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HI Nora



I only said that I am being misunderstood thats it, since I too am not being

clear when I write something


i know some of the poeple who are really nice are bit angry about me not

revealing my Guru's name the reason being that all of you know him well and if I

not wrong he is the only one who is very powerfull teacher and infinitely

compassionate .. I think these hints has revealed who he is :)


I am based out of bangalore,india and love to read the information that you nora

and others put in , this gives me lot to learn



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My not posting the information you ask for says nothing about any attachement

that I may or may not have but it does say something about my wish to protect

you from your baser instincts and provide an opportunity for you to explore

other venues than the material.



, "childofdevi"

<childofdevi> wrote:

> >secrecy is never a good idea


> How about providing your bank account details here, also dont


> to post your credit card numbers (make sure not to omit the


> digit number at the back of the card)....


> OK I was joking and said the above "Just For Amusement"



> > adherent of secrecy has something to hid, something to be

> > ashamed of, something that is preventing an upward

> > progression to Self-Realization.

> >

> > Besides, there is no such thing as secrecy to even the mildly

> > aware person. One's unproductive behaviours and words are

> > open to all. Negativity is apparent to all (especially to


> > The Guru or any spiritually advanced person knows the


> > conscious and subconscious thoughts and urges of the

> > aspirant, even those which the aspirant is unwilling to admit

or is

> > unaware of.

> >

> > The road to Self-Realization depends on discipline and

> > purification. Secrecy inhibits both of these.

> >

> >

> >

> > , "childofdevi"

> > <childofdevi> wrote:

> > > Hmm... very interesting. I guess you are the very epitome of


> > > saying (from the Kularnava?) "One could be a Shaivite in

> > outlook, a Vaishnavite in appearance but a Kaula in truth and

> secrecy" (or some variant of that).

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > > -yogaman

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NOW, you are making alot of sense. It is just for every one of those reasons

that i don't go about doing what i earlier said i didn't do. If you want to

call it a "management tool" rather than secrecy, TATASTU (or as they say in

FREEMASONRY "so mote it be")




just4amusement <just4amusement wrote:

Your definition of secrecy seems to revolve around the idea of

not parading one's knowledge. I agree that this idea is a good

one for a variety of reasons, namely, 1. Whatever we think we

know is incorrect or at best incomplete, 2. Not parading one's

knowledge is a way to control the ego, 3. What we know may not

be helpful to someone else who is on a different path or who

has a different mind set, 4. Parading knowledge leads to

arguments and division rather than unity, 5. Parading knowledge

does not lead to progress but rather to staying in one spot and

becoming mired in names and forms whereas maintaining

one's own counsel leads to introspection and detachment.


However, not parading knowledge cannot be considered to be

secrecy but rather careful husbanding of one's resources. It is a

management tool: it is not secrecy.


To label this concept as secrecy is to lend credibility to staying in

the shadows where one's animal nature lurks to cause

problems. Promoting secrecy is a grave injustice and holds

karmic consequences.



, sankara menon

<kochu1tz> wrote:

> there is something to be said in favor of secrecy. Secrecy is

advocated because it helps you hold dear what you have and

then helps in developping. Not the type of thing secrecy has



> just4amusement <just4amusement> wrote:In matters of

the Spirit, secrecy is never a good idea. Secrecy

> inhibits self-examination, discrimination and dispassion. It

> promotes vices and other obstacles to spiritual realization. The

> adherent of secrecy has something to hid, something to be

> ashamed of, something that is preventing an upward

> progression to Self-Realization.


> Besides, there is no such thing as secrecy to even the mildly

> aware person. One's unproductive behaviours and words are

> open to all. Negativity is apparent to all (especially to animals).

> The Guru or any spiritually advanced person knows the


> conscious and subconscious thoughts and urges of the

> aspirant, even those which the aspirant is unwilling to admit or


> unaware of.


> The road to Self-Realization depends on discipline and

> purification. Secrecy inhibits both of these.




> , "childofdevi"

> <childofdevi> wrote:

> > Hmm... very interesting. I guess you are the very epitome of


> > saying (from the Kularnava?) "One could be a Shaivite in

> outlook, a Vaishnavite in appearance but a Kaula in truth and

secrecy" (or some variant of that).

> >

> > Best wishes,

> > -yogaman









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