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Devi as the Lover [Becoming Ma! ]

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, Dev Maharaj

<dev_maharaj> wrote:

> Namaskaar


> I would like to disagree with the following statement

> " The mother and child is the simplest and the second best . A

lot of people go into that mode because its much easier for them to

relate to but you don't merge with you're mother. That is

incestous. so the mother and child devotion will remain as it is.

You continue to be a separate entity and you can never merge with



> This is according to your understanding. I would like to suggest

another way of becoming one with Ma that you may not be aware of.

This is for the real Viras only - I'm serious this is really

dangerous ! Juniors should pretend they have never even seen this



> Perform Shavasana and focus on the bindu,reciting only Aum,

resonate this from all chakras, when you have mentally connected

with it ask Ma to absorb you ( if you have the courage !) This does

not involve any sex or sexual thoughts but I assure you when you she

absorbs you and are one with Ma there is no feeling in the world

quite like it.

> Actually sex and orgasms pale in comparison to this feeling - both

are quite short lived ! And its not incestous either.


> This is quite exhilarating and you still get to be MA's child ( I

am quite fond of this lower state you see ) by merging with her you

get partially transformed into her for the period of time that she

> allows you as your reward. One caution here for all that would try

this, when her energy begins to descend you will experience a

feeling as though you are being split apart atom by atom, if you

cannot bear it beg her pardon for disturbing her unnecessarily and

continue reciting her mantra as atonement ! When you are done make

sure to eat something light and drink lots of water.



> DO NOT TRY THIS if you are not prepared for final rest because if

she absorbs you and its your time to go, you will be gone and no one

will be able to help you.




Thank you for this little reminder and all the so called warnings.

yes you will have all the above if your intentions of becoming her

is for evil and bad. For gaining siddhis and trying to control

spirits and such. But if your motive is pure, good and to help

humanity, DEVI will not harm you instead she will guide you along.

As you become her, She moves with you.


For others you may refer to my message [ which I posted as a joke,

but it is actually a gift from one of our senior member] entittled :

The Tantric Lost weight Program. Let me give u a hint :

saundaryalahari Sloka no 22 :Bhavani tvam dAse.


Im being told, let others know so that others the sincere aspirants

will benefit from it.

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