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The Five Limbs (Panchanga) of Bala

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The Five Limbs (Panchanga) of BalaListen, Virachamunda, to the characteristics

of jiva. It is supreme, whole, eternal, consisting of nothing, stainless. It is

the ultimate atomic particle, the Natha, it is supreme Shiva, all pervading, it

is above all, it is Hamsa, the soul of Shakti. It is the mind, the breath, the

buddhi and the chitta, residing in the inspiration and expiration of the breath

of all living beings. - Kaulajnananirnaya, VI, 4-6.






This is the first English translation of the five limbs, or panchanga, of the

aspect of Goddess known as Bala Tripura. Bala means "girl", this aspect of the

Red Goddess is the most highly erotic of Her three aspects, as the 1,000 names

show. Bala is an adolescent woman, Tripurasundari a mother, and Tripurabhairavi

a woman in whom menstruation has ceased.




Bala's root mantra is aim klim sauh and variations of this mantra are used in

her daily ritual. Many tantrik devatas have manuals structured along similar

lines. The devata is first visualised as residing in the heart, then later drawn

out through the breath and "placed" in the yantra. On installation or

invocation, various ritual accessories are offered, and the 1,000 adjectives

(names) of the particular deity recited. The Devi is then drawn 'back' into

one's heart, and the ritual concludes with various elements "cleaning up" the

area of worship.




The five limbs of a ritual panchanga are Patala, Paddhati, Kavacha (Armour),

1,000 Names, and Stotra. The first gives the unfolding of the mantra, usually in

coded form. It also describes the meditation image and the yantra of the devata,

as well as various optional rites. The second limb describes the ritual worship,

including worship of the avarana or attendants of the devata, which are really

aspects of the god or goddess. The kavacha is an "armour" used to ward off evil

and which may either be recited or written and then worn on the body. The fourth

limb consists of the 1,000 names, of which there are very many sets in the

tantrik literature. The fifth, the Stotra, is the hymn of praise of the

ishtadevata, the tutelary devata of a tantrik sadhaka.

This particular manual comes from the Devirahasya, a large work which contains

many other panchangas relating to different aspects of Shiva and Shakti.







Bala Patala



Seated on Kailasa Summit is Bhagavan, spouse of Uma, the God with a crescent

Moon as His diadem, whose eyes are Sun, Moon and Fire, wearing an elephant skin,

mighty, worshipped by the Gods, bowed to by hosts of Gandharvas, mighty Yakshas,

and by gods and demons.




Having recited mantra, and having read sacred texts, rising up and bowing,

Bhairavi questions the Lord.




Shri Bhairavi - Lord God, Ocean of Compassion, who reveals all Agamas, by Your

grace I have heard of all the Vidyas, O Sureshvara. Now I would like to hear of

Bala Tripurasundari. If this can be spoken of, declare the Vidya, O God





Shri Bhairava -- Listen Devi, I speak of the five Limbed Manual (Panchanga)

desired by sadhakas, (which consists of) Patala, Paddhati, Armour, 1,000 Names

and King of Hymns. O Mahadevi, listen one-pointedly. Parameshani, Shri Bala is

the Goddess bestowing both enjoyment and Liberation.




O Mahadevi, one may give away power, dominion, house and wealth. All these may

be given away, but one should never give away this thing which is the best of

all. In the Kali Yuga there is no other Vidya resembling this Vidya. It is said

that Shri Bala Tripura gives siddhi quickly.




It should be passed on to peaceful disciples, and to those devoted to their

Guru. One should not give this Vidya to the undevoted, O Parameshvari.




I will speak of the unfolding of the mantra, yantra, prastara, meditation, and

the rites of the Devi, O Maheshvari. First, Deveshi, listen to the unfolding of

the Mantra which bestows all fruit. It should be carefully concealed, whoever

knows it becomes successful (Siddha).




One should place "Shakti" (Sauh) at the end of 'Vagbhava" (Aim) and


(Klim), ending this with Namah. O Devi, this is the eight lettered Mantra of

Bala. (There are) no obstacles, or impurity or restrictions attached to it, it

causes one to become a Siddha, O Mahadevi, and is the King of Mantras in the

Kali Yuga.




Dakshinamurti is the Seer, Pankti is the Metre for pronunciation, the Goddess if

Tripura-Bala, "Aim" is the Seed, "Sauh" the Shakti. "Klim" is the

linchpin. Its

application is towards Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.




One should do (six fold) Nyasa on the head, on the mouth, in the heart, on the

feet, on the navel lotus and in all the limbs, O Devi.




One should do Nyasa according to the rules doing Seer, Hand and Limb nyasa,

using the bijas of the mantra, O Maheshvari.


Now I speak of Her meditation, advantageous for all sadhakas:




I meditate on Bala, clothed in red, with a digit of the Moon as Her ornament,

effulgent as the rising sun, with three eyes, holding a book and a rosary,

showing the gestures of removing fear and giving, seated on a red lotus.




Having meditated in this way one should repeat the mantra which gives success. A

pure sadhaka should prepare (the mantra by reciting it) 300,000 times.




Now I speak of the unfolding of the Yantra of Mahadevi, the Giver of both

Enjoyment and Liberation, which is very hard to get to know of for any sadhaka.




Bindu, triangle, eight triangles, eight petals, adorned with three circles and

enclosed in an earthsquare. This circle of Bala (and Her attendants) is the

Destroyer of Pain, O Mountain-Born One!




One should worship the Shaktis of the pedestal when inscribing the Yantra. The

pedestal Shaktis are Will (Iccha), Knowledge (Jnana), Action (Kriya), Lotus-Girl

(Kamini), Giver of Sexuality (Kamadayini), Sexual Pleasure (Rati), Loving the

Bliss of Sexual Pleasure (Ratipriyananda), and Mind-Born (Manonmani) lastly. One

should place these Shaktis round the pedestal using the mantra "Vyoma Parvata

Tartiya Sadashiva Mahapadam Pitha Padmasanaya Namah". This is the pedestal

Mantra. Having put, in order, these 16 syllables around the image (Yantra) one

should recite the root mantra.




One should invoke Devi and worship Her with the ritual accessories according to

the rules. Having invoked the desired Devi in the centre of the yoni, one should

worship in the triangle, in a similar way Sexual Love (Rati) on the left,

Pleasure (Priti) on the right, and Mind-Born (Manobhava) at the apex. One should

worship the six Limbs inside the yoni (i.e. central triangle) starting from the

South East.




Outside the central yoni one should worship, from the East, in a clockwise

direction, the Arrow-Devis. In the eight yoni-triangles one should worship the

eight Shaktis called Beautiful Bhaga (Bhaga=female sexual organ), Bhaga, Nectar

of Bhaga, Bhaga adorned with Flowers, Primordial Sexual Pleasure, The Flower of

Sex, the Girdle of Sex, the Bliss of Sexual Love - these are the eight Shaktis.




In the filaments of the lotus one should worship Brahmi and so forth, and in the

petals themselves the (eight) Bhairavas. One should also worship, in the petal

tips, from the East in a clockwise direction, the Sacred Sites called Kamarupa,

Malaya, Kaulagiri, Cauhara, Kulantaka, Jalandhara and Oddyana -- the eighth

being Devikuta.




In the bhupura one should worship in the cardinal directions Heruka,

Tripurantaka, Vetala, Agnijihva, Kalantaka, Kapalini, Ekapada, Bhimarupa, Mala

and Hatakeshvara. (Also) in the directions one should worship Indra and the

others with the (various) weapons.




Outside of this, in the directions, one should worship Vatuka, the Yoginis,

Kshetrapala and Ganesha. In the intermediate points one should worship the

(eight) Vasus, the Sun, and Shiva. One should worship all the elements and then

the weapons.


First of all one should meditate on Bala in the embrace of Kameshvara in the

centre; A Kaula should worship using the five makaras according to the rules of





The sadhaka skilled in the mantra should worship Mahadevi in the bindu (of the

yantra) with scent, unhusked rice, flowers, incense, flame and liquid oblation.

This is called Layanga.




Listen to the rituals, O Parvati. Whosoever skilled in mantra who does this

gains a share of success swiftly, it is certain. The (eight rites) are

Paralysing, Deluding, Killing, Attracting, Subjugating, Driving Away, Peace

Making and Healing.




This sadhana is the Quintessence, invisible, Dear One. One should not give this

to those undevoted to Devi, and should keep it concealed and secret from pashus.




(1) On the first day of the Waxing Moon, Devi, having bathed and done the daily

rite, one should go to a deserted place at midday. There one should do sacrifice

by a 10th part using ghee, curd and so forth. One should do oblation to the

Goddess, then immediately one is free to paralyse, this is certain.




(2) At dusk, in the cremation ground, one should recite (the mantra) on a seat

made of owl feathers. One should do much sacrifice and by a tenth part of this

give ghee, wine, grain, shoots and lotus seeds. Then one may delude the world.




(3) Having gone in the morning or at night to the place of Ghosts and Elementals

(Cremation Ground), the mighty Hero should recite the Vidya of 16 letters in

front of a cremation pyre. The mantrin should do much sacrifice of ghee,

fragrant gums and hairs of chandalas in the burning funeral pyre. (In this way)

one kills an enemy.




(4) On an eighth day of the Bright Fortnight the sadhaka should recite (the

mantra) in secret. Having recited a myriad times using the root Vidya, and

having meditated, O Charming One, one should do sacrifice of a 10th part giving

ghee, lac, flowers, menstrual blood, wheat and bamboo shoots. (Then) one may

attract women.




(5) Dearest, on a ninth day the ritualist, having bathed and done the daily

rite, should offer much ghee, fish, eggs, lotus, pearls, and hair of deer. Doing

sacrifice in this way, O Lady of Heroes, one is able to make people slaves.




(6) On the fourth Lunar Day of a Dark Fortnight one should recite the mantra at

the arising of the Moon, Dearest. On a riverbank, seated in Shirsha Asana, the

Hero should recite the mantra many times. One should sacrifice a 10th part of

this, giving ghee, blue lotus, cloves, black pepper and tamarind. Then one may

cause an enemy to flee.




(7) On a fifth night, O Deveshi, one should recite the mantra a myriad times.

One should sacrifice a 10th of that and should offer ghee, fish, sugar cane and

camphor - thus one may calm down great disputes, wars and adversities.


(8) On a great eighth day (of the dark Lunar fortnight) a person1 having bathed,

should do sadhana on the best of pedestals. The hero should recite (the mantra)

10,000 times and should sacrifice a 10th part of that, giving ghee, camphor,

grapes, many betel leaves, goat flesh and blood. Then one causes healing to





This thing which is secret is the form of all, my very Self, O Deveshi, Secret.

One should conceal it in the Kali Yuga. On Sundays etc. one should recite the

mantra 10,000 times. Then one becomes Siddha, there should be no doubt about

this! This celestial chapter is revealed because of Your love. Hide it! It

should be concealed, hide it as You would conceal Your own yoni.



Shri Bala Paddhati



Now I will declare the Paddhati in its spoken form - the essence of Shri Bala

Tripureshvari, the Giver of Happiness. Having done morning acts those who are

devoted should worship Devi. This puja is fruitless for those impure at the

Three (Twilights).




Extending from the base of the spine to the top of the head, like a lotus stem,

a brilliant, white, slender thread, one should meditate on Devi, Giver of

Subjugation, Great Good Fortune and Eloquence; as surrounded by a swarm of black

bees; with braided hair garlanded with flowers; with a face marked with a jewel

as her forehead mark; her mouth sweetly smiling, wearing a beautiful diadem; her

head adorned with pearls and diamonds; with a slender crescent Moon as crest

gem; her three bright eyes effulgent as a swarm of sapphire bees; with jewelled

coiled earrings, the chief of which is as bright as the Sun: ornamented with

shining pearls and gems of dazzling appearance; around her throat a necklace

like a line of bees, beautiful and bedazzling, surpassing nectar in its beauty;

adorned with beautiful and resplendent garments like the white water of the

Ganga in flood; beautiful, sinuous graceful limbs, scented and sweet like

creeping vines; covered in gold and by other precious metals,

and by glistening jewels, glittering and bright; her beautiful feet and toes

like red lotuses with their petals; as bright as the circle of the starry realm

(Nakshatras); adorned with pearl-like blossoms; with her lower left hand holding

a book and her upper right hand dispelling the fears of sadhakas; in her two

right hands holding a rosary and bestowing boons; She herself being of the

dazzling whiteness of snow, milk or the Moon; gracious and charming.



Armour of Shri Bala Tripurasundari



Shri Bhairavi said - Devadeva, Mahadeva, expander of devotees who please You,

the Armour of Devi is hidden. Speak of this to Me!




Shri Bhairava -- Listen Devi, I speak of the Armour difficult to get even for

gods. One should never reveal this high secret, which gives the wished for

siddhi to a sadhaka. The Seer of the Armour is Dakshinamurti. Pankti is the

Metre. The Devi is Tripurasundari. Its application in puja is the four aims of

Mankind. She wears a pearl diadem, coiled earrings, armlets, a necklace of gems;

pearl finger rings; effulgent bracelets and other jewels; a golden hip girdle,

glittering anklets; her navel is adorned with a ruby, and she has a bracelet of

shells, with a Kala of the Moon on her forehead. She holds a noose, a goad, a

book and a rosary in her upper hands and the other hands.




May the Vagbhava Aim protect my head, and the Kamaraja Klim my heart! May the

Shakti Bija Sauh protect me in my navel, genitals and feet!




May Aim Klim Sauh protect my face, and Bala shield me in my siddhi! May Ha Sa Ka

La Hrim Sauh Bhairavi shield my throat, and may Sa Ka La Sundari shield me in

the region of the navel!




May Mahatripurasundari shield my brow, and the point between my eyes! Subhaga

protect my forehead! Bhaga shield my throat! Bhagodevi protect my heart!

Bhagasarpini, shield my belly!




Bhagamala, shield my navel! Manobhava, protect my penis! May the auspicious

Lady, the Queen of Queens, the Mahadevi, shield my anus!




Mother of the Cosmos (Jagad Ambika), form of Consciousness, protect my feet!

Narayani, protect me at night! Shubhankari shield me in all my actions!




May Brahmani protect me in the East, and Vaishnavi in the South! May Varahi

protect me in the West, and Maheshvari in the North! May Kaumari protect me in

the South East, and Mahalakshmi in the South West! May Chamunda protect me in

the North West, and Indrani in the North East!




Mahamaya, protect me in Water! Sarvamangala, shield me in Earth! Varada, protect

me in Aether! Bhuvaneshvari, protect me everywhere!




This Armour is called "Names of the Goddess" and is hard to obtain! The pure

person with concentrated mind should arise and recite it at dawn.




Whoever does it knows no fear or disease. Nor is he afraid of death or anxious

about sin. He is never poor, nor is he vanquished by death. He dwells in the

realm of Shiva, O Devi. I say to You that this is most certainly true.




O Auspicious One, whosoever should recite this Armour having not been initiated

into Shri Vidya gains no fruit, but is struck by lightning.



The 1,000 Names of Bala



Shri Devi - Shri Natha Shankara, Bliss-Maker, speak! O Lord God, how may one

obtain the yoga-power of full devotion, O Ocean of Wine 1 If You have compassion

for Me Shambhu, reveal that which is well-hidden!




Shri Bhairava -- By devotion to Shakti one comes to know the entire vermilion

ocean of Bliss, the hidden essence of Bala. Dear One, I will speak to You of Her

1,000 Names. One should well hide it, O One with Thighs like Plantain Stems, it

is revealed out of deep and amorous affection for You. Whoever meditates on how

Devi is hymned immediately gains the whole mass of happiness, and is the cause

of Knowledge.




(Of this 1,000 Name-Hymn of Shri Bala Sundari, Bhargava is the Seer, Anushtubh

is the Metre, Shri Bala Tripura is the Devata. Aim is the Seed, Sauh is the

Shakti, Klim the linchpin. The application by reading it are the four aims of





Rishi Nyasa :Hail to Bhargava the Seer on the head; Hail to Anushtubh the Metre

on the mouth; Hail to Shri Bala the Devata in the heart; Hail to the Seed Aim in

the genitals; Hail to the Shakti Sauh on the feet; Hail to the Linchpin Klim on

the navel; Hail to the Application on all the limbs.




Aim hail to the thumbs; Klim obeisance to the index fingers; Sauh hail to the

middle fingers; Aim hail to the ring fingers; Klim hail to the little fingers;

Sauh to the front and backs of the hands hail Thus the heart and other Nyasa are

related. Meditation-)




Wearing red clothes, with a Kala of the Moon as Her ornament, effulgent as the

rising Sun, holding Book and Rosary, bestowing boons and banishing fears, I

meditate on Bala on the Red Lotus.




Pleasing and Supremely Blissful Vermilion One. Ultimate Treasure of the Path of

Devotion. Deep Left Thing. Manifestation of the Elements. Shankari. Shiva.




Boon Giver of Erotic Form. Essence. Auspicious Sphere of Action. Ocean of

Ultimate Bliss. Passionate. Actress. Graceful One.




Kala of Sexual Play the Colour of Blossom. Dalliance. Absolute. Kala.




Suitable Essence. Creeper Granting All Wishes. Eager-Goddess. Playing with

Love's Arrow. Truly Affectionate. Lovely Sweet Form.




Effulgent as 10,000,000 Suns. Cool as 10,000,000 Moons. Arrow Limbed One

Shedding Nectar. Means by which Heaven is Attained.




Gazelle Eyed. Charming. Walking Beautifully. Happy and Peaceful One. Empress.

Queen. Worshipped by Mahendra.




Lady Moving in the Cosmos. Ultimate Mover in the Cosmos. With Dishevelled

Clothing. Irresistible Shakti. With Tinkling Golden Anklets.


With Breasts like the Paradise Tree on Mount Meru. Bearing Goad and Noose as

Weapons and Giving Boons. Holding Arrows and Sugar Cane Bow in Her Two Beautiful





Face like the Disc of the Moon. With a Beautiful Crest Gem like a Little Moon.

Having a Vermilion Forehead Mark. Her Lovely Braided Hair adorned with Flowers.




Rejoicing in a Garland of Coral Tree Blossoms. Adorned with a Garland of Gems.

Fond of Gold Ornaments. Having a Beautiful Pearl Necklace.




Her Mouth is Full of Tambula. Her Mind is Filled with Sexual Bliss. Pleasing and

Happy. Essence of Passion. Supremely Compassionate. Lady of Treasure.




An Effulgent Gem sits between Her Breasts. Intoxicated with Wine-Essence. Having

a Mantra which is the Self of Bindu and Nada. Form of the Fourth.




The Lovely Giver of Happiness. Shankari. Fond of Blossoms. The Universe.

Complete. Dweller in the Purna Pitha.




Rajyalakshmi. Shri Lakshmi. Mahalakshmi. Beautiful Queen. Santoshima.

Excellence. Gold Vessel. Light.




All-complete. Supporter of the Cosmos. Creatrix. Increasor of Strength.

Magnificence of all Earthly Kings. Mother Ruling All.




Lotus-Eyed One. One Gazing Long. Clear Eyed One. Flow of Love. Taste. [100]

Chief One. Essence Body.




Vermilion Essence. Moving Gracefully. Colour of Pollen. Mad with Bliss in Sexual

Intercourse. Inmost Quality. Self of Shakti.




Eyes Full of Love. Charming. Goddess of Love. Lovely Bhaga (Female Genitals).

Beautiful Bhaga. Taking Pleasure. To be Enjoyed. Giver of Fortune. Lovely.





Kala of the Bliss of Yoni and Linga. Dwelling in the centre of the Bhaga. Form

of Bhaga. Consisting of Bhaga. Bhaga Yantra. Highest Bhaga.




Yoni Mudra. Kamakala. Essence of Kula Nectar. Fire of the Kula Kunda. Subtle.

Jivatma. Form of the Linga. Root Cause. Root Form. True Form of Root Action.

Longing For It. Lotus-Bliss. Self Dissolved in Consciousness Meditation.





White and Red. Form of Bindu. Yoni which is the Sound of Knowledge. Sound of

10,000,000 Bells. Humming One. The Marvellous Risen Disc of the Sun. Dissolved

in Sound. Completely Full. Place of Fullness. Many-Bodied.




Golden Music. Hereditary Music. Sound of the Drum. Garland of Letters.

Siddhi-Kala. Dwelling in the Six Chakras. Sexually Playing in the Muladhara.

Svadisthana. Dwelling in the fourth.




Situated in the Manipura. Loved. Essence of the Tortoise Chakra. Like a Flame


in the Anahata. Made of Gems.




Vishuddha. Pure Sound. Residing in the Awakened Being. Song. Situated in the

Ajna Lotus. Emanatrix. Skilful. Triple Circle.




Little Moon. Splendid as 10,000,000 Moons. Shining like 10,000,000 Suns. Shadow

of the Ruby Red Lotus. Consisting of Eternity and Joy. Shining.




Auspicious Liquor. Very Beloved. Still and Joyful Nectar. Charming Limbed One

Rejoicing in Intercourse. Having Sweet Nectar.




Seated on a Great Pedestal. Satisfied. Wild. Beautiful in Bearing. Drenched in a

Shower of Nectar. Expanding Ocean of Redness.




Very Red. Fond of Moistness. Wearing Innumerable Earrings and Removing Fear.

[200] Excellent Oral Lore. Encircled by Countless Flowers and Fruit.




Dear. Auspicious. Beloved of Shiva. Shankari. Shambhavi. Powerful. Self Created.

Beloved of the Self. Partner. One's Own. Mother Matrika.




Vowel-Being. Refuge. Chaste. Highest Being and Origin of Wine. Fortunate

Gladdener. Respected. Devoted to All Good Fortune.




Lucky. Slender Thread. Maiden. Bright as a Fragment of a Half Moon. Beautiful

Slender Creeper. Dear One. Wicked Deed. Evil Spell.




Gazelle Eyed. Excited Eyed. Sharp. Intoxicated with Wine Nectar. Delighted by

Intoxicating Liquor. Beauteous as Madira Wine.




Pleased by Kadamba Wine. Handsome. Delighted. Rejoicing in Sideways Glances. One

with Slowly Turned Down Eyes Gazing Long and Sweetly. Destroyer of the Family of

Demons. Radiant Nectar of Sexual Desire. Suvasini. One with Rounded Body. One

With Breasts Heavy with Milk.




Truly Beautiful. With Teeth Like Little Pearls. With a Halo. Radiant Mouth. Her

Lips Like Tender Shoots. Her Nose Like the Tip of a Til Blossom. Her Forehead

Shining Like Gold. With a Face like the Full Moon. With a Young Moon as Her

Shining Diadem.




Her Lively Eyes Smeared with Orpiment. Her Ears Like Blossoming Flowers. Each

Ear like Half a Leaf and resembling a New Moon. With the Sun as a Gem in Her





Her Gold Earrings Studded with Gems. With Coiled and Begemmed Earrings. Very

Beautiful Cheeks. With a Shell-Like Neck. Wearing Alluring Gems.




Wearing a Pearl Necklace which is Like the Ganges in Flood and Her Voice Like a

Bird. Her Limbs Extending Like Many Lotus Roots. Carrying Noose, Goad and Bow.

With Bracelets Entwined Round Her Clothes. Adorned with Various Beautiful

Jewels. Her Lotus Hands the Colour of Copper and Her Lovely Nails Shining like





Her Fingers Adorned with Jewels with Beautiful Lines between Her Fingers. Her

Two Beautiful Breasts Like the Mandara Tree. The Hair of Her Pubic Region like a

Line of Serpents. Her Womanly Deep Navel Encircled by Three Lines. Very Slender

of Waist.




Wearing a Breast Plate for Battle. Wearing a Beautiful Waist Cloth. Her Buttocks

Like the Brows of an Elephant. Her Two Thighs Close Together Like the Cheeks of

an Elephant. Her Beautiful Knees and Legs like Unworldly and Bright Paradise





With Hidden Ankles. Her Anklets Adorned with Gems and Making a Charming Ringing

Sound. Her Two Feet Meditated on by Yogis. Ocean of Wine Nectar.




Vermilion Ocean. With a Vermilion Forehead Mark. Adorned with Dishevelled Hair.

Perfect Nectar. Truly Wise. Intelligent. Most Beautiful of Divinities.




Like a Row of Scarlet Rays From a Dawn Sun. Beloved Cow of Heaven. Padmini of

the Essence of Nectar. Stream of Rasa.




The Beautiful and Ever-present Boon Giving One. Autumnal. Giving True Fortune.

Dear to Nataraja. Cosmic Dancer. Male and Female Dancer.




Brightly Coloured Yantra. Web of Consciousness. Knowledge Vine. Chief Thing.

Dwelling in the Forehead. five-Sectioned One. Panchami.




four-Sectioned One. Tripartite Primordial One. Six-Sectioned One. Worshipped in

the Vedas. Having 16 Sections. The Fourth. Supreme Kala. Shodashi. Goddess of

Mantra and Yantra. Meru Circle.




Sixteen Lettered One. Three Lettered One. True Form of Bindu Nada.




Above the Letters. Mother of the Letters. Great Happiness Who is the Absolute as

Sound. Consciousness Vine. Being with Sections. Kameshi. To Be Seen in Dream.




Goddess of Dream. Goddess of Awakened Intelligence. Refuge of the Watchful in

the Waking State. Abode of Dream. Deep Sleep. Free from Idleness. Spring Creeper

of Fragrant White Flowers (Madhavi).




Lopamudra. Queen of Kama. Daughter of Man. Worshipped by Lords of Wealth.

Shakambhari. Nandi Vidya. Garland of Light Emanating Blossoms.




Mahendri. Served in Heaven. Oral Lore. Refuge of the Best Sadhakas. Chaste.

Truly Good. Siddhi Cave.




Lady of the Three Cities. Worshipped by Conquerors of Cities. City Devata.

Satisfied Destructrix of Obstacles. Without Qualities. Worshipped by the

Celestial Cow.




Golden Mother. Lady of Hosts. Secret Mother. With Beautiful Buttocks. Giving

Birth to All. Liberation. Initiation. Initiated Matrika.




Mother of Sadhakas. Mother of Siddhas. Most Powerful Wizardess. Deluding the

Mind. Youthful and Intoxicated. Exalted. Her Beautiful Buttocks Swaying Slowly.


Dwelling in the Red and Blue Lotus. Smeared with Red and Adorned with Red Gems.

Wearing a Pure Red Rosary. With a Very Beautiful Peacock Feather Crest aim.

Satisfied by Kings. Waving Peacock Plumes. Perfume Diffusing in the Cosmos.

Earth. Fragrance. Giver of Sexual Love. Beloved. Giving Success in Love to Those

Seeking Love.




Nandini. Lakshanavati. Devata Resorted to by (Rishi) Vasishta. Devi of Goloka.

(400] Protectress of Shri Goloka and all the Worlds. Giver of the Fruits of

Sacrifice. Mother of the Gods. Giving Boons to Gods.




Partner of Rudra. Auspicious Mother. Wide Expanse of the Ocean of Nectar.




Dakshina. Form of Sacrifice. True Maiden. Rejoicing in Resolution. Dwelling in

the Ocean Full of Milk. Pure Yoni. Beautiful Eyed. Dwelling in Beauty. Truly

Served. Dissolved in Beautiful Scents. True in Actions. Beautiful Tripura. With

Beautiful Breasts. With the Breasts of a Young Maiden.




Menstruating Girl. Showing Her Menses. Colourful One. With a Bright Garland.

Liking Red. Very Red. True Form of Love Making. Mother of Menses and Semen.

Intent on Sex Play. Coming in Love Making.




Cry of Orgasm. Self of all Love Play. Life of the Gods. Bliss of Svayambhu

Menses. Fond of Svayambhu Menses. Pleased and Satisfied by Svayambhu Menses.

Cause of Creation of the Beautiful Svayambhu Menses. Place of Svayambhu Menses.

Shakti Hole. All Love Dalliance is Her True and Sacred Pedestal.




Very Inner Whore. Duti. Artful. Pleased by Worship. Kullika. Dwelling in a

Yantra. Dwelling in a Yoga Pedestal. With Beautiful Body. Form of the

Quintessence. Having All Characteristics.




Wearing Various Beautiful Jewels. Worshipped With Five Arrows. Residing in the

Upper Trikona. Bala. Kameshvari.




Worshipped by Hosts. Worshipped by Kulas. Lakshmi. Sarasvati. Pleased by Spring.

Beloved. Having Gems on Her Breasts.




Bearing a Kala on Her Head. Her Feet Causing Growth. Residing in Kalas. Fond of

Flowers. Wearing Flowers. Deludress of Love.




Intoxicated with Sexual Desire. Mohini. Kalas of the Moon. Shoshini. Vashini.

Rajini. Subhaga. Bhaga. Pusha. Vasha. Sumana. Rati. Priti. Dhriti. Riddhi.

Benefic. With a Garland of Rays. With Parts.




Moon. True Shadow. Rising Full Moon. Satisfied. Full Amrita. Dwelling in the

Female Sex Organ Yantra.




Residing in the Linga Yantra. [500] Body of Shambhu. Yogini of Sexual

Intercourse. Wine Goddess. Body of Bija. Steady. Dear to Sadhakas.




Self of the King of Bija. Giver of Dominion and Happiness. Giver of Desires.

Shakti of Menses and Semen. Knower of Shiva' s Semen. All Nectar. Consisting of

Nectar. Consisting of Shiva and Shakti. Lady.




Dwelling in the Bliss of Love Making. The Matrika Fond of Love Making. Bliss of

the Flowers of Sexual Intercourse. Lovemaking. Expander of Yoga. State of

Happiness in Sexual Intercourse. Served by Unified Consciousness-Bliss.




True Form of the Substances Used in Offering and Giver of Success in Worship.

Samarasya. Supreme One Female Form Fond of Love-Making.




Messenger of Knowledge. Accessible to Knowledge. Origin of Knowledge. Abode of

Shiva. Consciousness- Kala. Knowledge With All its Parts. True Kula. Beautiful

Self of Kula.




Four Kalas. Very Subtle Lotus Girl (Padmini). Supreme Being. Dwelling in the

Play of Hamsa. Shadowy One. Emanatrix of the Two Parts of Hamsa.




Free from Passion. Liberation Kala. Supreme Being Indwelling in Kalas. Very Self

Situated in Vidya Kala. Dweller in the Four Kalas. The Vidya Making All Content.

Pleased One. The Light of the Supreme Absolute. The Supreme Paramatma. Dissolved

in Things. The Fourfold Shakti.




The Diffusion of Shanta and Bodha Kalas. The Kala and Inner Essence of the

Highest Knowledge. Pashyanti. Supreme Quintessence. The Inner Atma without Parts

Known as Akula.




Madhyama. Vaikhari. The Bliss of Atma Kala. Dweller in Kalas. Tarini. Swift One

(Tarani). Tara. Knower of the Inner Core Dissolved in the Shiva Linga.




Mover in the Ultimate Good. Delighting in the Bliss of the Absolute. Intoxicated

with Rasa. Highest Rasa. Successful. Fond of Success. Uma.




Fond of All Castes. Increasor of the Bliss of Yogis and Yoginis. Bestower of the

Heroic Frame of Mind. Celestial One. Giver of True Heroism to Heroes.




Great Giver of the Heroic Mood to Pashus. One Whose Head is Bathed. Queen Shri.

The Ultimate Matrika of Warriors.




Skilled in Sword and Missile. Grace. Essence Place. Enlivening in Battle.

Victorious. Yogini. Pilgrimage. Crusher of Great Armies. Full. [600] Goddess of

Wealth. Wealth. Provided with Great Hoards of Treasure.




Dwelling in Heaps of Gems. Jewel. Abiding in Necklaces of Gems. Mahishi.

Worshipped by Kings. With Hosts. Bearing Hosts. Creatrix. Prostitute. Attainable

by Yoga. Mallasena. Female Foot Soldier. Battle Array. Brave in Love. Banner.

Dwelling in the Banner.




Beautiful Parasol. Little Mother. Mother (Amba). Fragrant. Moving in sadhana.

Acting like Kings Act. Consisting of Brahmins and Kshatriyas. Dwelling in Moon

and Sun. Fond of Her Priests. Chaste One. Brahmin Girl. Multitude of Sacrifices.




Supreme Wine of the Moon. Origin of All. Burning One. Patient One. Opposing

Evil. Bearer of All. Creatrix of All. Origin. Moving in Eternity. Gayatri.

Attainable by Knowledge. Initiated. Giving the Wished For Goal.




Dwelling in the Cosmos Like Jewelled Rays. Life of the Universe. Giver of

Success in the Field. Augmentor of All. Little Usurer.


Support of Kula. One who Extends Herself Beautifully. Mind's Delusion. Refuge.

Pure. Dwelling in the Twice Born. Doer of Actions. Worshipped in Festivals.




Going Under Various Guises. Bala. Wanton. Consisting of Kalas. With Beautiful

Ears. Highest of All. Freer from Difficulties.




Durga. Staying in the Vindhya Forest. Beloved of the God of Love. Pacifier.

Black One. Protectress. Intoxicated with Rasa.




Appeaser of Those Fallen From the Three Rules of Conduct. Bestower of Complete

Happiness. Little Moon of the Cosmic Pleasure Garden. Giver of Happiness to the

Multitude of Siddhas. Worshipped by Hosts of Yoginis.




Body of the Sixteen Nityas. Kameshi. Bhagamalini. Nityaklinna. Bherunda.

Vahni-Mandala-Vasini. Mahavidyeshvari Nitya. Shiva Duti.




Tvarita. Kula Sundari. Nitya. Nilapataka. Vijaya. Sarvamangala. Jvalamala. [700]

Vichitra. Mahatripurasundari.




Host of Gurus. Supreme Guru. Lady Prakashananda. Form of Shivanandanath. True

Form of Shaktyanandanath. Consisting of Devi-Anandanath. Lady Kaulesha

Anandanath. Form of the Divyaugha. Lady Samaya Anandanath. Lady Shukla Devi

Ananda Nath. Kulesha Ananda Nathini.




Body of Klinnanga Ananda (Nath). Samaya Ananda Nathini. Consisting of Veda

Ananda Nath. Sahaja Ananda Nathini.




Body of the Siddha Augha. Body of the Highest Guru. Gagana Ananda (Nathini).

Vishva Ananda Nathini. Vimala Ananda Nathini. Madana Ananda Nathini. Primordial

Lady of the Worlds. Primordial Playful One. Nandana Ananda Nathini. Body of Sva

Atma Ananda. Priya Ananda Nathini.




Self of the Manava Augha Gurus. Lady of the Gurus of the Gurus. Ultimate Secret.

Guru Shakti. Fond of Those Who Sing the Praises of Their Own Guru. Known as

Bewilderer of the Three Worlds. All Encompassing and Complete One.




All-Bewildering One. Residing in the Eastern Amnaya. Shiva-Shakti. Auspicious

(Shiva) Shakti. Dwelling in Three Shiva Chakras. Known as the Giver of All Great

Good Fortune. Giver of All Desires to Sadhakas. Called the All Protecting One.

Devata of the Southern Amnaya.




Dwelling in the Centre of the Disc of the Sun. Devata of the Western Amnaya.

Creating and Indwelling the Nine Chakras. Devata of the Northern Amnaya.

Worshipped by Kubera. Origin of Kula. Residing in the Exalted Kula Amnaya.




Making and Dwelling in the Bindu Chakra. Lady of the Central Lion Throne.




Shri Vidya. Mahalakshmi. Lakshmi. Self of the Three Shaktis. Lakshmi Giving All

Dominion. Pancha Lakshmi. Shrividya. Supreme Light Source. Supreme Shambhavi

Without Parts. Matrika. Panchakoshi. Shrividya Tvarita.




Parijateshvari. Trikuta. Panchabaneshi. Panchakalpalata. Pancha Vidya. Source of

Amrita. Wine. Lovely Lady. Annapurna. Cow of Plenty. Shri Vidya. Siddha Lakshmi.

Matangi. Bhuvaneshvari. Varahi. Pancharatneshvari. One Who Dwells in the Letters

of Matrika. Supreme Effulgence. In the Form of All Words. Aindri. Desire.




Own Lady. Vision of Shakti. Seed of the Sun. Having the Body of Brahma. Having

the Body of Shiva. Having the Body of Vishnu. Residing in the Wheel of Creation.

Having the Body of the Sun. Dissolved in the Chakra of Places. Having the Body

of Mercury. Mahatripurasundari.




True Form of Tattva and Mudra. Pleasant One. [800] Knowledge Mudra. Satisfied by

All Ritual Accessories. Dwelling in the Heart. Divinity of the Head. Divinity of

the Top of the Head. The Absolute. With Amorous Three Eyes.




Dwelling in the Missile. Four Square One. Dwelling at the Doors. Dwelling in

Each Door. Anima in the West. Laghima in the North. Mahima in the East. Ishitva

Divinity of the Southern Door. Vashitva in the North West. Prakamya in the North

East. Bhukti in the South East. Iccha in the South West.




Brahmi. Maheshvari. Kaumari. Vaishnavi. Varahi. Aindri. Chamunda. Mahalakshmi.

Dwelling in the Ten Parts.




Kshobhini. Dravini Mudra. Akarshana. Unmadana. Mahankusha. Khechari. Bija. Yoni





Dwelling in the Sarvashapura Chakra. Cause of Successful Siddhi. Kamakarshini

Shakti. Buddhi Akarshana. Ahankara Karshini. Shabda Akarshana. Sparsha

Akarshana. Rupa Akarshana. Rasa Akarshana. Gandha Akarshana. Chitta Akarshana.

Dhairya Akarshana. Smritya Akarshana. Bija Akarshana. Amrita Akarshini. Nama

Akarshini. Sharira Akarshinidevi. Atma Akarshana. Form of the Sixteen Vowels.

Temple of the Flow of Nectar. Tripureshi. Form of Siddha. Dwelling in the

Sixteen Petals.




Queen of the All Agitating Chakra. Lady of the Guptatara Shaktis. Ananga Kusuma

Shakti. Ananga Kati Mekhala. Ananga Madana. Ananga Madanatura. Ananga Rekha.

Ananga Vega. Anangankusha. Ananga Malini. Shakti of the Eight Divisions of the





Making and Dwelling in the Eight Petals. Shrimat Tripurasundari. Giver of all

Happiness & Dominion. Lady giving Great Good Fortune. Lady of the Sampradaya.

Cause of All Agitation. Causing All to Flee. Attractor of All. Shakti Gladdening

All. Shakti causing Crushing. Shakti causing all Paralysis. Shakti causing All

Delusion. Shakti causing All Subjugation. Shakti who gives Colour to All and

Everything. Shakti causing Sexual Awakening. Shakti giving the Fruit of All

Desires. Shakti giving All Wealth. Shakti consisting of Mantra. Shakti causing

the Dualities to Disappear. [900]




Siddhi-Tripura-Vasini. Lady giving All Desires to a Sadhaka. Lady giving the

Fruit of All Actions. Lady of the 14 Angle Chakra. Devi giving All Siddhi. Giver

of All Prosperity. Shakti Beloved of All. Cause of All Good Fortune.




Full of All Sexual Desire. Liberator from All Sorrow. Alleviator of All Death.

Destructress of All Obstacles. Devi Beautiful in All Limbs. Giver of All Great

Good Fortune.


Tripureshi. Giver of All Siddhi. Dwelling in the 10 Triangles. Lady Bestowing

All Protection. Nigarbha Yogini. Knowing All. Shaktii of All. Giver of All

Dominion. Devi Consisting of All Knowledge. Destroyer of All Ailments. True Form

of All Adharas. Destroyer of All Evil. Devi made of All Bliss. True Form of All

Protection. Mahima Shakti Devi.




Devi Giving All. Lady Residing in the Inner 10 Angles. Devi Tripura Malini. Lady

Destroying All Disease. Rahasya Yogini. Vagdevi. Vashini. Devi Kameshvari.

Modini. Vimala. Aruna. Jayini. Sarveshvari. Kaulini. Giver of Siddhi in the

eight Angles.




Lady who gives All Love. Parapararahasya. Dweller in the Square & Trikona. Self

of All Dominion Who consists of the Weapons. Kameshvari Arrow Form. Kameshi Bow

Form. Kameshi Noose Form. Kameshi Goad Form.




Kameshvari the Indra Shakti. Residing in the Sphere of Fire. Presiding Devi of

Kamagiri. Going in the Lowermost Angle of the Triangle.




Lady Dwelling in the Rightmost Angle. Vishnu Shakti at Jalandhara. Residing in

the Sphere of the Sun. Rudra Shakti in the Leftmost Angle. Brahma Shakti in the

Sphere of the Moon. Anuragini Dwelling at Purnagiri. Auspicious Lady of the

Sphere of the Triangle. Tripura-Atma-Maheshvari.




Lady Residing in the Sphere of All Bliss. Secret One Dwelling in the Bindu.

Supreme True Form of the Absolute. Mahatripurasundari. Dwelling Within All

Chakras. Chief of the Whole of the Chakras. Lady of All Chakras. Lady of All

Mantras. Lady of All Vidyas. Lady of All Speech. All Yogeshvari. Undivided Lady

holding Dominion over All Pithas. Sarva-Kameshvari. Lady of All Tattvas and

Dominions. Shakti. Shakti with Eyes Intoxicated with Bliss. Without Duality.

Womb of the Dualities.




Unextended in the Cosmos. Mahamaya. Extended in the Cosmos. Dweller in Herself.

Supporter of All Manifestation in the Cosmos. Ultimate Bliss Sundari. [1,000]


Thus the celestial cause of Supreme Bliss has been declared, the Salt Vermilion

Waves of Bala giving all satisfaction. O Parvati, of all sets of 1,000 names in

the tantras, this is the quintessence.




Dearest, this hymn may be recited at all times, at night, and during puja in the

morning. When Bala, the Giver of All Dominion and Happiness, is pleased, She

bestows jewels of various kinds, wealth, and (answers all) requests. O

Parameshvari, She bestows whatever desires a person has, and sons and daughters

are born if one wishes it.




Enemies are destroyed, ailments are alleviated. If in a difficult situation,

things are eased, medicines are bestowed on one. This bestows beautiful palaces,

pictures, and all dominion. For a person, agriculture bestows rich harvests, and

the heavenly cow seems to dwell for him on earth. His country prospers, and his

state is not afflicted with calamities. Great elephants shower him with streams

of nectar.




He dwells happily in palaces, surrounded by gems and horses. His offspring

become rulers, free from strife, ministers of the king. Those known to him

please him, he becomes noble and very beautiful, wealthy, always in a good

position, alluring. Spoken speech and verse musically flow from him, like the

Ganges in flood. He becomes able to expound the various meanings of various

verses, becoming skilled in the entire essence of all, successful, his speech

like gracious blossoms.




Shastras unknown to him are constantly revealed. Those with faults who would

attack him become fearful, they sing adoringly of him, like slaves before a

king. Swords and missiles hurt not his limbs. Women of all classes become

completely subjugated by him. Poison becomes like wine-nectar for him. The host

of opponents are paralysed, and his enemy crushed, if the knower of Yoga should

continually practise for a period of nine nights.




If he should recite day and night, without idleness, he becomes peaceful of

mind, and all created things in all the worlds become subject to him, there is

no doubt of it.




If one should perform the yoga continually for six months, one becomes the (very

essence of) Yogamaya, without question. Whosoever reads this ultimate hymn

whilst meditating on Kamakala has women in a state of subjugation seeking him,

intoxicated with sexual desire, beautiful, mad with lust, with beautiful

enraptured eyes. He knows satiety of love through feminine desire, in this act

of subjugation.




On a fortunate day, having written the yantra of Devi on birch-bark, colouring

it with rochana, kumkum, lac, red dye, or sunflowers, making the womb of the

yantra (=triangle) of gold or silver hue, very alluring, one should awaken Bala,

having worshipped and established Her. If one should then carry this on one 's

head, throat, shoulder, or near to one's heart or navel, one becomes wealthy,

victorious, and gains love.




There is nothing greater than this in the three Worlds for protection, most

certainly. Planets, diseases, and so forth, anxieties, are all banished, one

gains happiness and health, it is the cause of strength and virility, and

destroys cruel elements and enemies.




It gives sons, daughters, increases a host of qualities, gives wealth and grain.

In whichever city this best of sadhaka dwells, whilst bearing Her, wealth is

gained. In whichever dwelling this stotra is placed and written out, O Varanana,

there I - Shiva, Hari and Kamala always dwell, and it is as if all the sacred

waters spring from this place.




If the best of sadhakas should recite and read this devotedly he knows

Knowledge, Bliss and Unity. O Deveshi, by reading this hymn, one gains the fruit

of worship. One should recite it very carefully having established oneself in

the six fold Nyasa. In the best of all tantras is the puja of Bala. There the 16

letters are the greatest thing. This, the best of all hymns, is found there.




O Sundari, one should never give this to those who are not pupils, the impure,

fraudulent, indolent, who make no efforts, the undevoted, those deficient of

Vishnu bhakti, the unstable or the stupid. It should be given to those who are

devoted, as it is the cause of liberation, and augments devotion. O Varanana,

whilst engaging in sexual intercourse (Latayoga), one may read the hymn. One

becomes like the Aeon Creeper (Kalpalata), and the fruit of one's desires are





If a sadhaka should steadily recite this whilst in Latayoga, offering blossoms

to the gazelle-eyed (partner), he is blessed with the results of 100 sacrifices

(Yajna). O Deveshi, Brahma and the other (devatas) worship his feet, he himself

becomes like Shiva -- that discriminating person who is attached to devotion to

Bala. He becomes one with the Bliss of the Absolute, Jyotsna, in the state of






Shri Bala Stotra



Shri Bhairava said - Parvati, now I speak of the Hymn of Devi Bala. Having heard

the secret Panchanga, one should always conceal it.




(Dakshinamurti is the Rishi of this stotra-mantra of Shri Bala Tripurasundari;

Pankti is the Metre; Shri Bala Tripurasundari is the Devata; Aim is the Bija;

Sauh is the Shakti; Klim is the Kilaka; its application when reciting it is

pleasing Shri Bala.



Hail to Dakshinamurti on the head

Hail to the Metre Pankti on the mouth

Hail to the Devata Shri Bala in the heart

Hail to the Bija Aim on the navel

Hail to the Shakti Sauh on the genitals

Hail to the Linchpin Klim on the feet

Hail to the Application when Reciting on all limbs



Aim to the heart obeisance

Klim to the head

Sauh to the peak

Aim to the armour

Klim to the eyes

Sauh to the missile



Aim to the thumbs hail

Klim to the index fingers

Sauh to the middle fingers

Aim to the ring fingers

Klim to the little fingers

Sauh to the front & back of the hands








Like the coloured red rays of the Sun shining brightly through red dust, the

colour of the Japa rose, holding book, dispelling fear, and in Her other hands

giving boons and holding a fully blossomed white water lotus. Thus one should

establish in one's heart the eternally beautiful form Bala.




One should recite Aim, O Tripura Bhavani. One becomes greater than God or Guru,

and has dominion and so forth of the partner of the Lord of the Mountains.




Within the course of one day, one should recite the King of Your Mantras known

as the triple syllable Kamaraja, that of Kameshvari. The person initiated in

Kula should worship the earthly and most beautiful and alluring courtesan.




One should recite Sauh, O Tripura, Mother of the three Worlds! You Who Manifest,

Play, and bring all to Completion, the core of the Absolute (Brahmapada),

Self-Existent! One should worship in the rectangle, the circles, the eight

petalled lotus, within the city of the lotus of six petals, worshipping Bala in

the Bindu Pitha, in order to become greater than Shiva.




Whosoever should recite this hymn of Tripura, which consists of mantra, at night

or at dawn, becomes garlanded (praised) on earth, and in three days becomes

equal to Shukra, Saura and Lakshmi.




Thus this stotra of Devi Bala, consisting of ultimate Mantra, is revealed. One

should not give it to the undevoted, and should conceal it as if it were Your

own yoni.








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Would you please refrain from copying copyrighted material from other

websites and post it here without reference to the source.


The link is enough, otherwise people might get the wrong impression

you or people at the mookambika group want to take the credit of

having translated the material yourself.


The material was taken from the website


translation was done by Sri Lokanatha Maharaj (Michael Magee) (It

was first published around 1980 and included in the grade papers of

the arcane magick order of the knights of shambala and later

published at www.shivashakti.com


There are certain individuals who have openend up several

groups, and advertise them aggressively most probably to net

donations from the innocent they use and publish a lot of copyrighted

material from other websites (not only from Mike Maggees) pretending

that it is their own work, to show off as Gurus. Please do not give

them your hard earned money.

I do not know if mookambika is one of these fraudulent rip-off groups

but it could be.




, Babitha Vasanth

<babitha70> wrote:



> The Five Limbs (Panchanga) of BalaListen, Virachamunda, to the

characteristics of jiva. It is supreme, whole, eternal, consisting of

nothing, stainless. It is the ultimate atomic particle, the Natha, it

is supreme Shiva, all pervading, it is above all, it is Hamsa, the

soul of Shakti. It is the mind, the breath, the buddhi and the

chitta, residing in the inspiration and expiration of the breath of

all living beings. - Kaulajnananirnaya, VI, 4-6.






> This is the first English translation of the five limbs, or

panchanga, of the aspect of Goddess known as Bala Tripura. Bala

means "girl", this aspect of the Red Goddess is the most highly

erotic of Her three aspects, as the 1,000 names show. Bala is an

adolescent woman, Tripurasundari a mother, and Tripurabhairavi a

woman in whom menstruation has ceased.




> Bala's root mantra is aim klim sauh and variations of this mantra

are used in her daily ritual. Many tantrik devatas have manuals

structured along similar lines. The devata is first visualised as

residing in the heart, then later drawn out through the breath

and "placed" in the yantra. On installation or invocation, various

ritual accessories are offered, and the 1,000 adjectives (names) of

the particular deity recited. The Devi is then drawn 'back' into

one's heart, and the ritual concludes with various elements "cleaning

up" the area of worship.




> The five limbs of a ritual panchanga are Patala, Paddhati, Kavacha

(Armour), 1,000 Names, and Stotra. The first gives the unfolding of

the mantra, usually in coded form. It also describes the meditation

image and the yantra of the devata, as well as various optional

rites. The second limb describes the ritual worship, including

worship of the avarana or attendants of the devata, which are really

aspects of the god or goddess. The kavacha is an "armour" used to

ward off evil and which may either be recited or written and then

worn on the body. The fourth limb consists of the 1,000 names, of

which there are very many sets in the tantrik literature. The fifth,

the Stotra, is the hymn of praise of the ishtadevata, the tutelary

devata of a tantrik sadhaka.

> This particular manual comes from the Devirahasya, a large work

which contains many other panchangas relating to different aspects of

Shiva and Shakti.

Bala Patala



> Seated on Kailasa Summit is Bhagavan, spouse of Uma, the God with a

crescent Moon as His diadem, whose eyes are Sun, Moon and Fire,

wearing an elephant skin, mighty, worshipped by the Gods, bowed to by

hosts of Gandharvas, mighty Yakshas, and by gods and demons.




> Having recited mantra, and having read sacred texts, rising up and

bowing, Bhairavi questions the Lord.




> Shri Bhairavi - Lord God, Ocean of Compassion, who reveals all

Agamas, by Your grace I have heard of all the Vidyas, O Sureshvara.

Now I would like to hear of Bala Tripurasundari. If this can be

spoken of, declare the Vidya, O God Maheshvara.




> Shri Bhairava -- Listen Devi, I speak of the five Limbed Manual

(Panchanga) desired by sadhakas, (which consists of) Patala,

Paddhati, Armour, 1,000 Names and King of Hymns. O Mahadevi, listen

one-pointedly. Parameshani, Shri Bala is the Goddess bestowing both

enjoyment and Liberation.




> O Mahadevi, one may give away power, dominion, house and wealth.

All these may be given away, but one should never give away this

thing which is the best of all. In the Kali Yuga there is no other

Vidya resembling this Vidya. It is said that Shri Bala Tripura gives

siddhi quickly.




> It should be passed on to peaceful disciples, and to those devoted

to their Guru. One should not give this Vidya to the undevoted, O





> I will speak of the unfolding of the mantra, yantra, prastara,

meditation, and the rites of the Devi, O Maheshvari. First, Deveshi,

listen to the unfolding of the Mantra which bestows all fruit. It

should be carefully concealed, whoever knows it becomes successful





> One should place "Shakti" (Sauh) at the end of 'Vagbhava" (Aim)

and "Kamaraja" (Klim), ending this with Namah. O Devi, this is the

eight lettered Mantra of Bala. (There are) no obstacles, or impurity

or restrictions attached to it, it causes one to become a Siddha, O

Mahadevi, and is the King of Mantras in the Kali Yuga.




> Dakshinamurti is the Seer, Pankti is the Metre for pronunciation,

the Goddess if Tripura-Bala, "Aim" is the Seed, "Sauh" the

Shakti. "Klim" is the linchpin. Its application is towards Dharma,

Artha, Kama and Moksha.




> One should do (six fold) Nyasa on the head, on the mouth, in the

heart, on the feet, on the navel lotus and in all the limbs, O Devi.




> One should do Nyasa according to the rules doing Seer, Hand and

Limb nyasa, using the bijas of the mantra, O Maheshvari.


> Now I speak of Her meditation, advantageous for all sadhakas:




> I meditate on Bala, clothed in red, with a digit of the Moon as Her

ornament, effulgent as the rising sun, with three eyes, holding a

book and a rosary, showing the gestures of removing fear and giving,

seated on a red lotus.




> Having meditated in this way one should repeat the mantra which

gives success. A pure sadhaka should prepare (the mantra by reciting

it) 300,000 times.




> Now I speak of the unfolding of the Yantra of Mahadevi, the Giver

of both Enjoyment and Liberation, which is very hard to get to know

of for any sadhaka.




> Bindu, triangle, eight triangles, eight petals, adorned with three

circles and enclosed in an earthsquare. This circle of Bala (and Her

attendants) is the Destroyer of Pain, O Mountain-Born One!




> One should worship the Shaktis of the pedestal when inscribing the

Yantra. The pedestal Shaktis are Will (Iccha), Knowledge (Jnana),

Action (Kriya), Lotus-Girl (Kamini), Giver of Sexuality (Kamadayini),

Sexual Pleasure (Rati), Loving the Bliss of Sexual Pleasure

(Ratipriyananda), and Mind-Born (Manonmani) lastly. One should place

these Shaktis round the pedestal using the mantra "Vyoma Parvata

Tartiya Sadashiva Mahapadam Pitha Padmasanaya Namah". This is the

pedestal Mantra. Having put, in order, these 16 syllables around the

image (Yantra) one should recite the root mantra.




> One should invoke Devi and worship Her with the ritual accessories

according to the rules. Having invoked the desired Devi in the centre

of the yoni, one should worship in the triangle, in a similar way

Sexual Love (Rati) on the left, Pleasure (Priti) on the right, and

Mind-Born (Manobhava) at the apex. One should worship the six Limbs

inside the yoni (i.e. central triangle) starting from the South East.




> Outside the central yoni one should worship, from the East, in a

clockwise direction, the Arrow-Devis. In the eight yoni-triangles one

should worship the eight Shaktis called Beautiful Bhaga (Bhaga=female

sexual organ), Bhaga, Nectar of Bhaga, Bhaga adorned with Flowers,

Primordial Sexual Pleasure, The Flower of Sex, the Girdle of Sex, the

Bliss of Sexual Love - these are the eight Shaktis.




> In the filaments of the lotus one should worship Brahmi and so

forth, and in the petals themselves the (eight) Bhairavas. One should

also worship, in the petal tips, from the East in a clockwise

direction, the Sacred Sites called Kamarupa, Malaya, Kaulagiri,

Cauhara, Kulantaka, Jalandhara and Oddyana -- the eighth being





> In the bhupura one should worship in the cardinal directions

Heruka, Tripurantaka, Vetala, Agnijihva, Kalantaka, Kapalini,

Ekapada, Bhimarupa, Mala and Hatakeshvara. (Also) in the directions

one should worship Indra and the others with the (various) weapons.




> Outside of this, in the directions, one should worship Vatuka, the

Yoginis, Kshetrapala and Ganesha. In the intermediate points one

should worship the (eight) Vasus, the Sun, and Shiva. One should

worship all the elements and then the weapons.


> First of all one should meditate on Bala in the embrace of

Kameshvara in the centre; A Kaula should worship using the five

makaras according to the rules of Kaulachara.




> The sadhaka skilled in the mantra should worship Mahadevi in the

bindu (of the yantra) with scent, unhusked rice, flowers, incense,

flame and liquid oblation. This is called Layanga.




> Listen to the rituals, O Parvati. Whosoever skilled in mantra who

does this gains a share of success swiftly, it is certain. The (eight

rites) are Paralysing, Deluding, Killing, Attracting, Subjugating,

Driving Away, Peace Making and Healing.




> This sadhana is the Quintessence, invisible, Dear One. One should

not give this to those undevoted to Devi, and should keep it

concealed and secret from pashus.




> (1) On the first day of the Waxing Moon, Devi, having bathed and

done the daily rite, one should go to a deserted place at midday.

There one should do sacrifice by a 10th part using ghee, curd and so

forth. One should do oblation to the Goddess, then immediately one is

free to paralyse, this is certain.




> (2) At dusk, in the cremation ground, one should recite (the

mantra) on a seat made of owl feathers. One should do much sacrifice

and by a tenth part of this give ghee, wine, grain, shoots and lotus

seeds. Then one may delude the world.




> (3) Having gone in the morning or at night to the place of Ghosts

and Elementals (Cremation Ground), the mighty Hero should recite the

Vidya of 16 letters in front of a cremation pyre. The mantrin should

do much sacrifice of ghee, fragrant gums and hairs of chandalas in

the burning funeral pyre. (In this way) one kills an enemy.




> (4) On an eighth day of the Bright Fortnight the sadhaka should

recite (the mantra) in secret. Having recited a myriad times using

the root Vidya, and having meditated, O Charming One, one should do

sacrifice of a 10th part giving ghee, lac, flowers, menstrual blood,

wheat and bamboo shoots. (Then) one may attract women.




> (5) Dearest, on a ninth day the ritualist, having bathed and done

the daily rite, should offer much ghee, fish, eggs, lotus, pearls,

and hair of deer. Doing sacrifice in this way, O Lady of Heroes, one

is able to make people slaves.




> (6) On the fourth Lunar Day of a Dark Fortnight one should recite

the mantra at the arising of the Moon, Dearest. On a riverbank,

seated in Shirsha Asana, the Hero should recite the mantra many

times. One should sacrifice a 10th part of this, giving ghee, blue

lotus, cloves, black pepper and tamarind. Then one may cause an enemy

to flee.




> (7) On a fifth night, O Deveshi, one should recite the mantra a

myriad times. One should sacrifice a 10th of that and should offer

ghee, fish, sugar cane and camphor - thus one may calm down great

disputes, wars and adversities.


> (8) On a great eighth day (of the dark Lunar fortnight) a person1

having bathed, should do sadhana on the best of pedestals. The hero

should recite (the mantra) 10,000 times and should sacrifice a 10th

part of that, giving ghee, camphor, grapes, many betel leaves, goat

flesh and blood. Then one causes healing to occur.




> This thing which is secret is the form of all, my very Self, O

Deveshi, Secret. One should conceal it in the Kali Yuga. On Sundays

etc. one should recite the mantra 10,000 times. Then one becomes

Siddha, there should be no doubt about this! This celestial chapter

is revealed because of Your love. Hide it! It should be concealed,

hide it as You would conceal Your own yoni.



> Shri Bala Paddhati



> Now I will declare the Paddhati in its spoken form - the essence of

Shri Bala Tripureshvari, the Giver of Happiness. Having done morning

acts those who are devoted should worship Devi. This puja is

fruitless for those impure at the Three (Twilights).




> Extending from the base of the spine to the top of the head, like a

lotus stem, a brilliant, white, slender thread, one should meditate

on Devi, Giver of Subjugation, Great Good Fortune and Eloquence; as

surrounded by a swarm of black bees; with braided hair garlanded with

flowers; with a face marked with a jewel as her forehead mark; her

mouth sweetly smiling, wearing a beautiful diadem; her head adorned

with pearls and diamonds; with a slender crescent Moon as crest gem;

her three bright eyes effulgent as a swarm of sapphire bees; with

jewelled coiled earrings, the chief of which is as bright as the Sun:

ornamented with shining pearls and gems of dazzling appearance;

around her throat a necklace like a line of bees, beautiful and

bedazzling, surpassing nectar in its beauty; adorned with beautiful

and resplendent garments like the white water of the Ganga in flood;

beautiful, sinuous graceful limbs, scented and sweet like creeping

vines; covered in gold and by other precious metals,

> and by glistening jewels, glittering and bright; her beautiful

feet and toes like red lotuses with their petals; as bright as the

circle of the starry realm (Nakshatras); adorned with pearl-like

blossoms; with her lower left hand holding a book and her upper right

hand dispelling the fears of sadhakas; in her two right hands holding

a rosary and bestowing boons; She herself being of the dazzling

whiteness of snow, milk or the Moon; gracious and charming.



> Armour of Shri Bala Tripurasundari



> Shri Bhairavi said - Devadeva, Mahadeva, expander of devotees who

please You, the Armour of Devi is hidden. Speak of this to Me!




> Shri Bhairava -- Listen Devi, I speak of the Armour difficult to

get even for gods. One should never reveal this high secret, which

gives the wished for siddhi to a sadhaka. The Seer of the Armour is

Dakshinamurti. Pankti is the Metre. The Devi is Tripurasundari. Its

application in puja is the four aims of Mankind. She wears a pearl

diadem, coiled earrings, armlets, a necklace of gems; pearl finger

rings; effulgent bracelets and other jewels; a golden hip girdle,

glittering anklets; her navel is adorned with a ruby, and she has a

bracelet of shells, with a Kala of the Moon on her forehead. She

holds a noose, a goad, a book and a rosary in her upper hands and the

other hands.




> May the Vagbhava Aim protect my head, and the Kamaraja Klim my

heart! May the Shakti Bija Sauh protect me in my navel, genitals and





> May Aim Klim Sauh protect my face, and Bala shield me in my siddhi!

May Ha Sa Ka La Hrim Sauh Bhairavi shield my throat, and may Sa Ka La

Sundari shield me in the region of the navel!




> May Mahatripurasundari shield my brow, and the point between my

eyes! Subhaga protect my forehead! Bhaga shield my throat! Bhagodevi

protect my heart! Bhagasarpini, shield my belly!




> Bhagamala, shield my navel! Manobhava, protect my penis! May the

auspicious Lady, the Queen of Queens, the Mahadevi, shield my anus!




> Mother of the Cosmos (Jagad Ambika), form of Consciousness, protect

my feet! Narayani, protect me at night! Shubhankari shield me in all

my actions!




> May Brahmani protect me in the East, and Vaishnavi in the South!

May Varahi protect me in the West, and Maheshvari in the North! May

Kaumari protect me in the South East, and Mahalakshmi in the South

West! May Chamunda protect me in the North West, and Indrani in the

North East!




> Mahamaya, protect me in Water! Sarvamangala, shield me in Earth!

Varada, protect me in Aether! Bhuvaneshvari, protect me everywhere!




> This Armour is called "Names of the Goddess" and is hard to obtain!

The pure person with concentrated mind should arise and recite it at





> Whoever does it knows no fear or disease. Nor is he afraid of death

or anxious about sin. He is never poor, nor is he vanquished by

death. He dwells in the realm of Shiva, O Devi. I say to You that

this is most certainly true.




> O Auspicious One, whosoever should recite this Armour having not

been initiated into Shri Vidya gains no fruit, but is struck by




> The 1,000 Names of Bala



> Shri Devi - Shri Natha Shankara, Bliss-Maker, speak! O Lord God,

how may one obtain the yoga-power of full devotion, O Ocean of Wine 1

If You have compassion for Me Shambhu, reveal that which is well-





> Shri Bhairava -- By devotion to Shakti one comes to know the entire

vermilion ocean of Bliss, the hidden essence of Bala. Dear One, I

will speak to You of Her 1,000 Names. One should well hide it, O One

with Thighs like Plantain Stems, it is revealed out of deep and

amorous affection for You. Whoever meditates on how Devi is hymned

immediately gains the whole mass of happiness, and is the cause of





> (Of this 1,000 Name-Hymn of Shri Bala Sundari, Bhargava is the

Seer, Anushtubh is the Metre, Shri Bala Tripura is the Devata. Aim is

the Seed, Sauh is the Shakti, Klim the linchpin. The application by

reading it are the four aims of Mankind.




> Rishi Nyasa :Hail to Bhargava the Seer on the head; Hail to

Anushtubh the Metre on the mouth; Hail to Shri Bala the Devata in the

heart; Hail to the Seed Aim in the genitals; Hail to the Shakti Sauh

on the feet; Hail to the Linchpin Klim on the navel; Hail to the

Application on all the limbs.




> Aim hail to the thumbs; Klim obeisance to the index fingers; Sauh

hail to the middle fingers; Aim hail to the ring fingers; Klim hail

to the little fingers; Sauh to the front and backs of the hands hail

Thus the heart and other Nyasa are related. Meditation-)




> Wearing red clothes, with a Kala of the Moon as Her ornament,

effulgent as the rising Sun, holding Book and Rosary, bestowing boons

and banishing fears, I meditate on Bala on the Red Lotus.




> Pleasing and Supremely Blissful Vermilion One. Ultimate Treasure of

the Path of Devotion. Deep Left Thing. Manifestation of the Elements.

Shankari. Shiva.




> Boon Giver of Erotic Form. Essence. Auspicious Sphere of Action.

Ocean of Ultimate Bliss. Passionate. Actress. Graceful One.




> Kala of Sexual Play the Colour of Blossom. Dalliance. Absolute.





> Suitable Essence. Creeper Granting All Wishes. Eager-Goddess.

Playing with Love's Arrow. Truly Affectionate. Lovely Sweet Form.




> Effulgent as 10,000,000 Suns. Cool as 10,000,000 Moons. Arrow

Limbed One Shedding Nectar. Means by which Heaven is Attained.




> Gazelle Eyed. Charming. Walking Beautifully. Happy and Peaceful

One. Empress. Queen. Worshipped by Mahendra.




> Lady Moving in the Cosmos. Ultimate Mover in the Cosmos. With

Dishevelled Clothing. Irresistible Shakti. With Tinkling Golden



> With Breasts like the Paradise Tree on Mount Meru. Bearing Goad and

Noose as Weapons and Giving Boons. Holding Arrows and Sugar Cane Bow

in Her Two Beautiful Hands,




> Face like the Disc of the Moon. With a Beautiful Crest Gem like a

Little Moon. Having a Vermilion Forehead Mark. Her Lovely Braided

Hair adorned with Flowers.




> Rejoicing in a Garland of Coral Tree Blossoms. Adorned with a

Garland of Gems. Fond of Gold Ornaments. Having a Beautiful Pearl





> Her Mouth is Full of Tambula. Her Mind is Filled with Sexual Bliss.

Pleasing and Happy. Essence of Passion. Supremely Compassionate. Lady

of Treasure.




> An Effulgent Gem sits between Her Breasts. Intoxicated with Wine-

Essence. Having a Mantra which is the Self of Bindu and Nada. Form of

the Fourth.




> The Lovely Giver of Happiness. Shankari. Fond of Blossoms. The

Universe. Complete. Dweller in the Purna Pitha.




> Rajyalakshmi. Shri Lakshmi. Mahalakshmi. Beautiful Queen.

Santoshima. Excellence. Gold Vessel. Light.




> All-complete. Supporter of the Cosmos. Creatrix. Increasor of

Strength. Magnificence of all Earthly Kings. Mother Ruling All.




> Lotus-Eyed One. One Gazing Long. Clear Eyed One. Flow of Love.

Taste. [100] Chief One. Essence Body.




> Vermilion Essence. Moving Gracefully. Colour of Pollen. Mad with

Bliss in Sexual Intercourse. Inmost Quality. Self of Shakti.




> Eyes Full of Love. Charming. Goddess of Love. Lovely Bhaga (Female

Genitals). Beautiful Bhaga. Taking Pleasure. To be Enjoyed. Giver of

Fortune. Lovely. Bhaga.




> Kala of the Bliss of Yoni and Linga. Dwelling in the centre of the

Bhaga. Form of Bhaga. Consisting of Bhaga. Bhaga Yantra. Highest





> Yoni Mudra. Kamakala. Essence of Kula Nectar. Fire of the Kula

Kunda. Subtle. Jivatma. Form of the Linga. Root Cause. Root Form.

True Form of Root Action. Longing For It. Lotus-Bliss. Self Dissolved

in Consciousness Meditation. Beneficent.




> White and Red. Form of Bindu. Yoni which is the Sound of Knowledge.

Sound of 10,000,000 Bells. Humming One. The Marvellous Risen Disc of

the Sun. Dissolved in Sound. Completely Full. Place of Fullness. Many-





> Golden Music. Hereditary Music. Sound of the Drum. Garland of

Letters. Siddhi-Kala. Dwelling in the Six Chakras. Sexually Playing

in the Muladhara. Svadisthana. Dwelling in the fourth.




> Situated in the Manipura. Loved. Essence of the Tortoise Chakra.

Like a Flame


> in the Anahata. Made of Gems.




> Vishuddha. Pure Sound. Residing in the Awakened Being. Song.

Situated in the Ajna Lotus. Emanatrix. Skilful. Triple Circle.




> Little Moon. Splendid as 10,000,000 Moons. Shining like 10,000,000

Suns. Shadow of the Ruby Red Lotus. Consisting of Eternity and Joy.





> Auspicious Liquor. Very Beloved. Still and Joyful Nectar. Charming

Limbed One Rejoicing in Intercourse. Having Sweet Nectar.




> Seated on a Great Pedestal. Satisfied. Wild. Beautiful in Bearing.

Drenched in a Shower of Nectar. Expanding Ocean of Redness.




> Very Red. Fond of Moistness. Wearing Innumerable Earrings and

Removing Fear. [200] Excellent Oral Lore. Encircled by Countless

Flowers and Fruit.




> Dear. Auspicious. Beloved of Shiva. Shankari. Shambhavi. Powerful.

Self Created. Beloved of the Self. Partner. One's Own. Mother





> Vowel-Being. Refuge. Chaste. Highest Being and Origin of Wine.

Fortunate Gladdener. Respected. Devoted to All Good Fortune.




> Lucky. Slender Thread. Maiden. Bright as a Fragment of a Half Moon.

Beautiful Slender Creeper. Dear One. Wicked Deed. Evil Spell.




> Gazelle Eyed. Excited Eyed. Sharp. Intoxicated with Wine Nectar.

Delighted by Intoxicating Liquor. Beauteous as Madira Wine.




> Pleased by Kadamba Wine. Handsome. Delighted. Rejoicing in Sideways

Glances. One with Slowly Turned Down Eyes Gazing Long and Sweetly.

Destroyer of the Family of Demons. Radiant Nectar of Sexual Desire.

Suvasini. One with Rounded Body. One With Breasts Heavy with Milk.




> Truly Beautiful. With Teeth Like Little Pearls. With a Halo.

Radiant Mouth. Her Lips Like Tender Shoots. Her Nose Like the Tip of

a Til Blossom. Her Forehead Shining Like Gold. With a Face like the

Full Moon. With a Young Moon as Her Shining Diadem.




> Her Lively Eyes Smeared with Orpiment. Her Ears Like Blossoming

Flowers. Each Ear like Half a Leaf and resembling a New Moon. With

the Sun as a Gem in Her Diadem.




> Her Gold Earrings Studded with Gems. With Coiled and Begemmed

Earrings. Very Beautiful Cheeks. With a Shell-Like Neck. Wearing

Alluring Gems.




> Wearing a Pearl Necklace which is Like the Ganges in Flood and Her

Voice Like a Bird. Her Limbs Extending Like Many Lotus Roots.

Carrying Noose, Goad and Bow. With Bracelets Entwined Round Her

Clothes. Adorned with Various Beautiful Jewels. Her Lotus Hands the

Colour of Copper and Her Lovely Nails Shining like Gems.




> Her Fingers Adorned with Jewels with Beautiful Lines between Her

Fingers. Her Two Beautiful Breasts Like the Mandara Tree. The Hair of

Her Pubic Region like a Line of Serpents. Her Womanly Deep Navel

Encircled by Three Lines. Very Slender of Waist.




> Wearing a Breast Plate for Battle. Wearing a Beautiful Waist Cloth.

Her Buttocks Like the Brows of an Elephant. Her Two Thighs Close

Together Like the Cheeks of an Elephant. Her Beautiful Knees and Legs

like Unworldly and Bright Paradise Trees.




> With Hidden Ankles. Her Anklets Adorned with Gems and Making a

Charming Ringing Sound. Her Two Feet Meditated on by Yogis. Ocean of

Wine Nectar.




> Vermilion Ocean. With a Vermilion Forehead Mark. Adorned with

Dishevelled Hair. Perfect Nectar. Truly Wise. Intelligent. Most

Beautiful of Divinities.




> Like a Row of Scarlet Rays From a Dawn Sun. Beloved Cow of Heaven.

Padmini of the Essence of Nectar. Stream of Rasa.




> The Beautiful and Ever-present Boon Giving One. Autumnal. Giving

True Fortune. Dear to Nataraja. Cosmic Dancer. Male and Female





> Brightly Coloured Yantra. Web of Consciousness. Knowledge Vine.

Chief Thing. Dwelling in the Forehead. five-Sectioned One. Panchami.




> four-Sectioned One. Tripartite Primordial One. Six-Sectioned One.

Worshipped in the Vedas. Having 16 Sections. The Fourth. Supreme

Kala. Shodashi. Goddess of Mantra and Yantra. Meru Circle.




> Sixteen Lettered One. Three Lettered One. True Form of Bindu Nada.




> Above the Letters. Mother of the Letters. Great Happiness Who is

the Absolute as Sound. Consciousness Vine. Being with Sections.

Kameshi. To Be Seen in Dream.




> Goddess of Dream. Goddess of Awakened Intelligence. Refuge of the

Watchful in the Waking State. Abode of Dream. Deep Sleep. Free from

Idleness. Spring Creeper of Fragrant White Flowers (Madhavi).




> Lopamudra. Queen of Kama. Daughter of Man. Worshipped by Lords of

Wealth. Shakambhari. Nandi Vidya. Garland of Light Emanating





> Mahendri. Served in Heaven. Oral Lore. Refuge of the Best Sadhakas.

Chaste. Truly Good. Siddhi Cave.




> Lady of the Three Cities. Worshipped by Conquerors of Cities. City

Devata. Satisfied Destructrix of Obstacles. Without Qualities.

Worshipped by the Celestial Cow.




> Golden Mother. Lady of Hosts. Secret Mother. With Beautiful

Buttocks. Giving Birth to All. Liberation. Initiation. Initiated





> Mother of Sadhakas. Mother of Siddhas. Most Powerful Wizardess.

Deluding the Mind. Youthful and Intoxicated. Exalted. Her Beautiful

Buttocks Swaying Slowly.


> Dwelling in the Red and Blue Lotus. Smeared with Red and Adorned

with Red Gems. Wearing a Pure Red Rosary. With a Very Beautiful

Peacock Feather Crest aim. Satisfied by Kings. Waving Peacock Plumes.

Perfume Diffusing in the Cosmos. Earth. Fragrance. Giver of Sexual

Love. Beloved. Giving Success in Love to Those Seeking Love.




> Nandini. Lakshanavati. Devata Resorted to by (Rishi) Vasishta. Devi

of Goloka. (400] Protectress of Shri Goloka and all the Worlds. Giver

of the Fruits of Sacrifice. Mother of the Gods. Giving Boons to Gods.




> Partner of Rudra. Auspicious Mother. Wide Expanse of the Ocean of





> Dakshina. Form of Sacrifice. True Maiden. Rejoicing in Resolution.

Dwelling in the Ocean Full of Milk. Pure Yoni. Beautiful Eyed.

Dwelling in Beauty. Truly Served. Dissolved in Beautiful Scents. True

in Actions. Beautiful Tripura. With Beautiful Breasts. With the

Breasts of a Young Maiden.




> Menstruating Girl. Showing Her Menses. Colourful One. With a Bright

Garland. Liking Red. Very Red. True Form of Love Making. Mother of

Menses and Semen. Intent on Sex Play. Coming in Love Making.




> Cry of Orgasm. Self of all Love Play. Life of the Gods. Bliss of

Svayambhu Menses. Fond of Svayambhu Menses. Pleased and Satisfied by

Svayambhu Menses. Cause of Creation of the Beautiful Svayambhu

Menses. Place of Svayambhu Menses. Shakti Hole. All Love Dalliance is

Her True and Sacred Pedestal.




> Very Inner Whore. Duti. Artful. Pleased by Worship. Kullika.

Dwelling in a Yantra. Dwelling in a Yoga Pedestal. With Beautiful

Body. Form of the Quintessence. Having All Characteristics.




> Wearing Various Beautiful Jewels. Worshipped With Five Arrows.

Residing in the Upper Trikona. Bala. Kameshvari.




> Worshipped by Hosts. Worshipped by Kulas. Lakshmi. Sarasvati.

Pleased by Spring. Beloved. Having Gems on Her Breasts.




> Bearing a Kala on Her Head. Her Feet Causing Growth. Residing in

Kalas. Fond of Flowers. Wearing Flowers. Deludress of Love.




> Intoxicated with Sexual Desire. Mohini. Kalas of the Moon.

Shoshini. Vashini. Rajini. Subhaga. Bhaga. Pusha. Vasha. Sumana.

Rati. Priti. Dhriti. Riddhi. Benefic. With a Garland of Rays. With





> Moon. True Shadow. Rising Full Moon. Satisfied. Full Amrita.

Dwelling in the Female Sex Organ Yantra.




> Residing in the Linga Yantra. [500] Body of Shambhu. Yogini of

Sexual Intercourse. Wine Goddess. Body of Bija. Steady. Dear to





> Self of the King of Bija. Giver of Dominion and Happiness. Giver of

Desires. Shakti of Menses and Semen. Knower of Shiva' s Semen. All

Nectar. Consisting of Nectar. Consisting of Shiva and Shakti. Lady.




> Dwelling in the Bliss of Love Making. The Matrika Fond of Love

Making. Bliss of the Flowers of Sexual Intercourse. Lovemaking.

Expander of Yoga. State of Happiness in Sexual Intercourse. Served by

Unified Consciousness-Bliss.




> True Form of the Substances Used in Offering and Giver of Success

in Worship. Samarasya. Supreme One Female Form Fond of Love-Making.




> Messenger of Knowledge. Accessible to Knowledge. Origin of

Knowledge. Abode of Shiva. Consciousness- Kala. Knowledge With All

its Parts. True Kula. Beautiful Self of Kula.




> Four Kalas. Very Subtle Lotus Girl (Padmini). Supreme Being.

Dwelling in the Play of Hamsa. Shadowy One. Emanatrix of the Two

Parts of Hamsa.




> Free from Passion. Liberation Kala. Supreme Being Indwelling in

Kalas. Very Self Situated in Vidya Kala. Dweller in the Four Kalas.

The Vidya Making All Content. Pleased One. The Light of the Supreme

Absolute. The Supreme Paramatma. Dissolved in Things. The Fourfold





> The Diffusion of Shanta and Bodha Kalas. The Kala and Inner Essence

of the Highest Knowledge. Pashyanti. Supreme Quintessence. The Inner

Atma without Parts Known as Akula.




> Madhyama. Vaikhari. The Bliss of Atma Kala. Dweller in Kalas.

Tarini. Swift One (Tarani). Tara. Knower of the Inner Core Dissolved

in the Shiva Linga.




> Mover in the Ultimate Good. Delighting in the Bliss of the

Absolute. Intoxicated with Rasa. Highest Rasa. Successful. Fond of

Success. Uma.




> Fond of All Castes. Increasor of the Bliss of Yogis and Yoginis.

Bestower of the Heroic Frame of Mind. Celestial One. Giver of True

Heroism to Heroes.




> Great Giver of the Heroic Mood to Pashus. One Whose Head is Bathed.

Queen Shri. The Ultimate Matrika of Warriors.




> Skilled in Sword and Missile. Grace. Essence Place. Enlivening in

Battle. Victorious. Yogini. Pilgrimage. Crusher of Great Armies.

Full. [600] Goddess of Wealth. Wealth. Provided with Great Hoards of





> Dwelling in Heaps of Gems. Jewel. Abiding in Necklaces of Gems.

Mahishi. Worshipped by Kings. With Hosts. Bearing Hosts. Creatrix.

Prostitute. Attainable by Yoga. Mallasena. Female Foot Soldier.

Battle Array. Brave in Love. Banner. Dwelling in the Banner.




> Beautiful Parasol. Little Mother. Mother (Amba). Fragrant. Moving

in sadhana. Acting like Kings Act. Consisting of Brahmins and

Kshatriyas. Dwelling in Moon and Sun. Fond of Her Priests. Chaste

One. Brahmin Girl. Multitude of Sacrifices.




> Supreme Wine of the Moon. Origin of All. Burning One. Patient One.

Opposing Evil. Bearer of All. Creatrix of All. Origin. Moving in

Eternity. Gayatri. Attainable by Knowledge. Initiated. Giving the

Wished For Goal.




> Dwelling in the Cosmos Like Jewelled Rays. Life of the Universe.

Giver of Success in the Field. Augmentor of All. Little Usurer.


> Support of Kula. One who Extends Herself Beautifully. Mind's

Delusion. Refuge. Pure. Dwelling in the Twice Born. Doer of Actions.

Worshipped in Festivals.




> Going Under Various Guises. Bala. Wanton. Consisting of Kalas. With

Beautiful Ears. Highest of All. Freer from Difficulties.




> Durga. Staying in the Vindhya Forest. Beloved of the God of Love.

Pacifier. Black One. Protectress. Intoxicated with Rasa.




> Appeaser of Those Fallen From the Three Rules of Conduct. Bestower

of Complete Happiness. Little Moon of the Cosmic Pleasure Garden.

Giver of Happiness to the Multitude of Siddhas. Worshipped by Hosts

of Yoginis.




> Body of the Sixteen Nityas. Kameshi. Bhagamalini. Nityaklinna.

Bherunda. Vahni-Mandala-Vasini. Mahavidyeshvari Nitya. Shiva Duti.




> Tvarita. Kula Sundari. Nitya. Nilapataka. Vijaya. Sarvamangala.

Jvalamala. [700] Vichitra. Mahatripurasundari.




> Host of Gurus. Supreme Guru. Lady Prakashananda. Form of

Shivanandanath. True Form of Shaktyanandanath. Consisting of Devi-

Anandanath. Lady Kaulesha Anandanath. Form of the Divyaugha. Lady

Samaya Anandanath. Lady Shukla Devi Ananda Nath. Kulesha Ananda





> Body of Klinnanga Ananda (Nath). Samaya Ananda Nathini. Consisting

of Veda Ananda Nath. Sahaja Ananda Nathini.




> Body of the Siddha Augha. Body of the Highest Guru. Gagana Ananda

(Nathini). Vishva Ananda Nathini. Vimala Ananda Nathini. Madana

Ananda Nathini. Primordial Lady of the Worlds. Primordial Playful

One. Nandana Ananda Nathini. Body of Sva Atma Ananda. Priya Ananda





> Self of the Manava Augha Gurus. Lady of the Gurus of the Gurus.

Ultimate Secret. Guru Shakti. Fond of Those Who Sing the Praises of

Their Own Guru. Known as Bewilderer of the Three Worlds. All

Encompassing and Complete One.




> All-Bewildering One. Residing in the Eastern Amnaya. Shiva-Shakti.

Auspicious (Shiva) Shakti. Dwelling in Three Shiva Chakras. Known as

the Giver of All Great Good Fortune. Giver of All Desires to

Sadhakas. Called the All Protecting One. Devata of the Southern





> Dwelling in the Centre of the Disc of the Sun. Devata of the

Western Amnaya. Creating and Indwelling the Nine Chakras. Devata of

the Northern Amnaya. Worshipped by Kubera. Origin of Kula. Residing

in the Exalted Kula Amnaya.




> Making and Dwelling in the Bindu Chakra. Lady of the Central Lion





> Shri Vidya. Mahalakshmi. Lakshmi. Self of the Three Shaktis.

Lakshmi Giving All Dominion. Pancha Lakshmi. Shrividya. Supreme Light

Source. Supreme Shambhavi Without Parts. Matrika. Panchakoshi.

Shrividya Tvarita.




> Parijateshvari. Trikuta. Panchabaneshi. Panchakalpalata. Pancha

Vidya. Source of Amrita. Wine. Lovely Lady. Annapurna. Cow of Plenty.

Shri Vidya. Siddha Lakshmi. Matangi. Bhuvaneshvari. Varahi.

Pancharatneshvari. One Who Dwells in the Letters of Matrika. Supreme

Effulgence. In the Form of All Words. Aindri. Desire.




> Own Lady. Vision of Shakti. Seed of the Sun. Having the Body of

Brahma. Having the Body of Shiva. Having the Body of Vishnu. Residing

in the Wheel of Creation. Having the Body of the Sun. Dissolved in

the Chakra of Places. Having the Body of Mercury. Mahatripurasundari.




> True Form of Tattva and Mudra. Pleasant One. [800] Knowledge Mudra.

Satisfied by All Ritual Accessories. Dwelling in the Heart. Divinity

of the Head. Divinity of the Top of the Head. The Absolute. With

Amorous Three Eyes.




> Dwelling in the Missile. Four Square One. Dwelling at the Doors.

Dwelling in Each Door. Anima in the West. Laghima in the North.

Mahima in the East. Ishitva Divinity of the Southern Door. Vashitva

in the North West. Prakamya in the North East. Bhukti in the South

East. Iccha in the South West.




> Brahmi. Maheshvari. Kaumari. Vaishnavi. Varahi. Aindri. Chamunda.

Mahalakshmi. Dwelling in the Ten Parts.




> Kshobhini. Dravini Mudra. Akarshana. Unmadana. Mahankusha.

Khechari. Bija. Yoni Mudra.




> Dwelling in the Sarvashapura Chakra. Cause of Successful Siddhi.

Kamakarshini Shakti. Buddhi Akarshana. Ahankara Karshini. Shabda

Akarshana. Sparsha Akarshana. Rupa Akarshana. Rasa Akarshana. Gandha

Akarshana. Chitta Akarshana. Dhairya Akarshana. Smritya Akarshana.

Bija Akarshana. Amrita Akarshini. Nama Akarshini. Sharira

Akarshinidevi. Atma Akarshana. Form of the Sixteen Vowels. Temple of

the Flow of Nectar. Tripureshi. Form of Siddha. Dwelling in the

Sixteen Petals.




> Queen of the All Agitating Chakra. Lady of the Guptatara Shaktis.

Ananga Kusuma Shakti. Ananga Kati Mekhala. Ananga Madana. Ananga

Madanatura. Ananga Rekha. Ananga Vega. Anangankusha. Ananga Malini.

Shakti of the Eight Divisions of the Alphabet.




> Making and Dwelling in the Eight Petals. Shrimat Tripurasundari.

Giver of all Happiness & Dominion. Lady giving Great Good Fortune.

Lady of the Sampradaya. Cause of All Agitation. Causing All to Flee.

Attractor of All. Shakti Gladdening All. Shakti causing Crushing.

Shakti causing all Paralysis. Shakti causing All Delusion. Shakti

causing All Subjugation. Shakti who gives Colour to All and

Everything. Shakti causing Sexual Awakening. Shakti giving the Fruit

of All Desires. Shakti giving All Wealth. Shakti consisting of

Mantra. Shakti causing the Dualities to Disappear. [900]




> Siddhi-Tripura-Vasini. Lady giving All Desires to a Sadhaka. Lady

giving the Fruit of All Actions. Lady of the 14 Angle Chakra. Devi

giving All Siddhi. Giver of All Prosperity. Shakti Beloved of All.

Cause of All Good Fortune.




> Full of All Sexual Desire. Liberator from All Sorrow. Alleviator of

All Death. Destructress of All Obstacles. Devi Beautiful in All

Limbs. Giver of All Great Good Fortune.


> Tripureshi. Giver of All Siddhi. Dwelling in the 10 Triangles. Lady

Bestowing All Protection. Nigarbha Yogini. Knowing All. Shaktii of

All. Giver of All Dominion. Devi Consisting of All Knowledge.

Destroyer of All Ailments. True Form of All Adharas. Destroyer of All

Evil. Devi made of All Bliss. True Form of All Protection. Mahima

Shakti Devi.




> Devi Giving All. Lady Residing in the Inner 10 Angles. Devi Tripura

Malini. Lady Destroying All Disease. Rahasya Yogini. Vagdevi.

Vashini. Devi Kameshvari. Modini. Vimala. Aruna. Jayini. Sarveshvari.

Kaulini. Giver of Siddhi in the eight Angles.




> Lady who gives All Love. Parapararahasya. Dweller in the Square &

Trikona. Self of All Dominion Who consists of the Weapons. Kameshvari

Arrow Form. Kameshi Bow Form. Kameshi Noose Form. Kameshi Goad Form.




> Kameshvari the Indra Shakti. Residing in the Sphere of Fire.

Presiding Devi of Kamagiri. Going in the Lowermost Angle of the





> Lady Dwelling in the Rightmost Angle. Vishnu Shakti at Jalandhara.

Residing in the Sphere of the Sun. Rudra Shakti in the Leftmost

Angle. Brahma Shakti in the Sphere of the Moon. Anuragini Dwelling at

Purnagiri. Auspicious Lady of the Sphere of the Triangle. Tripura-





> Lady Residing in the Sphere of All Bliss. Secret One Dwelling in

the Bindu. Supreme True Form of the Absolute. Mahatripurasundari.

Dwelling Within All Chakras. Chief of the Whole of the Chakras. Lady

of All Chakras. Lady of All Mantras. Lady of All Vidyas. Lady of All

Speech. All Yogeshvari. Undivided Lady holding Dominion over All

Pithas. Sarva-Kameshvari. Lady of All Tattvas and Dominions. Shakti.

Shakti with Eyes Intoxicated with Bliss. Without Duality. Womb of the





> Unextended in the Cosmos. Mahamaya. Extended in the Cosmos. Dweller

in Herself. Supporter of All Manifestation in the Cosmos. Ultimate

Bliss Sundari. [1,000]


> Thus the celestial cause of Supreme Bliss has been declared, the

Salt Vermilion Waves of Bala giving all satisfaction. O Parvati, of

all sets of 1,000 names in the tantras, this is the quintessence.




> Dearest, this hymn may be recited at all times, at night, and

during puja in the morning. When Bala, the Giver of All Dominion and

Happiness, is pleased, She bestows jewels of various kinds, wealth,

and (answers all) requests. O Parameshvari, She bestows whatever

desires a person has, and sons and daughters are born if one wishes





> Enemies are destroyed, ailments are alleviated. If in a difficult

situation, things are eased, medicines are bestowed on one. This

bestows beautiful palaces, pictures, and all dominion. For a person,

agriculture bestows rich harvests, and the heavenly cow seems to

dwell for him on earth. His country prospers, and his state is not

afflicted with calamities. Great elephants shower him with streams of





> He dwells happily in palaces, surrounded by gems and horses. His

offspring become rulers, free from strife, ministers of the king.

Those known to him please him, he becomes noble and very beautiful,

wealthy, always in a good position, alluring. Spoken speech and verse

musically flow from him, like the Ganges in flood. He becomes able to

expound the various meanings of various verses, becoming skilled in

the entire essence of all, successful, his speech like gracious





> Shastras unknown to him are constantly revealed. Those with faults

who would attack him become fearful, they sing adoringly of him, like

slaves before a king. Swords and missiles hurt not his limbs. Women

of all classes become completely subjugated by him. Poison becomes

like wine-nectar for him. The host of opponents are paralysed, and

his enemy crushed, if the knower of Yoga should continually practise

for a period of nine nights.




> If he should recite day and night, without idleness, he becomes

peaceful of mind, and all created things in all the worlds become

subject to him, there is no doubt of it.




> If one should perform the yoga continually for six months, one

becomes the (very essence of) Yogamaya, without question. Whosoever

reads this ultimate hymn whilst meditating on Kamakala has women in a

state of subjugation seeking him, intoxicated with sexual desire,

beautiful, mad with lust, with beautiful enraptured eyes. He knows

satiety of love through feminine desire, in this act of subjugation.




> On a fortunate day, having written the yantra of Devi on birch-

bark, colouring it with rochana, kumkum, lac, red dye, or sunflowers,

making the womb of the yantra (=triangle) of gold or silver hue, very

alluring, one should awaken Bala, having worshipped and established

Her. If one should then carry this on one 's head, throat, shoulder,

or near to one's heart or navel, one becomes wealthy, victorious, and

gains love.




> There is nothing greater than this in the three Worlds for

protection, most certainly. Planets, diseases, and so forth,

anxieties, are all banished, one gains happiness and health, it is

the cause of strength and virility, and destroys cruel elements and





> It gives sons, daughters, increases a host of qualities, gives

wealth and grain. In whichever city this best of sadhaka dwells,

whilst bearing Her, wealth is gained. In whichever dwelling this

stotra is placed and written out, O Varanana, there I - Shiva, Hari

and Kamala always dwell, and it is as if all the sacred waters spring

from this place.




> If the best of sadhakas should recite and read this devotedly he

knows Knowledge, Bliss and Unity. O Deveshi, by reading this hymn,

one gains the fruit of worship. One should recite it very carefully

having established oneself in the six fold Nyasa. In the best of all

tantras is the puja of Bala. There the 16 letters are the greatest

thing. This, the best of all hymns, is found there.




> O Sundari, one should never give this to those who are not pupils,

the impure, fraudulent, indolent, who make no efforts, the undevoted,

those deficient of Vishnu bhakti, the unstable or the stupid. It

should be given to those who are devoted, as it is the cause of

liberation, and augments devotion. O Varanana, whilst engaging in

sexual intercourse (Latayoga), one may read the hymn. One becomes

like the Aeon Creeper (Kalpalata), and the fruit of one's desires are





> If a sadhaka should steadily recite this whilst in Latayoga,

offering blossoms to the gazelle-eyed (partner), he is blessed with

the results of 100 sacrifices (Yajna). O Deveshi, Brahma and the

other (devatas) worship his feet, he himself becomes like Shiva --

that discriminating person who is attached to devotion to Bala. He

becomes one with the Bliss of the Absolute, Jyotsna, in the state of






> Shri Bala Stotra



> Shri Bhairava said - Parvati, now I speak of the Hymn of Devi Bala.

Having heard the secret Panchanga, one should always conceal it.




> (Dakshinamurti is the Rishi of this stotra-mantra of Shri Bala

Tripurasundari; Pankti is the Metre; Shri Bala Tripurasundari is the

Devata; Aim is the Bija; Sauh is the Shakti; Klim is the Kilaka; its

application when reciting it is pleasing Shri Bala.



> Hail to Dakshinamurti on the head

> Hail to the Metre Pankti on the mouth

> Hail to the Devata Shri Bala in the heart

> Hail to the Bija Aim on the navel

> Hail to the Shakti Sauh on the genitals

> Hail to the Linchpin Klim on the feet

> Hail to the Application when Reciting on all limbs



> Aim to the heart obeisance

> Klim to the head

> Sauh to the peak

> Aim to the armour

> Klim to the eyes

> Sauh to the missile



> Aim to the thumbs hail

> Klim to the index fingers

> Sauh to the middle fingers

> Aim to the ring fingers

> Klim to the little fingers

> Sauh to the front & back of the hands




> (Meditation:)




> Like the coloured red rays of the Sun shining brightly through red

dust, the colour of the Japa rose, holding book, dispelling fear, and

in Her other hands giving boons and holding a fully blossomed white

water lotus. Thus one should establish in one's heart the eternally

beautiful form Bala.




> One should recite Aim, O Tripura Bhavani. One becomes greater than

God or Guru, and has dominion and so forth of the partner of the Lord

of the Mountains.




> Within the course of one day, one should recite the King of Your

Mantras known as the triple syllable Kamaraja, that of Kameshvari.

The person initiated in Kula should worship the earthly and most

beautiful and alluring courtesan.




> One should recite Sauh, O Tripura, Mother of the three Worlds! You

Who Manifest, Play, and bring all to Completion, the core of the

Absolute (Brahmapada), Self-Existent! One should worship in the

rectangle, the circles, the eight petalled lotus, within the city of

the lotus of six petals, worshipping Bala in the Bindu Pitha, in

order to become greater than Shiva.




> Whosoever should recite this hymn of Tripura, which consists of

mantra, at night or at dawn, becomes garlanded (praised) on earth,

and in three days becomes equal to Shukra, Saura and Lakshmi.




> Thus this stotra of Devi Bala, consisting of ultimate Mantra, is

revealed. One should not give it to the undevoted, and should conceal

it as if it were Your own yoni.








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, Babitha Vasanth

<babitha70> wrote:



> Bala's root mantra is aim klim sauh and variations of this mantra

are used in her daily ritual. Many tantrik devatas have manuals

structured along similar lines. The devata is first visualised as

residing in the heart, then later drawn out through the breath and

"placed" in the yantra. On installation or invocation, various ritual

accessories are offered, and the 1,000 adjectives (names) of the

particular deity recited. The Devi is then drawn 'back' into one's

heart, and the ritual concludes with various elements "cleaning up"

the area of worship.






The other variants of baala mantra are:


1)the three unit one: hrIM kLIM hsauH .

2)six unit one: aiM kLIM sauH kLIM aiM .

3)nine unit one: shrIM kLIM hrIM aiM kLIM sauH hrIM kLIM shrIM .

4)tenunit (dasaarna): aiM kLIM sauH baalaa tripure svaahaa .

5)fourteen-unit one: aiM kLIM sauH bAlA tripure siddiM dehi namaH .


6)the seventeen-unit mantra: skralIM rkshmyaM aiM tripure

sarvavaa~nchhitaM dehi namaH svaahaa [The first composite unit

represents the sage Bhrgu (sa), Brahma the creator (ka), action (la),

fire (ra), peace (shanthi) and the moon (m). The second unit includes

the last letter of the alphabet (ksha-symbolising the entirety of

speech),fire (ra), the principle of destruction (mahakala,ma) the

serpent-energy (kundalini, r) ViSnu the preserver (ya), and the moon

(m). The third unit is the seed of speech (vag-bija)


other variants:

7)hrIM hrIM hrIM prauDhatripure ArogyamaishvaryaM dehi svaahaa

8)hrIM shrIM kLIM tipuraa madane sarvaM shubhaM saadhaya svaahaa

9)hrIM shrIM kLIM paraapare tripure sarvepsitaM saadhaya svaahaa


10)hrIM kLIM hrIM aiM kLIM sauH hrIM kLIM shrIM

11)hrIM shrIM kLIM tripure bhaarati kavitvaM dehi svaahaa

12)hrIM shrIM kLIM baalaa tripure madaayattaaM vidyaaM kuru namaH

13)kLIM kLIM shrIM shrIM hrIM tripuraalaLite madIpsitaam yoSitaaM dehi

vaa~nchitam kuru svaahaa

14)kLIM kLIM kLIM shrIM shrIM shrIM hrIM hrIM hrIM hrIM tripura

sundari ! sarvvaM jaganmamavashaM kuru kuru mahyaM bhalaM dehi svaahaa



baala's hymn for contemplation:


1] [seer : Dakshinamurti Seer, Metre : Pankti ,Goddess : Tripura-Bala]


raktaaMbharaaM candrakalaavataMsaaM

smudyaadaadityanibaaM trinetraaM


dyaayaami bhaalaamaruNaaMbhujasthaaM.

(meditation as per given in de Bala Patala)


2] [seer : Dakshinamurti Seer, Metre : Gayathri ,Goddess : Tripura-Bala]


paashaa~Nakushau pustakamakshasuutraM

karairdadhaanaa sakalaamaraarchyaa

raktaa triNetraa shashisheKareyaM

dhyeyaaKilairyaa tripuraatra baalaa

(pictured as a young lady red in complexion, with three eyes, adorned

with moon on the head, with hands carrying goad, noose, book and

rosary)(most of the variants of Bala mantra are used with this dhyaana)



sources: SriVidya-Kosa (by Prof.S.K.Ramachandra Rao)

Srichakra -Texts and plates

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Just be happy that in this world atleast there are no copyrights on

Devi/shakti worship? Or is there?


, "mahahradanatha"

<mahahradanatha> wrote:

> Would you please refrain from copying copyrighted material from other

> websites and post it here without reference to the source.


> The link is enough, otherwise people might get the wrong impression

> you or people at the mookambika group want to take the credit of

> having translated the material yourself.

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Firstly Thanks for your Comments, yes it was taken from another Group

and I did not ask for any Comments on this topic.


Secondly Mookambika Is my Group and I am the Moderator of that Group [not this

one]. I am a Strong Believer of Devi and no I would not do anything to take

credit for something that other person has done . next time before making any

sugestion or remarks please note how the reader would feel.


I am a ordinary person with enough of wealth to live for a day for

me and my Children I donot need money from any Group owners to live

and secondly I am a Asst lawyer in Dubai so I am well off with

Devi's grace.


If I have hurt anyones feeling in the group I am sorry and now I

would like to Un from the same as well.




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As i wrote before there are certain individuals who try to net money by

internet fraud who proclaim that these translations are their work.



, "devishakti_india"

<devishaktiindia@g...> wrote:

> Just be happy that in this world atleast there are no copyrights on

> Devi/shakti worship? Or is there?


> , "mahahradanatha"

> <mahahradanatha> wrote:

> > Would you please refrain from copying copyrighted material from


> > websites and post it here without reference to the source.

> >

> > The link is enough, otherwise people might get the wrong


> > you or people at the mookambika group want to take the credit of

> > having translated the material yourself.

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To ashure that there is no wrong impression it is better to state the

sources, especially since there are NOW active internet scams who use

exactly this material and pose as if they are the translators to net

people to give donations for expensives homas etc.


, "babitha70" <babitha70>


> Namste,


> Firstly Thanks for your Comments, yes it was taken from another


> and I did not ask for any Comments on this topic.


> Secondly Mookambika Is my Group and I am the Moderator of that

Group [not this one]. I am a Strong Believer of Devi and no I would

not do anything to take credit for something that other person has

done . next time before making any sugestion or remarks please note

how the reader would feel.


> I am a ordinary person with enough of wealth to live for a day for

> me and my Children I donot need money from any Group owners to live

> and secondly I am a Asst lawyer in Dubai so I am well off with

> Devi's grace.


> If I have hurt anyones feeling in the group I am sorry and now I

> would like to Un from the same as well.


> Pranam.

> Babitha

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, "devishakti_india"

<devishaktiindia@g...> wrote:

> Just be happy that in this world atleast there are no copyrights on

> Devi/shakti worship? Or is there?


> , "mahahradanatha"

> <mahahradanatha> wrote:

> > Would you please refrain from copying copyrighted material from


> > websites and post it here without reference to the source.

> >

> > The link is enough, otherwise people might get the wrong


> > you or people at the mookambika group want to take the credit


> > having translated the material yourself.




There is no copyrighst on Devi/shakti worship, but what

Mahahrandanatha is trying to say is that we should at least credit

the person or the organisation appropriately. Its their hard work,

to have the work translated and put it in the net for others. Its

just basic courtesy. Isnt this the basic teachings of Santana



You take other's work, parade it around the net, to make it look as

if you are the one who did it. Is this right?


Instead of just cut and copy the material, why not you summarise it

and give us the link, and tell us what you understand from that

material. It makes a more meaningful learing experience, dont you



You should start looking at copyright/IP Policy. It will give

you an idea, what you can and should not do when you are using



That is all we are asking!

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Jai Maa to that!



Tuesday, September 27, 2005 7:09 PM

Re: The Five Limbs (Panchanga) of Bala



, "devishakti_india"

<devishaktiindia@g...> wrote:

> Just be happy that in this world atleast there are no copyrights on

> Devi/shakti worship? Or is there?


> , "mahahradanatha"

> <mahahradanatha> wrote:

> > Would you please refrain from copying copyrighted material from


> > websites and post it here without reference to the source.

> >

> > The link is enough, otherwise people might get the wrong


> > you or people at the mookambika group want to take the credit


> > having translated the material yourself.




There is no copyrighst on Devi/shakti worship, but what

Mahahrandanatha is trying to say is that we should at least credit

the person or the organisation appropriately. Its their hard work,

to have the work translated and put it in the net for others. Its

just basic courtesy. Isnt this the basic teachings of Santana



You take other's work, parade it around the net, to make it look as

if you are the one who did it. Is this right?


Instead of just cut and copy the material, why not you summarise it

and give us the link, and tell us what you understand from that

material. It makes a more meaningful learing experience, dont you



You should start looking at copyright/IP Policy. It will give

you an idea, what you can and should not do when you are using



That is all we are asking!








a.. Visit your group "" on the web.












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I do not know if the group in question is one of these fraudulent rip-off

groups, but it could be. Still, couldn't it be that the person who posted was

simply ignorant of the rules?


If that is so , then there should be a more polite way of asking them to comply

with those rules, rather than jumping to conclusions and hurting someone's

sentiments. If I mistake not, politeness is also regarded as a Sanatan dharma




, "Mahamuni" <mahamuni@c...> wrote:


> You should start looking at copyright/IP Policy. It will give

> you an idea, what you can and should not do when you are using

> facilities.


> That is all we are asking!


, "mahahradanatha"

<mahahradanatha> wrote:

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I could not agree more. In a group devoted to Shakti Sadhana, civility & common

courtesy is not a lot to demand. These seem to be missing in many of recent




-------------- Original message --------------

I do not know if the group in question is one of these fraudulent rip-off

groups, but it could be. Still, couldn't it be that the person who posted was

simply ignorant of the rules?


If that is so , then there should be a more polite way of asking them to comply

with those rules, rather than jumping to conclusions and hurting someone's

sentiments. If I mistake not, politeness is also regarded as a Sanatan dharma




, "Mahamuni" <mahamuni@c...> wrote:


> You should start looking at copyright/IP Policy. It will give

> you an idea, what you can and should not do when you are using

> facilities.


> That is all we are asking!


, "mahahradanatha"

<mahahradanatha> wrote:














Visit your group "" on the web.





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, bsubramaniam@c... wrote:


> I could not agree more. In a group devoted to Shakti Sadhana,

civility & common courtesy is not a lot to demand. These seem to be

missing in many of recent emails.


> Balaji



I agree. Have you ever sit in public places and observe. Actually

observe the people around. Or NO! lets go to the ashram. Sit and

watch. A place where you are supposedly to be nice to everybody, but

it was never practice. At the superficial level, everything look so

nice, but when you go deeper theres a lot of back bitting and

resentment. Because its our human nature. Our emotion fluctuates

like the stock market. What SS presented is the actual scenarios of

our everyday life.


Im told : Indians like sight and sound. You see the indian Movie. A

lot of emotions and actions. The more fighting and dancing there is

the better the movie will be. I attended a funeral sometime back.

The aftermath that is where the family is supposedly to sit and

discuss ; what to do next. The bread winner is no more. Who is to

take care of the widow and children etc. I sat abt 50 meters away

from the main hall. What I hear is a lot of screaming and shouting.

I asked another relatives sitting beside me : are they discussing or

argueing. "Beats me!" she replied "sounds like both to me"


Its easier to say : Ah! dont take their words seriously. Ignore it

and move on. But that is what life is all about. You go out there,

you face the same thing. You can be soooooooooo nice and polite but

others may not responded the same. What do you do? Move away, fight

back? YOu sit in a restaurant and somebody comes and say : Hey! I

like this place. I sit here before, so you must give up this place

for me. Would you do it?


It takes a lot of people to make this world. What is the main focus

of your presence here. I see all these are a form of distractions.

If you are focus in your intention all there are nothing but a

background music. You can just switch it off, do what you must and

move on. To get so uptight and depress, to me is not worth it.


Its like a cycle dont you agree. Initially everybody is soooo nice.

Soooooo polite. Then..... you just need a trigger point and

everybody emotions goes berserk... then babaji comes ... to remind

us : hey! be nice will you! and........... we all go. ya! lah. Okay

people be nice.


If you look at when the ocean being churn. A lot of friction going

on between the devas and the asuras. What emerge from the ocean. The

good and the bad. Only when you know what to look for, the "churing

of the ocean" will bring you to the state of "immortality".


geez! I talk to much. And its only 9am. I better slow down. Now

where is the Bhaskararaya's commentary. You see, I got so hot with

Mary Ann that I miss yesterday's posting. Silence............

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005 6:16 PM

Re: The Five Limbs (Panchanga) of Bala



, bsubramaniam@c... wrote:


> I could not agree more. In a group devoted to Shakti Sadhana,

civility & common courtesy is not a lot to demand. These seem to be

missing in many of recent emails.


> Balaji



I agree. Have you ever sit in public places and observe. Actually

observe the people around. Or NO! lets go to the ashram. Sit and

watch. A place where you are supposedly to be nice to everybody, but

it was never practice. At the superficial level, everything look so

nice, but when you go deeper theres a lot of back bitting and

resentment. Because its our human nature. Our emotion fluctuates

like the stock market. What SS presented is the actual scenarios of

our everyday life.


Im told : Indians like sight and sound. You see the indian Movie. A

lot of emotions and actions. The more fighting and dancing there is

the better the movie will be. I attended a funeral sometime back.

The aftermath that is where the family is supposedly to sit and

discuss ; what to do next. The bread winner is no more. Who is to

take care of the widow and children etc. I sat abt 50 meters away

from the main hall. What I hear is a lot of screaming and shouting.

I asked another relatives sitting beside me : are they discussing or

argueing. "Beats me!" she replied "sounds like both to me"


Its easier to say : Ah! dont take their words seriously. Ignore it

and move on. But that is what life is all about. You go out there,

you face the same thing. You can be soooooooooo nice and polite but

others may not responded the same. What do you do? Move away, fight

back? YOu sit in a restaurant and somebody comes and say : Hey! I

like this place. I sit here before, so you must give up this place

for me. Would you do it?


It takes a lot of people to make this world. What is the main focus

of your presence here. I see all these are a form of distractions.

If you are focus in your intention all there are nothing but a

background music. You can just switch it off, do what you must and

move on. To get so uptight and depress, to me is not worth it.


Its like a cycle dont you agree. Initially everybody is soooo nice.

Soooooo polite. Then..... you just need a trigger point and

everybody emotions goes berserk... then babaji comes ... to remind

us : hey! be nice will you! and........... we all go. ya! lah. Okay

people be nice.


If you look at when the ocean being churn. A lot of friction going

on between the devas and the asuras. What emerge from the ocean. The

good and the bad. Only when you know what to look for, the "churing

of the ocean" will bring you to the state of "immortality".


geez! I talk to much. And its only 9am. I better slow down. Now

where is the Bhaskararaya's commentary. You see, I got so hot with

Mary Ann that I miss yesterday's posting. Silence............









Traditions Divine





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