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ThirumuRai Series - 638

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thirumUla nAyanAr aruLiya thirumanthiram


thirumUlar varalARu

paththAm thirumuRai




yAn peRRa inbam peRuga iv vaiyagam

vAnpaRRi n^inRa maRaipporuL colliDin

UnpaRRi n^inRa uNarvuRu man^thiram

thAn paRRap paRRath thalaippaDum thAnE.





This world shall get the bliss I got!

The Secret thing of the heavens, when told

the mantra in the ardor standing on the body,

as much as held on to, That shows up.



1. The saints like our thirumUlar have no interest

in saying what they know. But they are more interested

in uplifting the fellow souls by sharing the


realization. They want everybody to get to Bliss. That

is the reason we need to thank them and hold them in


2. When the mantra is held at heart with full


as much as it has been held, that way the God starts

revealing Itself.




Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org








Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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