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ThirumuRai Series - 623

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karuvUrththEvar aruLiya thiruvicaippA

thalam cATTiyakkuDi

paN panycamam

onbadhAm thirumuRai




ceN^kaNA pORRi thicaimukA pORRi

civapura n^agaruL vIRRirun^tha

aN^kaNA pORRi amaranE pORRi

amararkaL thalaivanE pORRi

thaN^kaL n^AnmaRai n^Ul cakalamum kaRROr

cATTiyakkuDi irun^tharuLum

eN^kaL n^AyakanE pORRi Ezirukkai

iRaivanE pORRiyE pORRi.





Oh the Perfect-eye Lord hail! Direction faced hail!

The Beautiful-eyed Who resided in the city of

shivapuram hail!

Immortal hail! Lord of immortals (divines) hail!

Our Lord Who is at thiruccATTiyakkuDi of people

who have learnt all their four vedas scripture, hail!

God of seven storey abode hail hail!!



1. ceN^kaNA can also be interpreted as red eye

(eye of fire).

2. thicaimukam - four faces to the four direction.

In this perspective the Urdva mukham - IshAnam -

is not considered.

c.f. n^Angu kolAm avar thammukamAvana - appar.





Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org







Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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