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sex and sadhana - certain clarifications

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> , "SR.Raj kumar"

> <srirajarajeswari9> wrote:

> > Sex is attained with the total control of all the six senses.

All the senses are concentrating of the satisfaction derived by the

> ejaculation/orgasm. Eyes behold something beautiful. ears are

closed to any music and concentrate only on the act of sex. The

sense of touch feels nothing but the coupleing of the bodies.

Similarly the taste and smell. Above all, the mind coordinates all

the senses towards the sexual bliss. Can anyone do any other thing

while ejaculating or attaining an orgasm? No. No man or woman can.

Because all his senses are lost in the ecstatic joy deriuved from

sex climax.


Exactly. But this is the true glimpse of Paramapada or Mahabhava.

It is clearly stated in Vijnana-bhairava that the bliss of orgasm is

a revealing of Brahma-tattva.

> Hence in such an act a person shall definitely forget God,


He "forgets" because he IS God. This is perfect the advaya-sthiti.

>Hence satvik sadhana has the compulsory rule that sex should be



This is contrary to the doctrine of Agamas and even Vedas. For

grihastha sex is a MUST - if one doesn't satisfy his life partner

sexually it is adharma.

Sex may not be used as a means of sadhana - that is understandable.

For tamasik people are incapable of effective sadhana, they have to

keep away from sexual sadhanas. While true sattvik upasakas can and

do use those...

> > Secondly it is the semen which mixes with the blood forming the

> shakthi in the body.Only a person who has abstained from sex shall

be able to attain results on a very faster note.


To mix semen and blood - which in fact brings up tremendous shakti -

one has to have sex. But these methods are related to virachara,

path of hero. Only one who follows his own true will and loves

Shakti is suitable for it.

adhikArI prahRiShTAtmA strIbhakto vijitendriyaH.


Once again, let me put it:

whether one has normal sex or not is not an obstacle by itself for

spiritual path. It is mere body activity which doesn't affect

consciousness. But if one is married then being celibate becomes a


Then, if sex is in love, it uplifts consciousness. Because "only

love saves" and "liberation is achieved through enjoyment".

Finally, if we speak about kaula-adept, for him sex is one of the

most essential parts of sadhana. Sadhana which is far above so

called "sattvic" upasana of exoteric sects.


Hope this helps :).


Love is the law, love under will.


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Why do you begin your posts with a number (93)?


Where do holy men like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, or

avatars like Hanuman, fit in with your paradigm? They

were married, yet never consummated their marriages.

Were they sinful?


-- Len/ Kalipadma



--- Arjuna Taranandanatha <bhagatirtha wrote:

> 93,


> Once again, let me put it:

> whether one has normal sex or not is not an obstacle

> by itself for

> spiritual path. It is mere body activity which

> doesn't affect

> consciousness. But if one is married then being

> celibate becomes a

> sin.

> Then, if sex is in love, it uplifts consciousness.

> Because "only

> love saves" and "liberation is achieved through

> enjoyment".

> Finally, if we speak about kaula-adept, for him sex

> is one of the

> most essential parts of sadhana. Sadhana which is

> far above so

> called "sattvic" upasana of exoteric sects.


> Hope this helps :).


> Love is the law, love under will.

> A.









Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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, Len Rosenberg

<kalipadma108> wrote:


> Why do you begin your posts with a number (93)?


> Where do holy men like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, or

> avatars like Hanuman, fit in with your paradigm? They

> were married, yet never consummated their marriages.

> Were they sinful?



Interestingly enough, I had an interesting discussion with the One

Head Priest from a Shakta Temple here in KL. His remarks is that,

the greatest mistake Ramakrishna made in his life time, is not

consummating his marriage. What is the point of getting married in

the first place and there after worship your wife as a goddess. From

Shakta perspective, he further elaborated that is not right. Well

that is his views perhaps. Perhaps too a lot shared his views but

have decided to keep their opinion to themselves. After all who are

we to question such great soul like Ramakrishna. But he is also

human to like us. Dont we human make mistakes? Or many have put him

on the pedestral equal that to a GOD that whatever he does is Right?


I tends to agree with Arjuna views that a lot of Ramakrishna

spiritual practises are either being sidelines or deleted. His

people tried very hard to erase them as if it never happen. If you

read the Life of Ramakrishna its very obvious.


This attitude of denial by the Ramakrishna group is as expected. I

was reading a Psychological paper on Psychological abuse in Cults:

Study on The Siddha Organisation. About Swami Mukananda [ I do not

have the article with me right now as im not at home. If the name

spelled wrong, excuse me. I will furnish the full article once im

home ] secret sexual liasons with his western female devotees. And

also about Gurumayi attitude on many of the cases of sexual molest

by the inner circle of Siddha Organisation. Its always this initial

stage : Denial and Rejection.


So my perhaps question is : When such so called pious or holy man

does "mistake", is it okay, because they are equal to the status of


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, "NMadasamy" <nmadasamy@s...> wrote:

> Interestingly enough, I had an interesting discussion with the One

> Head Priest from a Shakta Temple here in KL. His remarks is that,

> the greatest mistake Ramakrishna made in his life time, is not

> consummating his marriage. What is the point of getting married in

> the first place and there after worship your wife as a goddess. From

> Shakta perspective, he further elaborated that is not right. Well

> that is his views perhaps. Perhaps too a lot shared his views but

> have decided to keep their opinion to themselves. After all who are

> we to question such great soul like Ramakrishna. But he is also

> human to like us. Dont we human make mistakes? Or many have put him

> on the pedestral equal that to a GOD that whatever he does is Right?


> I tends to agree with Arjuna views that a lot of Ramakrishna

> spiritual practises are either being sidelines or deleted. His

> people tried very hard to erase them as if it never happen. If you

> read the Life of Ramakrishna its very obvious.


> This attitude of denial by the Ramakrishna group is as expected.


This is not necessarily true that they deny it. Perhaps they

understand it differently, and maybe that understanding is correct

too. I am a member of the Ramakrishna group too, and I forward some

relevant posts here with the links (links may not work for you if you

are not d to it, hence the actual text. sorry for this being

long, but i promise it will be worth it to many):







Question in Ramakrishna/message/12615

namaste, it is said that sriramakrishna perfected all existing paths

of spirituality - including tantra. the path of tantra includes sexual

intercourse as a step of realization. but latter he shuns sex.


so does he say that when it is used to get enlightenment it is ok to

indulge? i would also like u r comments on osho as a spiritual master.

thank u sajith



REPLY 1: Ramakrishna/message/12640

Dear Sajith,


In Sri Swami Saradanandaji's "Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leela Prasanga",

he mentions 3 types of tantric practices - the demoniac, the heroic

and the divine.


The demoniac path is for those who have little self control - for

them tantra prescribes absolute abstinence from contact with women

(opposite sex). The Heroic or Veera is for those who have good self

control. To them, tantra prescribes overcoming sexual urge through

controlled sexual enjoyment. The divine, the highest of the three,

is for the highly advanced aspirant, who has little body

consciousness, hence the aspirant has advanced far beyond any form

of sexual act. He meditates on Divine Mother according to the

prescribed tantra rituals and realizes union of Siva and Sakti.


Hence, you find that the so-called much publicised sex in Tantra,

comes only in the "middle-path" so to say, namely the heroic. It is

totally absent in the highest and lowest paths - the divine as well

as the demoniac.


Sri Ramakrishna followed the Divine method. It is said that even

Bhairavi Brahmani, his Tantric Guru, was not advanced enough to

follow the Divine method, and she was amazed when Sri Ramakrishna

perfected this Tantric method. Just as with Tota Puri, Sri

Ramakrishna became the Guru of his Guru Bhairavi Brahmani as well.


I have noted this down from my memory of Saradanandaji's

masterpiece. Please bear with any lapses.


With prayers,



REPLY 2: Ramakrishna/message/12648

Dear Brother Nikhil,


Thank you for the interesting post. We must also remember that after

observing Sri Ramakrishna go into spontaneous samadhi while undergoing

a very difficult tantric sadhana that Bhairavi Brahmani became very

sure about the divinity of Sri Ramakrishna. It was after this that she

started propagating that Sri Ramakrishna was an Avatar.


Tantra is an essential part of Hindu worship today. The Yantras and the

Mantras we use in worship today come from tantric roots. There is an

excellent article on Tantra by Revered Swami Madhavanandaji in a

collection of articles published by the Ramakrishna Institute of

Culture, Kolkata.


Like all other spiritual paths tantra too requires intense personal

purity. Some of the controversial practices were actually tests for

sadhaks. These tests on Buddhist monks percolated down to the

householder tantrics with disastrous consequences. This was the case

also in pre Ramakrishna Bengal. In "Mayer Padaprante" Part 3, Holy

Mother is quoted as saying, "Sri Chaitanya would have sufficed for Kali

Yuga had not people started practicing with women. It was to rout such

practices that Thakur had to come."


I think this statement of Holy Mother will put Thakur's tantra sadhana

in its proper perspective. Thakur came to purify tantra and give it

back its high spiritual pedestal.




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OOPS! disclaimer:

These are the views of some members of the Ramakrishna , not

necessarily of the group per se, or of the Ramakrishna mission.


take it only if it helps you......





, "manoj_menon" <ammademon@g...>


> , "NMadasamy" <nmadasamy@s...>


> > Interestingly enough, I had an interesting discussion with the One

> > Head Priest from a Shakta Temple here in KL. His remarks is that,

> > the greatest mistake Ramakrishna made in his life time, is not

> > consummating his marriage. What is the point of getting married in

> > the first place and there after worship your wife as a goddess. From

> > Shakta perspective, he further elaborated that is not right. Well

> > that is his views perhaps. Perhaps too a lot shared his views but

> > have decided to keep their opinion to themselves. After all who are

> > we to question such great soul like Ramakrishna. But he is also

> > human to like us. Dont we human make mistakes? Or many have put him

> > on the pedestral equal that to a GOD that whatever he does is Right?

> >

> > I tends to agree with Arjuna views that a lot of Ramakrishna

> > spiritual practises are either being sidelines or deleted. His

> > people tried very hard to erase them as if it never happen. If you

> > read the Life of Ramakrishna its very obvious.

> >

> > This attitude of denial by the Ramakrishna group is as expected.


> This is not necessarily true that they deny it. Perhaps they

> understand it differently, and maybe that understanding is correct

> too. I am a member of the Ramakrishna group too, and I forward some

> relevant posts here with the links (links may not work for you if you

> are not d to it, hence the actual text. sorry for this being

> long, but i promise it will be worth it to many):

Question in Ramakrishna/message/12615

> namaste, it is said that sriramakrishna perfected all existing paths

> of spirituality - including tantra. the path of tantra includes sexual

> intercourse as a step of realization. but latter he shuns sex.


> so does he say that when it is used to get enlightenment it is ok to

> indulge? i would also like u r comments on osho as a spiritual master.

> thank u sajith


> Replies

> REPLY 1: Ramakrishna/message/12640

> Dear Sajith,


> In Sri Swami Saradanandaji's "Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leela Prasanga",

> he mentions 3 types of tantric practices - the demoniac, the heroic

> and the divine.


> The demoniac path is for those who have little self control - for

> them tantra prescribes absolute abstinence from contact with women

> (opposite sex). The Heroic or Veera is for those who have good self

> control. To them, tantra prescribes overcoming sexual urge through

> controlled sexual enjoyment. The divine, the highest of the three,

> is for the highly advanced aspirant, who has little body

> consciousness, hence the aspirant has advanced far beyond any form

> of sexual act. He meditates on Divine Mother according to the

> prescribed tantra rituals and realizes union of Siva and Sakti.


> Hence, you find that the so-called much publicised sex in Tantra,

> comes only in the "middle-path" so to say, namely the heroic. It is

> totally absent in the highest and lowest paths - the divine as well

> as the demoniac.


> Sri Ramakrishna followed the Divine method. It is said that even

> Bhairavi Brahmani, his Tantric Guru, was not advanced enough to

> follow the Divine method, and she was amazed when Sri Ramakrishna

> perfected this Tantric method. Just as with Tota Puri, Sri

> Ramakrishna became the Guru of his Guru Bhairavi Brahmani as well.


> I have noted this down from my memory of Saradanandaji's

> masterpiece. Please bear with any lapses.


> With prayers,

> Nikhil.


> REPLY 2: Ramakrishna/message/12648

> Dear Brother Nikhil,


> Thank you for the interesting post. We must also remember that after

> observing Sri Ramakrishna go into spontaneous samadhi while undergoing

> a very difficult tantric sadhana that Bhairavi Brahmani became very

> sure about the divinity of Sri Ramakrishna. It was after this that she

> started propagating that Sri Ramakrishna was an Avatar.


> Tantra is an essential part of Hindu worship today. The Yantras and the

> Mantras we use in worship today come from tantric roots. There is an

> excellent article on Tantra by Revered Swami Madhavanandaji in a

> collection of articles published by the Ramakrishna Institute of

> Culture, Kolkata.


> Like all other spiritual paths tantra too requires intense personal

> purity. Some of the controversial practices were actually tests for

> sadhaks. These tests on Buddhist monks percolated down to the

> householder tantrics with disastrous consequences. This was the case

> also in pre Ramakrishna Bengal. In "Mayer Padaprante" Part 3, Holy

> Mother is quoted as saying, "Sri Chaitanya would have sufficed for Kali

> Yuga had not people started practicing with women. It was to rout such

> practices that Thakur had to come."


> I think this statement of Holy Mother will put Thakur's tantra sadhana

> in its proper perspective. Thakur came to purify tantra and give it

> back its high spiritual pedestal.


> Regards,

> Jagannath.

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I think it its time we changed track; snide comments at each other!! trying to

gauge the acts of saints and all that. In Shakata lineages ANYTHING goes!! There

is n good o eil!! there is n right and wrong!! There is no Karma. (I am speaking

of principles) so lets try to reach that - which is another purpose of this

group to be supporting to each other in this efort. Not to make side swipes at

anybody and everybody.

Hope I myself am not guilty *smile*


manoj_menon <ammademon wrote:

OOPS! disclaimer:

These are the views of some members of the Ramakrishna , not

necessarily of the group per se, or of the Ramakrishna mission.


take it only if it helps you......





, "manoj_menon" <ammademon@g...>


> , "NMadasamy" <nmadasamy@s...>


> > Interestingly enough, I had an interesting discussion with the One

> > Head Priest from a Shakta Temple here in KL. His remarks is that,

> > the greatest mistake Ramakrishna made in his life time, is not

> > consummating his marriage. What is the point of getting married in

> > the first place and there after worship your wife as a goddess. From

> > Shakta perspective, he further elaborated that is not right. Well

> > that is his views perhaps. Perhaps too a lot shared his views but

> > have decided to keep their opinion to themselves. After all who are

> > we to question such great soul like Ramakrishna. But he is also

> > human to like us. Dont we human make mistakes? Or many have put him

> > on the pedestral equal that to a GOD that whatever he does is Right?

> >

> > I tends to agree with Arjuna views that a lot of Ramakrishna

> > spiritual practises are either being sidelines or deleted. His

> > people tried very hard to erase them as if it never happen. If you

> > read the Life of Ramakrishna its very obvious.

> >

> > This attitude of denial by the Ramakrishna group is as expected.


> This is not necessarily true that they deny it. Perhaps they

> understand it differently, and maybe that understanding is correct

> too. I am a member of the Ramakrishna group too, and I forward some

> relevant posts here with the links (links may not work for you if you

> are not d to it, hence the actual text. sorry for this being

> long, but i promise it will be worth it to many):

Question in Ramakrishna/message/12615

> namaste, it is said that sriramakrishna perfected all existing paths

> of spirituality - including tantra. the path of tantra includes sexual

> intercourse as a step of realization. but latter he shuns sex.


> so does he say that when it is used to get enlightenment it is ok to

> indulge? i would also like u r comments on osho as a spiritual master.

> thank u sajith


> Replies

> REPLY 1: Ramakrishna/message/12640

> Dear Sajith,


> In Sri Swami Saradanandaji's "Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leela Prasanga",

> he mentions 3 types of tantric practices - the demoniac, the heroic

> and the divine.


> The demoniac path is for those who have little self control - for

> them tantra prescribes absolute abstinence from contact with women

> (opposite sex). The Heroic or Veera is for those who have good self

> control. To them, tantra prescribes overcoming sexual urge through

> controlled sexual enjoyment. The divine, the highest of the three,

> is for the highly advanced aspirant, who has little body

> consciousness, hence the aspirant has advanced far beyond any form

> of sexual act. He meditates on Divine Mother according to the

> prescribed tantra rituals and realizes union of Siva and Sakti.


> Hence, you find that the so-called much publicised sex in Tantra,

> comes only in the "middle-path" so to say, namely the heroic. It is

> totally absent in the highest and lowest paths - the divine as well

> as the demoniac.


> Sri Ramakrishna followed the Divine method. It is said that even

> Bhairavi Brahmani, his Tantric Guru, was not advanced enough to

> follow the Divine method, and she was amazed when Sri Ramakrishna

> perfected this Tantric method. Just as with Tota Puri, Sri

> Ramakrishna became the Guru of his Guru Bhairavi Brahmani as well.


> I have noted this down from my memory of Saradanandaji's

> masterpiece. Please bear with any lapses.


> With prayers,

> Nikhil.


> REPLY 2: Ramakrishna/message/12648

> Dear Brother Nikhil,


> Thank you for the interesting post. We must also remember that after

> observing Sri Ramakrishna go into spontaneous samadhi while undergoing

> a very difficult tantric sadhana that Bhairavi Brahmani became very

> sure about the divinity of Sri Ramakrishna. It was after this that she

> started propagating that Sri Ramakrishna was an Avatar.


> Tantra is an essential part of Hindu worship today. The Yantras and the

> Mantras we use in worship today come from tantric roots. There is an

> excellent article on Tantra by Revered Swami Madhavanandaji in a

> collection of articles published by the Ramakrishna Institute of

> Culture, Kolkata.


> Like all other spiritual paths tantra too requires intense personal

> purity. Some of the controversial practices were actually tests for

> sadhaks. These tests on Buddhist monks percolated down to the

> householder tantrics with disastrous consequences. This was the case

> also in pre Ramakrishna Bengal. In "Mayer Padaprante" Part 3, Holy

> Mother is quoted as saying, "Sri Chaitanya would have sufficed for Kali

> Yuga had not people started practicing with women. It was to rout such

> practices that Thakur had to come."


> I think this statement of Holy Mother will put Thakur's tantra sadhana

> in its proper perspective. Thakur came to purify tantra and give it

> back its high spiritual pedestal.


> Regards,

> Jagannath.






Traditions Divine






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I did not intend to make any snide comments, nor do I think I am

guilty of it!


it was another view presented for whoever was interested in it. take

it or leave it..... i really don't care (viz., no motivations) one way

or the other.



, sankara menon <kochu1tz>


> I think it its time we changed track; snide comments at each other!!

trying to gauge the acts of saints and all that. In Shakata lineages

ANYTHING goes!! There is n good o eil!! there is n right and wrong!!

There is no Karma. (I am speaking of principles) so lets try to reach

that - which is another purpose of this group to be supporting to each

other in this efort. Not to make side swipes at anybody and everybody.

> Hope I myself am not guilty *smile*


> manoj_menon <ammademon@g...> wrote:

> OOPS! disclaimer:

> These are the views of some members of the Ramakrishna , not

> necessarily of the group per se, or of the Ramakrishna mission.


> take it only if it helps you......





> , "manoj_menon" <ammademon@g...>

> wrote:

> > , "NMadasamy" <nmadasamy@s...>

> wrote:

> > > Interestingly enough, I had an interesting discussion with the One

> > > Head Priest from a Shakta Temple here in KL. His remarks is that,

> > > the greatest mistake Ramakrishna made in his life time, is not

> > > consummating his marriage. What is the point of getting married in

> > > the first place and there after worship your wife as a goddess.


> > > Shakta perspective, he further elaborated that is not right. Well

> > > that is his views perhaps. Perhaps too a lot shared his views but

> > > have decided to keep their opinion to themselves. After all who are

> > > we to question such great soul like Ramakrishna. But he is also

> > > human to like us. Dont we human make mistakes? Or many have put him

> > > on the pedestral equal that to a GOD that whatever he does is Right?

> > >

> > > I tends to agree with Arjuna views that a lot of Ramakrishna

> > > spiritual practises are either being sidelines or deleted. His

> > > people tried very hard to erase them as if it never happen. If you

> > > read the Life of Ramakrishna its very obvious.

> > >

> > > This attitude of denial by the Ramakrishna group is as expected.

> >

> > This is not necessarily true that they deny it. Perhaps they

> > understand it differently, and maybe that understanding is correct

> > too. I am a member of the Ramakrishna group too, and I forward some

> > relevant posts here with the links (links may not work for you if you

> > are not d to it, hence the actual text. sorry for this being

> > long, but i promise it will be worth it to many):

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Question in Ramakrishna/message/12615

> > namaste, it is said that sriramakrishna perfected all existing paths

> > of spirituality - including tantra. the path of tantra includes sexual

> > intercourse as a step of realization. but latter he shuns sex.

> >

> > so does he say that when it is used to get enlightenment it is ok to

> > indulge? i would also like u r comments on osho as a spiritual master.

> > thank u sajith

> >

> > Replies

> > REPLY 1: Ramakrishna/message/12640

> > Dear Sajith,

> >

> > In Sri Swami Saradanandaji's "Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leela Prasanga",

> > he mentions 3 types of tantric practices - the demoniac, the heroic

> > and the divine.

> >

> > The demoniac path is for those who have little self control - for

> > them tantra prescribes absolute abstinence from contact with women

> > (opposite sex). The Heroic or Veera is for those who have good self

> > control. To them, tantra prescribes overcoming sexual urge through

> > controlled sexual enjoyment. The divine, the highest of the three,

> > is for the highly advanced aspirant, who has little body

> > consciousness, hence the aspirant has advanced far beyond any form

> > of sexual act. He meditates on Divine Mother according to the

> > prescribed tantra rituals and realizes union of Siva and Sakti.

> >

> > Hence, you find that the so-called much publicised sex in Tantra,

> > comes only in the "middle-path" so to say, namely the heroic. It is

> > totally absent in the highest and lowest paths - the divine as well

> > as the demoniac.

> >

> > Sri Ramakrishna followed the Divine method. It is said that even

> > Bhairavi Brahmani, his Tantric Guru, was not advanced enough to

> > follow the Divine method, and she was amazed when Sri Ramakrishna

> > perfected this Tantric method. Just as with Tota Puri, Sri

> > Ramakrishna became the Guru of his Guru Bhairavi Brahmani as well.

> >

> > I have noted this down from my memory of Saradanandaji's

> > masterpiece. Please bear with any lapses.

> >

> > With prayers,

> > Nikhil.

> >

> > REPLY 2: Ramakrishna/message/12648

> > Dear Brother Nikhil,

> >

> > Thank you for the interesting post. We must also remember that after

> > observing Sri Ramakrishna go into spontaneous samadhi while undergoing

> > a very difficult tantric sadhana that Bhairavi Brahmani became very

> > sure about the divinity of Sri Ramakrishna. It was after this that she

> > started propagating that Sri Ramakrishna was an Avatar.

> >

> > Tantra is an essential part of Hindu worship today. The Yantras

and the

> > Mantras we use in worship today come from tantric roots. There is an

> > excellent article on Tantra by Revered Swami Madhavanandaji in a

> > collection of articles published by the Ramakrishna Institute of

> > Culture, Kolkata.

> >

> > Like all other spiritual paths tantra too requires intense personal

> > purity. Some of the controversial practices were actually tests for

> > sadhaks. These tests on Buddhist monks percolated down to the

> > householder tantrics with disastrous consequences. This was the case

> > also in pre Ramakrishna Bengal. In "Mayer Padaprante" Part 3, Holy

> > Mother is quoted as saying, "Sri Chaitanya would have sufficed for


> > Yuga had not people started practicing with women. It was to rout such

> > practices that Thakur had to come."

> >

> > I think this statement of Holy Mother will put Thakur's tantra sadhana

> > in its proper perspective. Thakur came to purify tantra and give it

> > back its high spiritual pedestal.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Jagannath.






> Traditions Divine






> Visit your group "" on the web.





> Terms of










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, "manoj_menon"

<ammademon@g...> wrote:

> I did not intend to make any snide comments, nor do I think I am

> guilty of it!


> it was another view presented for whoever was interested in it.


> it or leave it..... i really don't care (viz., no motivations) one


> or the other.



> , sankara menon


> wrote:

> > I think it its time we changed track; snide comments at each


> trying to gauge the acts of saints and all that. In Shakata


> ANYTHING goes!! There is n good o eil!! there is n right and


> There is no Karma. (I am speaking of principles) so lets try to


> that - which is another purpose of this group to be supporting to


> other in this efort. Not to make side swipes at anybody and


> > Hope I myself am not guilty *smile*

> >

> > manoj_menon <ammademon@g...> wrote:

> > OOPS! disclaimer:

> > These are the views of some members of the Ramakrishna

, not

> > necessarily of the group per se, or of the Ramakrishna mission.

> >

> > take it only if it helps you......

> >


Theres a saying here which goes : If you do not taste the chillies,

why should you feel hot? Another says : If I pinch the left thigh,

why does the right thigh feels the pain?



My only hope is that you seek their permission or at least inform

them that you have forward several of their messages to our group.

Lets take an example okay. My house. You know, that I am a very

generous person. What ever you asked I will never say No. You can

take whatever you want, it will be okay with me. But still it is

just right to at least inform me before you decides to take anything

out. Dont you agree? That is good manners.


Sophiarealm did just that. She inform the moderators here before she

forwarded several of our message to her group. Shiva Org seek the

permission of all the moderators before they posted the Shaivam

series, an extension from their website.

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