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ThirumuRai Series - 672

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cEkkizAr aruLiya thiruththoNDar purANam

thirun^Avukkaracu cuvAmikaL purANam

panniraNDAm thirumuRai




Icar mizalai iRaiyavar pAl imaiyap pAvai


dhEcam uyya uNDavara thAm thirumA makanAr AthalinAl

kAcu vAciyuDan peRRAr; kaiththoNDAkum paDimaiyinAl

vAci illAk kAcu paDi peRRu van^thAr vAgIcar.





>From the God the Master at thiruvIzimizalai, as the

one who

drank the holy breast milk of the Girl of himalayas


the world is the holy great son, he got the coin with


mark down. Due to the quality of physical service


used to get the flawless coin.



1. cEkkizAr plays with thamiz in this song. He had to

say that

cambandhar got the coin with the mark down. Still he

had no

mood to say it that way. So he craftfully coins the


"kAcu vAciyuDan peRRAr" which would also lead to the

interpretation, "He got the coin with blessing"!!





Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org








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