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The Focus of Shakti Sadhana

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I would like to add my voice to the chorus regarding denigration of

the great souls and their teachings. It simply should not be done,

under any circumstances. When you read the great commentaries, for

example, you will note that the great souls may differ in their

teachings within the traditions called Hinduism, but that they do

not attempt to glorify their own opinions by denigrating the

opinions of their peers.


A week ago, I spoke against the discussion of non-Shakta practice in

this group, noting that this is neither a New Age discussion group

nor a generalized "Goddess-y" group. This brought an immediate

showering of objections: In off-board e-mails and off-line IM's, I

was roundly criticized as being everything from a New Age flake to

an intolerant, hidebound traditionalist. By various persons, I was

told that I had to learn to "let things flow," that I was a big-

mouthed know-it-all, and that I quite possibly required

psychological counseling.


So be it. As Amritaji taught us, "Make information available. Let

people take it or leave it, think it is true or false, judge you as

they think fit." And judge they do, and I sincerely appreciate their

caring enough about me and/or this group to take the time to form an

opinion on what me and/or the group should be like.


My motivation in taking a strong stand in favor of received Hindu

Shaktism (or whatever more accurate name someone wants to call it;

you get my meaning) was not to disrespect or denigrate people who

are interested in the many non-Hindu paths; I respect them all

greatly for their sincere spiritual impulses and wish them every

success on their path (if chosen) or search for a path (if not).


The thing is, has grown ever more vast in the years

since Nora and I first started this board back in the prehistoric

days of Clubs. Back in those days, there was a need for groups

to be many things to many people. Nowadays, there is a group for

every possible shade of interest and focus. Groups need to define

themselves and their purpose, or they will dissapate and end up as

becalmed behemoths, drifting rudderless -- their mesage boards

dominated by whatever subject any particular someone decides to

post. This is not paranoia; I have seen it happen to some very good,

sizeable and once-vital Hindu groups. I would like to learn from

their sad experiences and preserve a better fate for Shakti Sadhana.


So what is the focus and purpose of this group? The Hindu

(vedic/Tantric) paths of Shaktism; or if you please, the Devi-

centered permutations of the Sanatana Dharma. Some of the more self-

proclaimed "serious" Hinduism groups have dismissed our board

as "pop-Shaktism," but it is an appellation that I welcome -- "pop"

being short for "popular," I like the basic dynamic of the group.

There is serious material and discussion galore here for serious,

practicing sadhaks on the Shakta paths. There is also an interesting

East-meets-West feel, in which people from outside the Hindu

traditions can get a foothold and/or comparative understanding of

our approaches vis a vis their own.


Whether Aleister Crowley and Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer, etc.,

really belong here is rather more questionable, though I think an

outright "ban" on such postings would be both foolhardy and

counterproductive. I would simply ask members to carefully consider,

when posting, whether their selections actually advance the stated

subject matter of the group, which is, as our front page has stated

for five years, "Shaktism, a Hindu spiritual tradition focusing

worship upon Devi, the Goddess, the Divine Mother who creates and

embodies all the Universe."


aim mAtangyai namaH

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