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Merging with the Divine via Sacred Sexuality

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SofiaRealm I thank you for that postings. I like to remind you again

that this is not a tantric sex group, and this is not the focus of

our group.





, SophiasRealm@a... wrote:



> http://www.tylwythteg.com/tantra.html



> The following section is adapted from the work of Traktung

Rinpoche who can

> be found at www.flamingjewel.org



> From the beginning there have been certain rare women and men

who, following

> their hearts great yearning, have answered the question of birth

and death

> with realization of who they truly are - who we all are.


> The intent of Sacred Sexuality is to experience and merge with

the Divine

> (God/Goddess) using sexual energy as the vehicle. Sexual energy

is the most

> powerful force within the human body and can lead to profound


> experiences accompanied by intense physical pleasure and bliss.

Celtic Shamans use

> their sexual energy with awareness, love and respect, for

themselves and their

> partner.


> Sacred Sexuality views everything as energy, vibrating at

different rates

> and manifesting in a myriad of ways (e.g., matter, space, time,

forces, people,

> animals, objects, etc.). Harmony and peace are the result of

energies being

> in balance -- life flows without restriction. Often, due to

various reasons,

> the energies that make up the human body become unbalanced. This

results in

> ill health, sleeplessness, sluggishness, pain, distraction, and

many other

> unwanted conditions including unsatisfactory sexual performance.


> The goal of the Sacred Sex Process is to bring the body into a


> state before engaging in sexual activity. The benefits are many,

including deep

> relaxation (important for High-Sex), heightened sexual response

and better

> health. The process builds trust and intimacy between the



> From the Sacred Sex perspective there are many energy centers in

the body.

> The seven primary psychoenergetic vortices are referred to as

Psychic Power

> Centers or Wheels of Light, each having a specific function in

the body. The

> most important one is the Heart Power Center. There are three

Psychic Power

> Centers above and three Psychic Power Centers below the Heart

Center. The upper

> three have to do with intellect and spirituality. The three lower


> Power Centers deal with base human needs and emotions. The Heart

Center balances

> the Spirit with the flesh. This Center is the seat of

unconditional love and

> divine presence.


> Sacred Sex smashes the taboo against unreasonable happiness; a


> path, swift, joyful, and fierce. There are many different types

of paths. Some

> touch you like a gentle spring rain, but Sacred Sex is the wild


> thunder storm churning with creation, destruction, bliss and

emptiness. Sacred Sex

> is a wild tiger - if you approach her with right motivation,


> intention, and integrity, she'll suckle you at her breast; but if

you come to her in a

> sloppy way, she'll rip apart your body-mind and eat you for



> The Sacred Sex path is complex and can be dangerous. It requires

a strong,

> well integrated sense of self. Otherwise it is possible for the


> to make gross errors in judgment. On the Sacred Sex path, it is

easier to

> become the ultimate form of egohood and delusion than it is to

become free. You

> can begin by intending to liberate the tyranny of ordinary

appearance into

> primordial awareness and end up crystallizing the ego into


> delusion. There is no authentic Sacred Sex without profound

commitment, discipline,

> intelligence, courage, and a sense of wild, foolhardy, fearless



> Foolhardy because the path is for gamblers. There is a beautiful

poem which

> speaks to this from the Sufi tradition:

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, "SophiasRealm"

<SophiasRealm@a...> wrote:


> , "NMadasamy"


> wrote:

> >

> > SofiaRealm I thank you for that postings. I like to remind you


> > that this is not a tantric sex group, and this is not the focus


> > our group.

> >


> I posted it cuz I saw other posts on the topic "Tantra" and this

> article was shared on my group recently, and it is a good article,


> since it is inappropriate for this group, I have deleted it from


> message archives.


> My sincerest apologies.




I Like to respond to this. Now there is no need for an apologies. If

you look at it carefully, I am the one who approve that message and

many of your messages. If it is not appropriate, would I have done

it? I have made that remark as a follow up; as a gentle reminder not

only to you but also to others. If you look back at our Sex and

Sadhana series, the whole issue got carried away. yes! indeed this

sex topic seems to be very hot. As soon as the word SEX comes in, a

lot of people got stimulated. Who is strong enough to resist?


This whole act of deletion messages from the group, is to me a

distruption to the logical flow of discussion taking place in the

group. Its the same as trying to destroy the interigity of the

group. My stand is this, if you are going to do such, then in future

dont post anything. Its just like you are making offering to DEVI

and then take it back.

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