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That which is called Tantra, in the East, or The Marriage Supper of

the Lamb of God, in the West, is that previously unknown Creed, which

unites the major religions. In our several messages, entitled RASA

TANTRA, we have provided the scriptural quotes from: Taoism,

Hinduism, Mahayana, Judaism, Greek Mythology, Egyptian Hieroglyphs,

Christianity, and the Gospels of Thomas and of Philip. These quotes

all corroborate this "Wedding Feast" concept, whereby two sexes are

joined into one Androgynous DNA Genetic Code.


I regret the distasteful nature of this practice. It is never my

intention to shock you or to turn your philosophical understanding

upside down. Those of you who found this information to be an

unpleasant surprise must simply get over it and get on with it. If

there is a scandal in religion, it is the erroneous theological

concepts which precede the advent of the Gnosis of the True Revealed

Marriage Supper of the Lamb of God. I regret to say that these

erroneous concepts include overzealousness in the worship of many

gods, saints, saviors and masters and the imposition of unproved

theological theories, as if they were fact.


Jesus well understood the concept of blood sacrifice of a scapegoat,

which would somehow atone for the sins of the one who murdered it.

Transferral of Guilt onto the one who made you feel the guilt, is

perhaps the single-most often seen phenomenon in the annals of

Psychoanalysis. The trouble is it doesn't work and stacks up

countless innocent victims. Jesus saw this jealous reaction, as did

Dr. Wilhelm Reich, in his book, The Murder of Christ, this book being

a psychoanalysis of the jealousy which goes into the denegration of

superior beings. In short, the murder of Jesus will not expiate your

sins. The Blood At-One-Ment is exactly that "forgiveness of sins",

but not from shed blood

but from the Sexual Union of man and wife - from their co-mixed blood

or bioplasma, genetically being "Born Again of Water and Spirit".


You have been walking for centuries through the "tall grass" of false

theology, which does not save anyone from anything. The "snake in the

grass" is that these false theologies have no scientific proof for

their many claims, thus rendering faith a possible swindle. If, after

much excellent Experimental Research, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb

of God is shown to be just as devoid of success in alleviating human

suffering as is this cartel of useless religions, then I would

abandon its practice also. ALL RELIGIONS MUST UNDERGO THE SAME


are in danger of being defrauded.


This Theological Proveing Ground includes the new religion, which is

a composite of the religions which preceded it, but unlike them,

introduces Scientific Method and the Theoretical Hypothesis that it

is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb of God which saves one from the 8-

Fold Suffering, which is: Hunger, Disease, Senescence, Death, Mental

Low Intelligence, Emotional Depression, Spiritual Entrapment of

Cosciousness in the Physical Dimension, and the Impermanence of the

Endless Round (Samsara) of Incarnations. It is with deepest respect

for the followers of all religions that I humbly submit this request

for Honorable and Righteous Theological Integrity. In the Holy Name

of Jesus and for the good of the people, I beseech thee. Amen. Jai

Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha


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