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ThirumuRai Series - 635

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thirumUla nAyanAr aruLiya thirumanthiram

onbadhAm thanthiram

varaiyurai mATci

paththAm thirumuRai




uraiyaRRathu onRai urai ceyum UmarkAL

karaiyaRRathu onRaik karai kANalAkumO

thiraiyaRRa n^Ir pOlac cin^thai theLivArkkup

puraiyaRRu irun^thAn puricaDaiyOnE.





Oh the dumb ones, who (try to) explain the

Unexplainable one!

Is it possible to find the bounds of the Boundless


For those who get clear in mind like the wrinkle free


the Entwined hair Lord stayed flawlessly.





Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org








Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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