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Kumari [ Digest Number 1511]

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Beneficial because it would mean that men would begin to experience

the other half of their own beings, instead of projecting that onto

women, and then attempting to control women externally through

religious rites and rules, denial of educational opportunities,

political maneuvering, rape, even standards of beauty. I think both

women and men have been locked in traditions in their relations with

each other, and their views of themselves, that are not beneficial

to humanity or to the planet.


To supplement my answer, I would like to offer the following words

from Amma's booklet The Awakening of Universal Motherhood. I hope

this explains what I mean well enough for you, Kochu. Let me know if

you still do not understand my meaning.


"Men normally believe in muscle power. On a superficial level they

see women as their mothers, wives, sisters. But there is no need to

hide the fact that, on a deeper level, men still have a great deal

of resistance to properly understanding, accepting, and recognizing

women and the feminine aspect of life."


"There is a man in the inner depths of every woman, and a woman in

the inner depths of every man. This truth dawned in the meditation

of the great saints and seers eons ago. This is what the

Ardhanariswara (half God and half Goddess) concept in the Hindu

faith signifies. Whether you are a woman or a man, your real

humanity will come to light only when the feminine and masculine

qualities within you are balanced.


Men have also suffered greatly as a result of the exile of the

feminine principle from the world. Because of the oppression of

women and the suppression of the feminine aspect within men, men's

lives have become fragmented, often painful. Men, too, have to

awaken to their feminine qualities. They have to develop empathy and

understanding in their attitude towards women, and in the way they

relate to the world."


"The rules and superstitious beliefs that degrade women continue to

prevail in most countries. The primitive customs invented by men in

the past to exploit and to subjugate women remain alive to this day.

Women and their minds have become entangled in the cobweb of those

customs. They have been hypnotized by their own minds. ...


Look at an elephant. It can uproot huge trees with its trunk. When

an elephant living in captivity is still a baby, it is tied to a

tree with a strong rope or chain. Because it is the nature of

elephants to roam free, the baby elephant instinctively tries with

all its might to break the rope. But it isn't strong enough to do

so. Realizing its efforts are of no use, it finally gives up and

stops struggling. Later, when the elephant is fully grown, it can be

tied to a small tree with a thin rope. It could then easily free

itself by uprooting the tree or breaking the rope. But because its

mind has been conditioned by its prior experiences, it doesn't make

the slightest attempt to break free."


"Anyone--man or woman--who has the courage to overcome the

limitations of the mind can attain the state of universal

motherhood. The love of awakened motherhood is the love and

compassion felt not only towards one's own children, but towards all

people, animals and plants, rocks and rivers--a love extended to al

of nature, all beings. ... This love...is Divine Love--and that is




, sankara menon <kochu1tz>


> In what way "benificial" please?? what is the purpose thats

supposed to be achieved by this interchange. I am confused :( Can

you elaborate on the benifits achieved by this??


> NMadasamy <nmadasamy@s...> wrote:--- In

, "Mary Ann"

> <buttercookie61> wrote:

> > I think it would also be beneficial for the roles to be

interchangeable between male and female, rather than one always

representing Bhairava, one always representing Kumari. This would be

in keeping with Ardhanarashwari/a, it would seem.




> What makes women different from man [1] women menstruate [2] women

> have the womb. The most powerful symbol of shakti is the yoni.


> The yoni does not know any distinction between husband, brothers,

> sons ,relations and caste. The yoni is govern by one: The act of

> creation. Any seed you plant it grows into life. That is the power


> the yoni, in its ability to cause social instability. In any form


> Shakti Worship, the worship of DEVI in a human body is the most

> powerful.


> Perhaps we should go back to our basic and ask the question : What


> Tantra?


> Traditions Divine






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