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ThirumuRai Series - 626

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thirumUla nAyanAr aruLiya thirumanthiram

EzAm thanthiram

biTcA vidhi

paththAm thirumuRai




paran^thu ulakEzum paDaiththa pirAnai

iran^thuNi enbar eRRukku irakkum

n^iran^tharamAka n^inaiyum aDiyAr

iran^thuNDu than kazal eTTac ceythAnE.





The Lord Who created the seven worlds being

omnipresent (in them) they say, "Beggar for food".

Why would It beg? He made the devotees who

permanently think (of It), reach His Feet by

eating from alms.



1. God shiva is the Lord of the universe. It

is the Ishvara - the Owner of everything.

It has no benefit out of anything else.

So why at all it would beg?

c.f. dhanam munE thankkinmaiyO

thamrAyinAr aNDmALath thAn

vananil vAzkkaiyan Aki ADippADi

ivvaiyam mAppali thErn^thathE. - cambandhar.

2. Those who have got the grace to keep

thinking of God incessantly will not want to care

for anything else.

c.f. perumAn pErAnan^dhaththup piriyAthirukkap


arumAluRRup pinnai n^Ir ammA azuN^gi



For them to maintain the instrument of body they may

have to resort to receiving alms. God showed

this way for them.

(Feeding such a saint is the great service and

duty of the devotees as explained in mAkEcura pUcai

chapter of thirumanthiram).





Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org







Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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