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ThirumuRai Series - 625

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thirumUla nAyanAr aruLiya thirumanthiram

EzAm thanthiram

mAkEcura pUcai

paththAm thirumuRai




paDamADak kOyiR bagavaRkonRu Iyin

n^aDamADak kOyil n^ambaRku aN^gu AkA

n^aDamADak kOyil n^ambaRkonRu Iyin

paDamADak kOyil bagavaRku adhu AmE.





Thing offered to the God at the beautifully raised


will not go to the devotees who are the mobile temple.

Thing offered to the devotees who are the mobile


it will to the God at the beautifully raised temple.



1. God resides in the heart of devotees. So the things

offered to the devotee serves both the purposes of

supporting the devotee and offering to God. So the

support of mAhEshvaras - sons/daughters of mahEshvara

- the devotees (jangama pUja) needs to be taken up

willingly along with the worship of God at temple

(linga pUja).

The history of nAyanmArs

(http://www.shaivam.org/periintr.html )

shows the importance of this very clearly.





Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org







Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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