US government

under guise of NASA. A True JESUS!


Greatest is to know how he has transcended to GODHEAD GODHOOD!


Ancient Ancestry


The following was overheard at a recent 'high society' party:


"My ancestry goes back all the way to Alexander the Great," said Christine.


She then turned to Miriam and asked, "How far back does your family go?"


"I don't know," replied Miriam, "All of our records were lost in the flood."








Note : See the attached Forwarded message.















The Dharma is separate from all practices or all meditational practices or all

awareness or all enjoyments or all bliss or all celebrations or all paths and

no-paths. The Dharma is empty of within and without. And in the end the Dharma

is devoid of all separations.


Since the characteristics and no-characteristics of Dharma are such as these,

how can one expound it? Expounding the Dharma means no expounding, no

demonstrating and listening to the Dharma means no listening, no grasping.










Visit your group "Emptiness" on the web.










Forwarded Message [ Download File | Save to Briefcase ]


To:dollarc, brianbutler, Subject:UK PM Tony Blair invites

Dr.Devangji to UK for advice in wake of his predictions coming true. Date:Sun,

31 Jul 2005 23:48:14 +0100

HTML Attachment [ Download File | Save to Briefcase ]


Brian Butler,

25 Artesian Road

London, London W2 5DA






It was morning of 21 July. We 3500 people had gathered in London to pay our

gratitude and respect to our savior God Devangji on the occasion of Guru

Poornima. We played the video recording of Devangji and his personal message

where he blessed us bliss, protection and godliness cautioning us against more

violent attacks. By the noon another series of bomb blasts brought to reality

his chain of predictions.




I Mr.Brian the retired Director of Counter terrorism Communications was

referring to Devangjis APRIL 2003 letter to UK government and marveling at the

particular statements ‘The days of direct or indirect or camouflaged colonialism

or blood sucking exploitation of a selected group or society over another are

fast numbering in. It is time the inhuman sadist colonialist powers like US, UK,

Spain, France, and Portugal etc realized this. If they have failed to learn any

lessons from History and are devising or hoodwinking humanity into new such ways

for their own little deplorable shameful mean economic gains they will have to

pay heavy price for it.




I had cautioned US government against their camouflaged colonialist sickness of

using Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan and had predicted the September events in

exact details. I have cautioned Spain against their unwise participation in

shameless oppression for oil in IRAQ cautioning them against the train BOMB

Blasts. I had also cautioned RUSSIA about the bomb blasts. I am enclosing all

four of my letters for your kind reference.




I am cautioning you the UK government against the turn of violent events that

may unleash beginning from July of 2005. You yet have 2 years to correct and

withdraw from your colonialist inhuman actions in IRAQ which are nothing short

of vandalism. I am just plain nothing raising humanity to godliness which is

what they originally are. However if you take this as some jokers crank or crap

you will see for yourself the blood of blasts happening in underground and buses

proving it true. You are most welcome to check and verify that I neither belong

to any so called terrorist organizations / have any such records nor do I plan

to be in any way involved with it. In fact I have been associated with UK

government as scientist in past. Your records will prove this fact to you.’




Of course Devangji has written more.




On 22 July my ex-colleague called me to inform me that British Premier Mr.Blair has invited Dr.Devang Dattani to Britain for advise in wake of his

predictions coming true. We don't know what will be Devangjis response. It is

quite unlikely that he will accept the invitation in wake of his protest against

wars wedged by WEST at large.








Brian Butler



((Is this really true?????)

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