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LalithA SahasranAma [626] tripurA

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tripurA : Older than the three.


For it is said, "Devi is called TripurA because she is older than the

three persons [brahmA, Visnu and Rudra]".


The TripurArnava says, "TripurA, means the three nAdis, SusumnA,

PingalA and IdA; and Manas, Buddhi and Citta; as Devi dwells in these

she is called TripurA". The GaudapAdaSutra says, "The difference is by

the three tatvas". The meaning is that the one Brahman is divided into

three by the three tattvas. In the commentary of the above, the

tattvas are explained as qualities, forms, states of consciousness,

worlds, pitha, bija, division [of the PaNcadasi], etc. PurA, beyond

these. The Laghustava [v. 16]. "There are three Devas, three Vedas,

three fires, three energies, three notes [svaras], three worlds, three

abodes, [or according to another reading, three cities], three sacred

lakes, three castes, namely brAhmanas etc. Whatever in the world is

threefold, such as the three objects of human desire, all these, O

divine one, really belong to your name" KAlikA Pr. also, "your

spheres is triangular ... because everything is threefold you are

called tripurA"


Or TripurA, the three feet, white, red and mixed. The mantras

belonging to these with the explanation and the nature of the same are

set forth in the Tantras. The PurvaCatuhsati in the fourth chapter

described from the verse, "the Supreme Energy is called TripurA"

ending with the verse "Hence she is called Tripura".




BhAskararAya's Commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry

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TripurA means "before the three." Of course, there are many "threes,"

or triads: The TrimUrtIs, the three worlds, the three states of the

jIva, the three SarirAs, etc. She is antecedent to all of these

triads, because She is the Creatrix of them all.


- Dr. C. Suryanarayana Murthy, Commentary on the Sri Lalita

Sahasranama, 1962.


, "NMadasamy" <nmadasamy@s...>




> tripurA : Older than the three.


> For it is said, "Devi is called TripurA because she is older than


> three persons [brahmA, Visnu and Rudra]".


> The TripurArnava says, "TripurA, means the three nAdis, SusumnA,

> PingalA and IdA; and Manas, Buddhi and Citta; as Devi dwells in


> she is called TripurA". The GaudapAdaSutra says, "The difference is


> the three tatvas". The meaning is that the one Brahman is divided


> three by the three tattvas. In the commentary of the above, the

> tattvas are explained as qualities, forms, states of consciousness,

> worlds, pitha, bija, division [of the PaNcadasi], etc. PurA, beyond

> these. The Laghustava [v. 16]. "There are three Devas, three Vedas,

> three fires, three energies, three notes [svaras], three worlds,


> abodes, [or according to another reading, three cities], three


> lakes, three castes, namely brAhmanas etc. Whatever in the world is

> threefold, such as the three objects of human desire, all these, O

> divine one, really belong to your name" KAlikA Pr. also, "your

> spheres is triangular ... because everything is threefold you are

> called tripurA"


> Or TripurA, the three feet, white, red and mixed. The mantras

> belonging to these with the explanation and the nature of the same


> set forth in the Tantras. The PurvaCatuhsati in the fourth chapter

> described from the verse, "the Supreme Energy is called TripurA"

> ending with the verse "Hence she is called Tripura".




> BhAskararAya's Commentary

> Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry


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"Or TripurA, the three feet, white, red and mixed. The mantras

belonging to these with the explanation and the nature of the same are

set forth in the Tantras. The PurvaCatuhsati in the fourth chapter

described from the verse, "the Supreme Energy is called TripurA"

ending with the verse "Hence she is called Tripura"."



Footnote : In the BhAvanA Up. Prayoga of BhAskararAya the three feet

are explained thus : White foot indicates the pure samvit which is

untainted by any upAdhis. The Red foot the parAhamA [supreme Egoism],

the first vfti from the samvit. The mixed indicates the a bove as one

inseparable modifications [ the vrtti] of 'I'.

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