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Khadgamala Devis Series: The Fifth Avarana

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With this week's new Khadgamala Devi, we leave the Fourth Avarana of

Sri Chakra and enter the Fifth.


In summary, the Fourth Avarana is known as Sarvasaubhagyadayaka

Chakra, "the wheel that bestows all the good fortune." Over the past

few months, the 14 devis of the Fourth Avarana who graced our group

homepages were (by number in avarana/number in Sri Chakra overall):


(1/53) SarvaSamkshobhiNi, she who agitates all;

(2/54) SarvavidrAviNi, she who liquefies/floods all;

(3/55) SarvAkarsiNi, she who attracts all;

(4/56) SarvAhladini, she who pleases all;

(5/57) Sarvasammohini, she who deludes all;

(6/58) Sarvasthambini, she who obstructs all (stops motion);

(7/59) Sarvajrumbhini, she who expands/explodes all;

(8/60) Sarvavashamkari, she who controls all/makes all obey;

(9/61) Sarvaranjani, she who enjoys all/gives ecstasy to all;

(10/62) SarvonmAdini, she who maddens all;

(11/63) SarvarthasAdhini, she who fulfills all/makes all prosperous;

(12/64) SarvasampattipUrani, she who fills all with riches/ wealth;

(13/65) Sarvamantramayi, she who takes the form of all

mantras/provides the "genes" of the Cosmos; and

(14/66) Sarvadvandvaksayamkari, she who eliminates all dualities.


We today's new Devi, Sarva Siddhiprada, we now enter the Fifth

Enclosure, known as the sarvArtha sAdhaka chakra, or "the wheel that

bestows all wealth." In this chakra reside ten devis, whom we will

meet over the coming weeks, and we will carry our series into its

third (and final) year:


(1/67) Sarva Siddhiprada, giver of all siddhis/ achievements/


(2/68) Sarva Sampatprada, giver of all wealth/ riches,

(3/69) Sarva Priyamkari, giver of all that one wishes for, or would

love to have;

(4/70) Sarva MangalakArini, harbinger of all auspiciousness;

(5/71) Sarva KAmaprade, fulfiller of all desires;

(6/72) Sarva Duhkha Vimocani, she who eliminates all misery;

(7/73) Sarva Mrityu Prasamani, she who eliminates all accidental

deaths/delays death;

(8/74) Sarva Vighna NivArani, she who eliminates all obstacles,


(9/75) SarvAnga Sundari, she who is beautiful in every limb/part of

Her body; and

(10/76) SarvasoubhAgya DAyini, she who brings all desires.


We bow to the Mistress of the wheel providing of all manner of things

which propel us on the righteous path, giving us all wealth,

fulfilling all of our desires, and making liberation possible; the

Yogini who has graduated out if all classifications, and is not bound

by anything – and who is the grantor of all things.


As is occasionally observed, discussion on the Khadgamala Series has

grown thin over the past year, a situation for which I take

responsibility as I have been overly distracted and much time drained

away due to a number of ongoing offline concerns. C'est la vie. ;-)

Let us resolve together to try and get the conversation back on track

as we go forward.


Thank you as always for your time and interest.


Aim MAtangyai NamaH

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