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ThirumuRai Series - 616

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cEndhanAr aruLiya thiruppallANDu

thalam kOyil

paN panycamam

onbadhAm thirumuRai




thAthaiyaith thALaRa vIciya caNDikku iv


bUthalaththOrum vaNaN^gap poRkOyilum

bOnagamum aruLic

cOthi maNimuDith thAmamum n^Amamum

thoNDarkku n^Ayakamum

pAthakaththukkup paricu vaiththAnukkE

pallANDu kURuthumE.





For the chaNDi, who threw chopping off the foot of the

father, along with this universe, making the people on

earth to salute blessing with golden temple and food,

splendid jewel-crown garland, name and chiefdom of

devotees - the One Who kept prize for offense, Him, we

say, "Very many years!"



1. When the self conscience is lost and only the

Divine conscience remain even the offence committed by

vicAracarumar got the great prize list mentioned


(When done with shivaninda the great rite daksha did

ruined him and all his associates.)

2. c.f. pAthakamE cORu paRRinavA thONOkkam -


3. n^Amamum - God gave his own name chaNDisha to

vicAracarumar as He appointed him for that post.

4. thAthai - father; thAL - foot; pUthalam - earth;

bOnagam - food (after offering to God);

thAmam - flower.





Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org








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