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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 19-2005

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Third Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 19 / 2005


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Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.

>From the Satsanghs of Saibanisaji



80. If you want to be happy, do not indulge in too much praise or abuse, involve

in controversial talks or hurting other's feelings.


81. You should not give unwanted advises to any one.


82. A person will be known as a gentle man in the society who will

stickup to his duties and never indulge in unnecessary activities.


83. You should respect the law of the land you live.


84. Faith in family traditions, friendship with good persons and

eating simple food will alone give you happiness.


85. A realized person is one who will see Atma in him and the Atma in

any living being as same.


86. You should know that nobody will accompany you in your last

journey (death); only good deeds will accompany you.


87. In the society where justice is over ruled by injustice and good

is dominated by bad, such society can be called a dead society.


88. An educated who following bad path, a rich person who behaves like

a miser and a strong person who avoids to protect the weak person, are

burden to the Society.


89. Past time can never be retrieved again. If you have not done any

good in the past, realize and try to do some thing good now from

this moment onwards.


To be Continued…



Bhadrapada 1910: H.H Gajanan Maaraj of Shegaon left his mortal coil.

At the same time Shirdi Sai Baba grieved profusely and said "Hallo! My

Gajanan is gone".


Bhadrapada 1922: Mahalsapathi passed away on 11-09-1922






The importance of ' feeding the hungry ' is well emphasized in the

38th chapter of Sai Satcharitra. Sai actively participated in

preparing and serving food to the needy. He always stressed upon

people to offer food to the starved coming in any form of life during

the lunch hour. It was customary on the part of his devotees to invite Sai for

community lunch / dinners. Sai graced the occasion in some form or other as

narrated in the 40th chapter, where in he visited B.V.Dev's house in the form of

a saint along with his two disciples. Similar incidents have taken place in my

life too and I intend to place them before all devotees.


It dates back to the year 1991.On completion of my house construction,

I decided to offer food to all workers involved in the construction

activities with a sense of gratitude and appreciation for all the good

work done. I whole heartedly invited Sainath to grace the occasion. I

was anticipating a minimum of 10 people and vouched to take food only

after I offer it to at least 10 people against the 15 invited. 17 - 10

- 1991 was the date as I recall and to strange coincidence, it

happened to be ' VIJAYA DASIMI DAY ' i.e. Dussera festival. After they

finished taking food I took the head count and found that only nine of

the fifteen expected turned up. My wife was pestering me also to have

my lunch. I stood firm on my decision and advised my wife to go ahead

with her lunch. After waiting up to 3' O clock, she commenced to have

her lunch, abusing me for my adamancy. My mind was pre- occupied with

mixed feelings and series of questions - firstly, will Sai ever turn

up? Or else has he already come and I failed to recognize him? How

should I go about?


It was already 4' O clock and finally I decided abide as Sai advises.

Since he cannot come in a physical form to speak to me, the media I

opted was for a book which I happened to purchase a day before and was

a newly arrived edition of a book titled " SAI BABA OF SHIRIDI - A

UNIQUE SAINT " BY M.V. KAMATH. This book hither to lying unpacked

should therefore indicate to me whether I should have food or not. So

I closed my eyes after praying and opened the page 134 - 135. I was

struck dumb fold when page - 135 gave me a clear message of Sai

addressed to his devotees in Dwarakamayi - "You want me to eat more!

Go now and have your meal". My mind was still not free from the

thought as to form in which Sai came to my house, when my attention

was drawn to a giant sized ant feasting in, on the sweets kept in

front of his photograph. I sincerely thanked Sai and prostrated before

him. I shared the newfound joy with my wife and had my food at 4: 45

in the evening.



To be Continued…




These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SAIBANISA

>From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this

Feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from

his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


Dated: 20-12-1993.


I desired for a spiritual message from Sai before going to bed. He

gave three guidelines to be followed.


1. Extend medical assistance to a suffering person. 2. Fed the Hungry.


3. Be courteous even to an enemy. 4. Annadhaanam is the supreme

charity and there is no substitute for it.


Think as to how you can be a useful part.


Dared: 21-12-1993.


Yesterday I was thinking about my enemies before going to bed. I saw

Sai dressed in white, coming out of a temple after having his food. He turned

towards me and spoke to me – "I do not want you to blame any body. If you do not

like some body, at the best avoid him. Every one is bound to reap the rewards

for his doings either good or bad and no one else can make others responsible

for their deeds". I was suitably advised not to blame any one from their back


Think for doing something better rather than wasting time on thinking

about enemies.



Dated: 31-12-1993.


I pleaded Sai to tell me few good words for the coming year. He has

given the following messages:


Eat limited food in parties and take care of your health.


Tell about my Philosophy too only those who are interested to know and there

should not be any discrimination.


Sai devotees should visit Shiridi and enhance their faith.


Extend love towards humanity with out any barriers.


Perform Vastradhaan on the day of Gurupoornima.


Do your duty well.


To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

"Shashi": shashi_31

10. Uniqueness of Sri Sai Baba and his Teachings


If we read these basic texts, they will surely bestow the four

PURUSHARTHAS i.e., Dharma, Artha, Kama & Moksha.


All religions declare God as SARVAGNA. Sacred books are there to guide one and

all towards good moral and conduct in society. All are equally children of God,

the universal father. Sri Sai Baba has propagated equality of all human beings

irrespective of their social, religious and economic backgrounds. He stressed

the pure adhyatmic sampradaya. He has neither praised nor condemned any one. His

preaching were all about the Supreme Power ruling the universe. He has not

referred to Dwaita or the Adwaita or Visistadwaita. Baba has instructed His

devotees and all others that they should view all religions with the same

respect. He also said that one's own religion is best suited for each and

everyone. By proper understanding, realization comes that all religions are one

in their ultimate goal of elevating towards God while advocating to do good

always to be useful to society at large.


To be continued…..



Saibanisa-Gopalarao Ravada—Saidarbar Hyderabad –India




8) King Rushbha after the gaining knowledge and wisdom, opted to

Pass on the kingdom to his eldest son king Bharath and renounce the wordly

Pleasures for seeking God. All the eight 'Astasiddhis' found place in him

automatically. Sri Sai being a Yogiraj, a perfectionist and Parabrahmah himself,

was empowered with the Astasiddhis. Some of the incidents like entry in the

house of Megha with unlocking, going to remotely located Tharkad's house,

demonstrating his physical presence in Maschindragarh to Balram Mankar,

prediction of the arrival Dhurandhara brothers to Shiridi in advance and

sleeping on the wooden plank suspended nearest to the ceiling etc. were all but

the manifestations of the Astasidhis.


9) King Chitraketh was not blessed with a male child in spite of

having several wives. Saint Angirasa makes him successfully to

Perform Puthra - kamesti yagna (a ritual undertaken for appeasement

Of Gods and was finally blessed with a male issue.


Sri Sainath gifted similar blessings to a number of his devotees:

Rathanji Shapurjiwadia, Dhamu Annakasar by the power of Amra

Leela, and Gopala Rao Gundu.


10) Prahladha informs his father king Hiranyakashayap about nine

Forms of devotion 1.Hearing, 2.Praying, 3.Remembering, 4.Resorting to Feet,

5.Worshiping, 6.Bowing in reverence, 7.Doing Service,

8.Associating in Friendship and 9.self Surrender.


Sri Sai inquires from Patankar whether he could collect the nine

nodules of the mare. Sri.Dada Kelkar explains what actually Baba

meant. Here the mare is considered as manifestation of God and the

nine nodules symbolize the navavidha bhakti (nine forms of expressing

one's devotion towards God). The nine coins given by Baba to

Lakshmibai Shinde also indicate the same preaching.






Ramayana presented in open-air theatre


YOGYAKARTA (indo.com): Travelers to Yogyakarta, Central Java, should

not miss the Ramayana Grand Ballet Performance in a moonlit open-air

theatre. The two-hour epic performance is presented at least three

times a week in the peaceful evening atmosphere around the spectacular Prambanan



Prambanan temple is Indonesia's biggest and most beautiful temple,

situated some 17 kilometers east of Yogyakarta - about 20 minutes

drive from the city. Its parapets are adorned with bas-reliefs

depicting the famous Ramayana story.


The performance in the open-air theatre certainly provides an

unforgettable experience. The carefully lit temple provides a

spectacular backdrop against which the drama unfolds, with a canopy of stars



The Ramayana Ballet Performance involves hundreds of artists, dancers

and musicians. They perform the famous classic story of Ramayana,

accompanied by gamelan musical orchestra.




Goddess of Knowledge comes to Earth.


DENPASAR (indo.com): Blessings will be given at every family compound,clan

temple, school temple and many other places of worship in order to celebrate

Saraswati Day. The day is devoted to Sang Hyang Aji Saraswati, the Goddess of

Knowledge and Arts, and reminds us of the value of our holy scriptures and the

disciplines of science and art.

The day is a holiday on the island, and the night before is

characterized by Mekekawin - the singing of ancient Balinese songs,

written on ancient lontar parchment.


Saraswati comes twice a year. According to the Balinese lunar month,

the celebration falls on Watugunung, the last week of the Balinese

calendar. All Balinese Hindu people welcome the descent of the God of

Knowledge by conducting a series of ceremonies, starting early in the



Residents of Houston Celebrate Janmashtami



HOUSTON, TEXAS, August 27, 2005: Over Five thousand and odd like

minded friends attended the 16th Annual Community-Wide Janmashtami

Celebration at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston on

Saturday, August 27, 2005. Attendees, celebrating the birthday of Lord Krishna,

enjoyed the colorful booths, watched a well-organized

cultural program with music and dance, participated in the Raas Garba

dance wishing it would not end, honored Akhil Chopra, and, in general,had a

great time. Jay Aiyer perhaps echoed the sentiments of many attendees, saying

"The celebration was wonderful and it is proof that our cultural traditions are

thriving in Houston.


Maha Ganapati Temple Performs Lakshaarchana



EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA, September 4, 2005: The Board of Trustees

cordially invites you to participate in the Lakshaarchana at the Maha

Ganapati Temple in Edmonton, Alberta. As part of the Lakshaarchana

(one hundred thousand archana), five priests will be chanting 1,000

names of Lord Ganesha on each day for twenty days from November 16,

2005 to December 5, 2005. The end of Lakshaarchana is celebrated on

December 6, 2005. The Lakshaarchana is conducted for world peace,

global welfare, and prosperity and long life among the people. It

brings more vibration to the temple and blessings to the devotees. The

Lakshaarchana is usually conducted in Ganesha Temples during the

Vinayagar Viratham (fasting), which is celebrated for 21 days starting on the

day after the full moon in the month of Karthigai (November). The Lakshaarchana

is conducted for the first time at the Maha Ganapati Temple since the

inauguration of the new temple in July 2000.


Ministers and VIPs Celebrate Krishna's Birthday in UK's Newest Hindu



LONDON, ENGLAND, September 6, 2005: Immigration Minister, Tony McNulty MP, was

among several dignitaries invited to celebrate the religious festival of Krishna

Janmasthami on September 4 at the impressive Shri Venkateswara Balaji Temple in

Birmingham. The temple is developing into one of Europe's largest temples. The

celebrations were organized by Dr. Narayan Rao of UK and other members.


Compiled by SaiSevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi

Saidarbar – Hyderabad.




Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi (December 30, 1879 - April 14, 1950) was

a great mystic of the Advaita Vedanta stream and is regarded by some

as one of the greatest saints of the 20th century. He lived in the

sacred Tiruvannamalai hill near Chennai. The core of his teachings was the

practice of atma-vichara (self-enquiry)


Ramana Maharshi continued to practice the method of inquiry into the

nature of the self best expressed by the question "who am I?" He

recommended renunciation of enjoyment of physical and mental pleasures

as a means of entering into a state where the oneness of the self and

cosmos could be perceived. He also felt that a person who is not

attached to the results of his actions can live in the world like an

actor that plays his or her part but is immune to emotional

disturbance, because he realizes he is only play-acting on the stage

of life.


Ramana Maharshi was able to demonstrate his own non-attachment when

thieves broke into the ashram and he counseled the disciples and

visitors to let them have anything they wanted. He remained calm

during the incident even when struck by one of the thieves. He also

displayed no loss of equanimity at the death of his mother, who had

come to live at the ashram after selling the family home.


RamanaMaharshi developed cancer and when his devotees voiced concern

about losing him, he responded with the statement "I am not going

anywhere, where shall I go? I shall be there where I am always." He

took mahasamadhi in April, 1950, sitting in lotus position. The final

word that passed from his lips was the sacred syllable OM.



"Neetu Kumar": neetu.k

Mon, 5 Sep 2005 15:26:28 +0530



As SAI devotees all of us are aware and must have read in Sai

Satcharitra how BabaJi takes the problems of His bhaktas on His Body I have an

Experience to narrate to you which reinforces this belief.

Baba has said in His 11 assurances "Tyaag shareer chala jaaunga Bhakt

hetu daura aaunga"


The summer break of our Children was almost getting over and we had

been planning for a long time, with in the family, to visit Amritsar

and get a Darshan of Golden temple. We were confused whether we

should go by train or by own car so we put two chits and BabaJi told

us to go by train. But somehow we were so adamant on carrying on with

the trip by road by our own car that we made the mistake of going

against Baba's wishes.


We reached Amritsar and on our way back met with a major accident

wherein we had a head on collision with a Tata Innova on a narrow

bridge. The accident was so ghastly but we all are still alive thanks

to Baba's Kripa on His Bhakts. There was a statue of Baba in our Car

which took the impact of the accident and was "Khandit" (totally

Shattered). Baba took the pain on to Himself even though we had made

the mistake of not Complying with His wishes. This incident reminds

me of a similar incident which is mentioned in Sai Satcharitra also

that once Baba has told Tatya to not to go to Kopargaon but He didn't

listen and carried on with his trip and met with a small accident

where Baba saved him. Such is the Love of Baba for His Devotees, "Just like a

Mother Protects Her Children from all Perils" so it is our duty to abide to

Baba's wishes."


May Sai guide us all

Baba ki neetu:



8/18/2005 08:51:09 -0600


Om Sai Ram.


My name is Murali Krishnamurthy. Born and raised in Chennai (Madras).

I am a software engineer, an entrepreneur running an IT company,

living in Laurel, Maryland, USA. I am married and blessed with a son,

Shri. Vishnu. My wife's name is Smt. Sharmila. My parents live in

Chennai, India. My wife and her family are from Andhra Pradesh.


It all started through a divine presence I believe, it must be Shri

Sai Baba. I was in Albany, New York state for a while during July 2003 before

finally settled down in Maryland State in USA. One day in the evening after

work, I visited the Albany Hindu temple. It was around 6:00PM. I was very hungry

from 4:00PM onwards and by the time I reached the temple it was 6pm. My friend

drove me to the temple, since I lived in Maryland with my family with no car in

NY. After darshan of all deities and archana for Lord Hanuman (I am a staunch

devotee of Lord Ganesha and Lord Hanuman), I was sitting before the deities

thinking of my future, my family and the hardships I am going through. The

hunger became like a monster and was eating my intestine. I started praying and

said ' God, this is your temple. I am starving'. And after 15 minutes we were

ready to leave. Then the gurukkal (priest) called me and asked me to take

theertham (holy water). I did. Then I turned and began to walk away. Again the

gurukkall called me. I was surprised. I was thinking why he needs to call me.

Gurukkal called me back and gave me two bananas and said 'Eat, you must be



I couldn't believe myself. God listened to me. This might be a small

incident, but somehow this led me to Bhagvan Sai Baba and made me

think that Baba (God) is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.

Without anybody's interference I started reading more about Sai Baba

and once upon a time I was a non-believer myself. One of my friend,

who just returned from India, gave me a Photo of Bhagvan Sathya Sai

baba and some vibuthi. I am just developing a deep devotion for Baba

within myself and one day in the night before going to bed I applied

vibuthi on my forehead. Probably early in the morning I had a dream.


The dream was:

I was carrying a pallaku (palanquin) of Perumal (Lord Srinivasa)

around the temple premises like they do in an utsavam (temple

festival). Then: "Baba was on his usual darshan rounds. I was there in the

darshan line

seated. He came near me and looked at me. I got up and he was saying

something and turned around. And the next moment I saw Baba coming

towards me (as if he lost balance) his back facing me. He bumped on my chest and

i was perplexed. I was balancing him. He turned around and looked at me with a

grace. Then the next moment I was sitting and

feeding yoghurt rice to baba and he tasted it, with grace. Then with

his index and middle finger he firmly touched my wrist as if shaking

my hands and smiled at me." That was the end of the dream.

Other incidents:

1. I didn't have a photo of Shirdi Baba. I was feeling sad. But for

some reason, I went down to the basement of my house and was doing

something in my home office. Suddenly I looked down and there was a

card kind of thing, upside down. I took it in my hand and it read' Sai Prasad'

(in Tamil) with some vibhuti. I turned it around it was Shirdi Baba's photo. I

was so happy. I have never seen that photo in my life before and that too in my

house in USA. This is one incident.


Now that photo adorns the temple in my house.

2. One day I was driving to work in the morning around 7:45am. I was

chanting Sai baba's name all the way from home (I do this regularly).

All of a sudden in the horizon I saw the sun blazing and I looked

straight into the sun, even though it was blinding. To my knowledge I

saw an OM symbol (in Sanskrit) within the sun itself. I was blessed on that day.


3. Baba used to show me signs of grace using motor vehicles or

stickers carrying god's messages on cars etc. I was lamenting for

being successful in business for a while. I was driving with my wife

and we stopped in a signal. There was a car in front of us and a there was a

sticker on the bumper which read' This is God,' I am not yet done with you'. Who

else would show these kind of things, except for our Swami?


4. Giant grocery store trucks, which carry a Big G on its side, are

the daily morning darshan of Swami himself in that form. While driving if I pray

and ask, that truck will appear from nowhere and assure me of Swami's grace and

blessings. It might look awkward, but this is not coincidence.


5. One day morning I was praying and my son came near me and I lifted

him up. I showed him the Shirdi Sai photo and asked him who was it.

Pat came the reply from him 'OM'.


6. Most recent experience. July 2005. Since all believed in Shirdi Sai Baba in

my family, my wife after she came back from her vacation from India, got a

reasonably good portrait of Shirdi Baba sitting on the stone. The portrait

picture was lying for along time and I couldn't frame it. One day I went to the

photo studio and found a good frame for that picture. Now it adorns our bedroom

and he is blessing us. After few days, finishing my morning chores, I went to

the bath and prepared to take shower. I opened the shower and water was pouring

on my body. I was brushing my neck and suddenly in the back of my neck,

something got struck in my hand. I took it out and it was a 1 rupee coin from

India. I couldn't believe myself. Of all the places how can I get a 1 rupee coin

in USA, even if it is in my house and that too sitting on back of my neck

without falling? I don't have any answers for this or what it signifies? It is

his Mahima. In my life I wanted to do seva to people in many ways. I have my own

IT consulting company, and success is showing up. I need to be successful so

that I can utilize my resources and finance to help many people in India. Now I

feel I should leave everything to Shirdi Baba and carry on with my life. Hope he

showers his love and shows me the right path so that I can be of some use to

fellow human beings. Did Sai Baba lead me to himself? There is no doubt about

that. Baba has a purpose for everything. He knows everything. Sarvantharayami!!


I remember vaguely visiting Shirdi Sai Samaj Mandir, in Mylapore,

Madras when I was 7 or 8 years old. I saw the holy dhuni there and did not

realize Shirdi Sai will take me into his fold and bless all of us with his

mighty grace.


I would like to get acquainted with satsangs and devotees around

Maryland area. Please touch base with me.


Om Sai ram,

Murali Krishnamurthy






Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Baba told before He took His

Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to play in Booty Wada (Samadhi

Mandir) with His devotees. So far you have enjoyed Ramayan and this is the last

part of this version of Valmik Ramayan and wait for the new feature which will

be started shortly.



Ramayan--A Very Brief Synopsis


Retiring King Dasaratha of Ayodha chooses his son Rama as his heir.

His wife Kaikeyi asks that he appoint another son Bharata, instead.

Kaikeyi pleads that he owes her two favors, and she feels misfortune

will come upon her if he doesn't crown Bharata king and banish Rama to the

forest for fourteen years. The king reluctantly agrees, so Rama goes with his

wife, Sita, and his brother Laksmana, leaving their riches to live a simple



In the forest the three meet the demoness Surpanakha who falls in love with

Rama. Rama refuses her advances and Laksmana wounds her. She flees to her

brother Ravana, ruler of the island kingdom of Lanka.


After hearing Surpanakha's report of the beauty of Sita, Ravana

decides that he must have Sita and changes himself into in wandering

holy man to find her in the forest. When Rama and Laksmana are

distracted, Ravana carries Sita off to Lanka.


Sita mourns in Ravana's garden in Lanka, while Rama and Laksmana

enlist the services of Hanuman, the monkey king, to help them find

her. Hanuman, able to make himself larger or smaller, starts his

search for Sita by taking a giant step to the Island of Lanka.

Carrying Rama's ring he finds Sita and identifies himself as Rama's

messenger. Sita is delighted, but Hanuman is caught and Ravana sets

Hanuman's tail on fire. Hanuman escapes and sets fire to Lanka.


Rama, Laksmana, Hanuman, and his monkey army lay siege on Lanka. The

monkeys make a bridge to Lanka, and after a long battle with spears,

bows and arrows, Rama kills Ravana. Sita, however, is not received by

Rama unreservedly; he questions her chastity after having lived in the house of

another man. When he asks her to undergo the test by fire; she agrees. Proving

her chastity by remaining unscathed by the fire, she rejoins Rama. Later, Rama

abandons her to maintain the sanctity of public opinion and she goes to live in

the ashram of sage Valmiki and bears twin sons Lava and Kusa, who as young men

became reunited with their father, the god-king Rama.



"Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainama



Dear Readers, We are all aware that Pujya Narasimha Swamiji brought

Sai to the door steps of devotees who do not know Marathi through His

books in English, articles in newspapers and meetings. May we have

always His blessings. Sri Nagesh V Gunaji, author of Sri Sai

Satcharitra in English really did yeoman service to English knowing

people through that book. Otherwise we would not have known about Sai

Baba. Let Us offer our Pranams to him. He himself had written his own

experience of Sai Baba to the editor of Sai Sudha (July 1951) as

narrated below:


"Some of my friends after reading Sri Sai Satcharitra (English) ask me what are

my experiences of Sai Baba. I reply them that they are many, but what is the use

of recounting them all? Take only one instance. This Sai Satcharitra (English).

I'm not a scholar of the English language and I never intended to write this

book, but inspite of this, Sai Baba got it done by me--- how I have related in

my prefix to that book. I do not want to repeat the same here.


Coming to a recent experience on Thursday, 12-4-1951 at 8 pm. I was

returning home in Thalakwadi by the congress road with a friend. He

crossed the Railway crossing gate in front of Venktesh Vilas Tea club

and went towards his home in Thalakwadi east and I started straight to buy some

Pedhas in a front sweetmeat shop for offering them as

Naivedya to Sai Baba after Arathi as it was a Thursday. After going a

few steps I noticed a motor car coming in front of me. To avoid its

track I turned to one side (right) but to my great surprise, the motor driver

turned his car in the same direction and brought it straight on me and threw me

down. I was unconscious for a few seconds and then rose up. The passers by

assembled near me and said that --- they thought I was gone and they were

wonderstruck to see me rising and standing. I asked the motor driver why he

turned his motor car towards me. He replied that he wanted to save some other

passengers that were standing in front of his car before and so he gave the

turn. Then I went to the sweetmeat shop, brought the pedas, went home and

offered the same after waving the Arathi and then went to bed and I had Good

sleep that night. Next morning I got my self examined by a doctor who said after

examining me thoroughly that there was nothing wrong and everything was alright.

It was Sai Baba's grace that saved me from this accident and kept me hearty and

hale with no injury of any sort.


Bow to Sri Sai Peace be to all!!!



Dear Readers, Baba always say if we serve Him, He will serve us. He

further declared He always thinks of His devotees wherever they may be and run

to their rescue in times of need.





9/09/2005 16:20:36 -0600

Thank you for creating this wonderful site; we need more of these web

pages where to get Ananda from, Sai Ram.

Daniel Gonzalez



"Neetu Kumar": neetu.k

Mon, 5 Sep 2005 15:26:28 +0530


Jai Sai Ram to all the members of Sai Darbaar.

I would first like to give my sincere thanks for sharing beautiful

Articles and The Glory of Shirdi Sai with all of us. I really enjoy

reading all The contents specially "Sai in Dreams" part. Shri Saibanisaji is

really a blessed soul. My humble pranams to all of you.


Neetu Kumar



9/02/2005 05:00:20 -0600

The website http://www.saidarbar.org is very good

Uday Shankar Kar


"Bhattathiri": param

9/9/2005 03:23:14 +0530


Your website is informative and excellent.

M.P. Bhattathiri


Raj venkat babujiiloveu

9/12/2005 12:05:33 -0700

Thanks for giving me the membership in saidarbar. I will tell people

How Sai Baba saved me from all my miseries, and preach others

to become Sai Baba devotees all over the world.

SaiSevak VenkataramanaKumar.



Please visit:





Please contact: saidarbar & saidarbar


Saidarbar Chennai: saidarbarchennai

For Activities of Saidarbar Chennai

Contact saidarbarchennai

Chennai Saidarbar Team.


"Ramesh and Anitha" kandra

For activities of Saidarbar Canberra

Please visit:



Shirdi Sai Baba technical

For activities of Saidarbar Wallingford

Please contact: technical


"Shanthi Ramakrishnan": shanthi

Sai Darbar Portland OR USA

For activities Sai Darbar Portland OR USA

Please contact: shanthi


A.S.Rao, - raoas

For Activities of Sai Darbar Kitwe, Zambia

Please contact: raoas


Anil Zutshi: zutshi_anil_k

For activities of Saidarbar Danbaru-Canitcut-USA

Please contact: zutshi,zutshi


Badri Narsimhan: wallingfordsai

For activities Saidarbar Wallingford-PA- USA

Please contact: wallingfordsai


Satish Achanta: vskachanta

For activities of Saidarbar Woodland Hills-CA-USA-

Please contact: vskachanta


Ravi Subramanyam: sai_ravi

For activities of Saidarbar Livermore-CA-USA

Please contact: sai_ravi


Suresh Vaghela: suresh,suresh

For activities of Saidarbar-London

Please contact: suresh,suresh


"Atlanta Sai Temple News" webmaster

North America Shirdi Sai Temple of Atlanta

For more details please contact the Temple

700 James Burgess Road, Suwanee, GA 30024


"Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center": sai

For Further details Visit: Web Page: http://www.hamaresai.org/

Email: hamaresai


"Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW" USA: shirdisaidallas

Baba Pada Puja & Abhishekam

This event repeats on the first Saturday of every month.

Event Location: 2109 W. Parker Road, Plano, Texas

It will be followed by Vishnu Sahasranamam at 11:00am.

Please email your questions, comments or suggestions about the web site

to: admin http://www.shirdisaidallas.org


"Om Sai Mandir" saisandesh

Sai Sandesh September Issue can be read online at:


Back Issues are available at:




Mon, 12 Sep 2005 23:36:28 -0000

[sai_Parivaar] Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans- Invitation- September 15th at

the Prayer Hall

Dear Shirdi Sai devotees,

This week's host for Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans at the Prayer Hall in

Cupertino, CA. We would like to invite you and your family for the


When (Thursday): September 15th

Time: 7:30 to 8:25 p.m – Sai Namavali and Bhajans

8.25 to 8.30 p.m – Mangalam & Naivedyam

8.30 to 8.50 p.m – Shej Arathi

For Satsanghs and details please visit www.ShirdiSaiParivaar.org

Or send email to saibandhu


"S Chopra" saileela99


Please contact:

Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan of Canada

www.shirdisaicanada.org (under construction) saileela99

Shammi Chopra



Om Sairam!

Mandir Pathrika is now in its third

Year of publication. We added more information on Mandir in this issue.

We request all devotees to contribute articles to Mandir Pathrika.

Articles can be any information on Saibaba, Jalaram bapa or devotee

Experiences, suggestions etc.

Please email your articles to babamandir

You can view all previous issues by opening the following link.






12 Sep 2005 15:02:32 -0000

Sai Baba Mahasamadhi Day & Dushera Celebrations


October13th, 2005

Satya Narayana Vritha Katha 4.00PM to 6.00PM


Dhoop Arathi 6.00PM to 6.30PM

Special Bhajans, Baba Maha Abhishek 6.30PM to 8.30PM


Shej Arathi followed by flower offerings to Baba`s Padhuka by


8.30 PM

to 9.00 PM

Activities include: Bhajans, Abhishekam, Arathi and Satyanarayana Puja




>From S.K. Kapoor,

Honorary Secretary,

Sri Sai Bhakta Samaj (Regd.)

17, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road,

New Delhi – 110 003.

E-mail: ssbsnewdelhi

Web: www.saimemorial.com


Books in English:


Book can be obtained from Mrs.Bela Sarma, A-3 /154, Janak Puri, New

Delhi -110058


2. GOD WHO WALKED ON EARTH – by Sri Rangaswami Parthasarathy – Price



Publisher: Sterling Publishers private limited,


New Delhi - 110 020.

Web: www.sterlingpublishers.com

Please Note:

Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the

word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar,

for details contact:

webmaster , saidarbar &


Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only.

Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be



E- Books from Saidarbar:



You can obtain your copy at





You can obtain your copy at http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com/

Contact for further details: Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal:






We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please






Things impressed me from this Magazine:

Faith in family traditions, friendship with good persons and eating

simple food will alone give you happiness


Raman Maharshi advocated that a person who is not attached to the

results of his actions can live in the world like an actor that plays

his or her part


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" - they

may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles

instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a

matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by

submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org


read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi




P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shiridi Sai ",

Kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.

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