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LalithA SahasranAma [536] svadhA

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Thus having described [Devi] under the forms of Yoginis, he proceeds

to describe [Her] with other qualities.


The words svAhA and svadhA are used when oblations are offered to

gods. The Kosa says, "The words svAha, srausat, vausat, vasat and

svadhA are used when the oblations are offered to Devas". Hence these

two words indicate Devi herself. The MArk Pr. says, "There are seven

words which are used in the Soma [sacrifice], in the oblation and in

the cooking. By repeating [or uttering] your name [only], O Devi, the

merit of repeating these names are obtained by BrahmavAdins." In

another place [devi MAhA] :"By uttering your name all the host of

gods, O Devi, is satisfied in all sacrifices, for thou art svAha and

thou art named svadhA, the word which gives satisfaction to the host

of pitrs." The PrpaNcasAra explains the meaning of these words

thus:"sva means heaven and also the Self, Aha the attainment ... and

SvAha is the wife of the fire-god."


According to the Tai-sruti, "your own [sva] speech [AhA]" means one's

own speech. The SAmaveda BrA, and the YAska's Nirukta also explain

svAha thus, "Su well, AhA, speech; or sva, Self, Aha, to speak." Some

otehr explain this : Su, good, Aha, to be given as an oblation. Or sva

one's own people, Aha, to go, ie she recognizes the people as her own

self. Or su, well, a BrahmA, ha, to go. Or SvAha is the wife of Siva n

the form of fire; she is the mother of Skanda. The linga Pr says, "The

wife of Siva in the form of fire is said to be SvAha. The divine six-

faced one [skanda] is called by the wise, the son." The same confirms

the VAyu Pr. also. According to the PAdma Pr. this is the presiding

deity of the city of Mahesvara.


SvadhA : su, well, a, visnu, dhA nourishes [ or protect ]


BhAskararAya's Commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry

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