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LalithA SahasranAma [482] pasulokabhayamkari

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pasulokabhayamkari : Pasus are those devoid of the knowledge of non-

duality. The Srutis [br. Up., I. 4. 10] say, "Now one who worships

another deity [saying] "the deity is different, and I am different, "

he know not, he is like a beast [pasu]." " Fear comes when there is

duality" [br. Up, I. 4. 2] "To him, who makes a small hole

[difference] next fear comes" {Tai. Up. II. 7. 1].




BhAskararAya's Commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry

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Pasu-loka-bhayamkarI means 'frightful to the Pasus,' i.e. those bound

down by bonds of ignorance etc., and who consequently do not perceived

Her identity with every created thing; rather, finding a difference

between Her-Self and themselves.


DvitIyAdvai Bhayam Bhavati: Duality is Fearful.


AnyosA-Vanyoha-masmIti Na Sa Veda YathA Pasuriti: He is a beast (i.e.

Pasu), who perceives a difference between himself and the object of

his worship. (Beh. up 1-4)


- Dr. C. Suryanarayana Murthy, Commentary, 1962


A, "NMadasamy" <nmadasamy@s...>



> pasulokabhayamkari : Pasus are those devoid of the knowledge of non-

> duality. The Srutis [br. Up., I. 4. 10] say, "Now one who worships

> another deity [saying] "the deity is different, and I am

different, "

> he know not, he is like a beast [pasu]." " Fear comes when there is

> duality" [br. Up, I. 4. 2] "To him, who makes a small hole

> [difference] next fear comes" {Tai. Up. II. 7. 1].




> BhAskararAya's Commentary

> Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry

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