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ThirumuRai Series - 621

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karuvUrththEvar aruLiya thiruvicaippA

thalam cATTiyakkuDi

paN panycamam

onbadhAm thirumuRai




padhikam n^AnmaRai thumburuvum n^Aratharum

parivoDu pADu kAn^dharppar

kathiyelAm araN^gam piNaiyal mUvulakil

kaDiyiruL thirun^aDam puriyum

cathiyilAr kaliyil oliceyum kaiyil

thamarukam cATTiyakkuDiyAr

ithayamAm kamalam kamalavarththanai Ez

irukkaiyil irun^tha IcanukkE.





The songs are the vedas;

thumburu and nAradhar are the gandharvas singing with


All the places stood on are dais;

Damarukam in hand sounding like the ocean

to the rhythm of the holy dance in the pitch darkness

in the three worlds that are like garland;

Lotus of heart is the padhumanidhi for the

Lord of chATTiyakkuDi - the God Who stayed

at the seven storey(ied abode).



1. The Lord has no use of any wealth. In fact It is

the One that creates wealth. All It is caring for is

the heartful of devotion. That too not for Its

benefit,but for the delight of the souls.

2. Ez irukkai - The vimAnam in this temple has

seven storeys. Hence the name.

3. piNaiyal - garland; kaDi - deep; cathi - jadhi -

rhythm; varththanai - wealth.





Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org








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