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EMERGING GODDESS Life Coaching for Women

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G O D D E S S C O A C H I N G f o r W O M E N


- Programs By-Phone or Intensives at Ocean View Sanctuary




* E M E R G I N G * G O D D E S S * C o a c h i n g Program


with Teresa Ann Foxworthy, Author of "The Goddess Handbook"




Unleash the Power of Your Awakened Feminine!








Do you need to cultivate a more evolved feminine essence?




Your deep feminine wisdom is your source of incredible radiance and power!

Make time for your soul’s journey into the effulgence of your goddess self.

When was the last time you roared with laughter, felt good inside your body,

spent a long time in Nature, danced to your favorite music, got some great





In this coaching program, you will learn the importance of your feminine

gifts and how to receive the gifts that you need to feel whole and nurtured.

As a feminine creature, your heart is your greatest treasure. With your

precious heart, you will grace the


world with your gift of love.




This coaching program integrates empowerment, emotional renewal, and

deepening your core feminine essence for every aspect of your life.




As you address the logistics of your life with the passion of your deepest

heart’s desires, you will need to clear the way for sculpting the life YOU

choose to live. Waking up to your truth, power, passion, and purpose is an

EXHILARATING experience.




Why not make it a way of life…?
















I have traveled the long journey from wounded,

hippie-chick-turned-corporate-woman to radiant goddess, successful author &

world-class consultant, and am dedicated now to helping other women reclaim

their divine bliss that easily operates on the Earth plane, developing their

career, but balancing that mission with their heart's renewal, feminine

essence, and personal empowerment.




With excellent references, my success comes from over 20 years cultivating

this practice...as well as writing books on the Goddess journey.




Weekly sessions by-phone or in my ocean-view home.


Intensives are also a possibility...helpful during major transitions.




Email or call for a complimentary consultation to see


if we might work together!








Tel: 7 6 0 . 8 9 1 . 0 2 0 6



Tollfree: 8 7 7 . 4 7 2 . 6 4 7 4












C l i e n t s W o r d s :






"You spoke exactly to my issues and led me through a fun and yet powerful

process to a place where I can clearly and elegantly reclaim my truth,

power, beauty and dignity."


ME, Marriage, Family Therapist, San Rafael, CA








"The reading you did for my daughter was fabulous. I just put a check in

the mail for you to do me now! You are really gifted."


LB, Minister, Tampa, FL








"I couldn't believe after all these years that you were able to help me

clear those blocks! It's been months, and I still feel great."


MM, Homemaker, Sacramento, CA








"Teresa, it’s only been six months working with you, and I am engaged to be

married! I could never have done this without your insight and support.

You are amazing. The invitation to our wedding will be arriving soon, I

want you to be there."


SH, Psychiatrist, Napa, CA








"You go, girl! How I love this new goddess identity! You have connected me

with a higher frequency on my radio dial, if you know what I mean. All my

girlfriends want to talk with you, too. I am relaxing into my feminine

essence, and I could not have had a clue without your guidance. It sounded

easier than it was, and your guidance made all the difference. Now I have

my choice of many, truly impressive men."


NK, School Principal, Seattle, CA








"You have the energy of twenty coaches and the insight of a hundred. You've

got the bull by the horns! Thank you for all the gems you've shared."


NC, Retired Teacher, Baltimore, MD






"It was so nice working with you, you brought me to a new place inside my



LR, Homemaker, Mill Valley, CA






"I was completely at a stand-still and you used interesting techniques that

quickly shifted things for me. I was amazed at the results. I hadn’t had a

date for over six months, and over night that changed. As the weeks go by,

I have a clearer picture of what I am really working on to achieve my

relationship goals."


MT, Pharmaceutical Researcher, Redwood City, CA






"I hated to admit just how right you were, but I’m so grateful now because I

am much happier as a result of following your advice. Thank you."


FE, Travel Sales, San Anselmo, CA








“You are AMAZING! Teresa, you are such a gifted and powerful goddess and I

am amazed at how you have helped to re-connect me to source. I feel so

strong and yet so feminine and sweet. Thank you!


MM, Research Librarian, San Diego, CA






“Thank you, Teresa. I was so vulnerable and out of alignment with my true

wisdom and you were so gentle with me in the delicate places and so

empowering. ‘I AM a radiant goddess of Love & Light! Your work is truly

profound. ”


HY, Psychiatrist, Napa, CA


















T e r e s a A n n F o x w o r t h y






Coaching Programs & Events




Tel: 7 6 0 . 8 9 1 . 0 2 0 6

Tollfree: 8 7 7 . 4 7 2 . 6 4 7 4
















c 1992-2005 Teresa Ann Foxworthy. All rights reserved.






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