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LalithA SahasranAma [489] aksamAladidharA

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aksamAladidharA : Wearing a garland of Aksa beads, etc.


The aksamAlA here stands for the disc in the above [ 485]. Aksa, the

wheel of a chariot, mA, resemblance, la, bears ie, resemblence of a




BhAskararAya's Commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry

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I hope I am not guilty of guru ninda as Bhaskara Raya Makhin is 10th in my guru

parampara *Smile* hence bowing to the great Bhasurananda Natha who roared in

India as reviver of Srivdya Centuries ago , I ask is it not better to take the

simple meaning?


I have seen books with 100s of pages meaning for the 15 lettered panchadashi

mana. But firs lets unerstand the litteral meanings?


akshamaalaadidharaa = one who holds akshamala etc?


NMadasamy <nmadasamy wrote:


aksamAladidharA : Wearing a garland of Aksa beads, etc.


The aksamAlA here stands for the disc in the above [ 485]. Aksa, the

wheel of a chariot, mA, resemblance, la, bears ie, resemblence of a




BhAskararAya's Commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry






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, sankara menon <kochu1tz>


> I hope I am not guilty of guru ninda as Bhaskara Raya Makhin is

10th in my guru parampara *Smile* hence bowing to the great

Bhasurananda Natha who roared in India as reviver of Srivdya

Centuries ago , I ask is it not better to take the simple meaning?


> I have seen books with 100s of pages meaning for the 15 lettered

panchadashi mana. But firs lets unerstand the litteral meanings?


> akshamaalaadidharaa = one who holds akshamala etc?


> NMadasamy <nmadasamy@s...> wrote:


> aksamAladidharA : Wearing a garland of Aksa beads, etc.


> The aksamAlA here stands for the disc in the above [ 485]. Aksa,


> wheel of a chariot, mA, resemblance, la, bears ie, resemblence of


> chariot.



> BhAskararAya's Commentary

> Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry




My Salutation to the Great Sri Vidya Guru. The Great Bhaskara Raya

Makhin makes a historic trip down South to spread the teachings of

the Sri Vidya. My prayers to DEVI always that the 20th

Centry "BhaskaraRaya" will honour us with his Divine presence in

this South East of Asia .


Just something to ask by this staggering Sadhika


Does it make any difference between wearing the garland of aksa

beads and holding the akasamala? Main point here is the Aksamala?

Difference in such makes one guilty of guru ninda?

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"She carries in Her hands a rosary of beads or AksamAlA, meaning

Garland of Letters from A to Ksh, which contains all MantrAs."


- Dr. C. Suryanarayana Murthy, Commentary on LS, 1962



, "NMadasamy" <nmadasamy@s...>




> aksamAladidharA : Wearing a garland of Aksa beads, etc.


> The aksamAlA here stands for the disc in the above [ 485]. Aksa, the

> wheel of a chariot, mA, resemblance, la, bears ie, resemblence of a

> chariot.



> BhAskararAya's Commentary

> Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry


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