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The Panacea for all ills

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The Panacea for all illsGifts of Nature prossessing Remedial Merits-Use of herbs

and plants for propitiating evil causing plants.Rudraksha

Rudraksha has been from time immemorial in our country, a symbol of purity of

mind and thought and has been given the status of Mani. ie. Ratna like Ruby,

pearl etc. It has always been considered a panacea for all ills.


Actually Rudraksha is the dried fruit of the Rudraksha tree. Such trees are

generally found in Java, Sumatra, Himalayan region, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim and

Assam. Small beads come from Java and those bigger in size from other places

mentioned above. Some say that red coloured and mixed coloured Rudraksha are

also in existance but they are rarely seen. It is believed that white rudraksha

belongs to Brahmin class, Red to Kshatriya class, mixed to Vaishya class and the

black to Shudra class.


Rudraksha is believed to improve general health, remove misfortunes, give

purity, peace and stability of mind and prosperity. The SHIVA PURAN has laid

down the procedure for wearing of Rudraksha of one of fourteen facets. The deep

lines of Rudraksha are the facets.


The Rudraksha with the one facet represents Lord Shiva. It is very costly and



The Rudraksha with two facets is called YUGALAROOPA.


The Rudraksha with three facets respresents the influence of Brahma., Vishnu and

Mahesha. By wearing this the sins of three previous births are washed away. It

neutralises the evil effects of all planetary afflictions and gives the wearer

good health and prosperity. Those who face obstacles at every step of their life

and are victims of misfortune will greatly benefit from the Rudraksha with three



The Rudraksha with four facets is believed to represent the infleuence of

Bhrama. Those who are childless will be blessed with childern by wearing this

Rudraksha. It also vanishes misfortunes and brings prosperity to the wearer.


The Rudraksha with five facets is very easily available and very cheap. It is

generally called Kalagni Rudra. It brings good luck and prosperity. It protects

the wearer from accidents. It washes away all sins and sorrows. Shastras

prescribe only three beads of this Rudraksha to be worn.


The Rudraksha with six facets is believed to bear the influence of Lord Ganesha.

Experience has shown that students who are backward in their studies and are

dull minded, gain intelligence and inspiration to take interest in their studies

and then come out successful in their examination by wearing a mixture of

Rudraksha beads of five facets and six facts. This Rudraksha also brings to the

wearer all comforts of life and happiness.


The Rudraksha with seven facets is said to represent anang (cupid). Its use is

not vogue.


The Rudraksha with eight facets represents goddess Bhagwati with her eight arms.

the wearer of this rudraksha never remains in want, that is , he possesses every

thing he requires. His past sins are washed out and he gets name, fame, and



The Rudraksha with nine facets. The wearing of this Rudraksha neutralises the

evil effects caused by Saturn and Rahu.


The Rudraksha with theten facets is ruled by Lord Vishnu . Some say this

Rudraksha is ruled by the lords of the ten directions. The wearer of this

Rudraksha is protected from all kinds of miseries, agonies, distresses and

disasters. He achieves success in all his ventures. This Rudraksha also

neutralises the evil effects of all planetary afflictions. It protects the

wearer from the malevolent influence of evil spirits.


The Rudraksha with twelve facets is ruled by lord Vishnu and the Sun. It is very

powerful and protects the wearer from all kinds of diseases and removes all

obstacles from his life. As this Rudraksha is ruled by Lord Vishnu, the wearer

becomes a favourite of goddess Lakshmi thereby becoming very rich and



The Rudraksha with fourteen facets is ruled jointly by Lord Shiva and goddess

Bhagwati. Therefore, it is called "Gouri Shankar Rudraksha". This Rudraksha

provides the wearer with all kinds of worldly comforts and later gives salvation

to his soul. By wearing this Rudraksha the wearer, achieves name, fame, honours

and all kinds of prosperity.


The presence of Shriphal at the site of worship in any home is considered very

important. It is the fruit of tree which grows at sea shores. Although its shape

is like coconut, it is much smaller in size. It should be kept in sindoor.

Shiphal is believed to make the devotee rich, healthy and wise.



One eyed coconut

The coconut trees generally grow on sea-shores. After removing the hard cover or

skin of the coconut, the fruit that comes out has generally three circular dots

on one end. These dots are called eyes of the coconut. Amongst thousands of such

fruits, there may be one with only one dot or eye. this coconut which is called

one eyed is believed to have devine powers. It is a rare thing and one, who is

able to procure it, is really a lucky person. It should be kept at the place of

worship in the house and should be worshipped by offering flowers, burning

incense etc.... By so doing the devotee becomes very prosperous and earns high

reputation and honours. He becomes a great favourite of goddess lakshmi.


According to what is mentioned by Dr. Rudra Dev Tripathi in his book "Tantra

Shakti" the following herbal plants help the propitiation of the malefic planets

causing suffering to the native:-


1. For propitiation of the Sun the root of Bilwapatra should be worn in a red

coloured thread on a Sunday.


2. For propitiation of the Moon the root of Khirni should be worn in a white

tread on a Monday.


3. For the propitiation of Mars the root of Anant Mool should be worn in a red

thread on a Tuesday.


4. For the propitiation of Mercury the root of Tridhara should be worn in a

green thread on a Wednesday.


5. For the propitiation of Jupiter the root of Bharangi or the root of banana

tree may be worn in a yellow thread on a Thursday.


6. For the propitiation of Venus the root of Sarponkha may be worn in a white

thread on a Friday.


7. For the propitation of Saturn, the root of Bichchha should be worn in a black

thread on a Saturday.


8. For the propitiation of Rahu, the root of white sandal tree, should be worn

in a blue thread on a Thursday.


9. For the propitiation of Ketu, the root of Asgandha should be worn in a sky

blue thread on a Thursday.






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