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LalithA SahasranAma [643] jNAnadA

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jNAnadA : Bestower of knowledge.


The Kena Up [25] says, "In that ether he met a very beautiful woman,

UmA, the daughter of Himavat; to her he [indra] said, what is this

Yaksa? she replied, that is Brahman". The SU Sam [iV. 47.58], "Such is

the supreme VidyA-SAmkari, destroyer of samsAra, arises in men by the

grace of Sakti alone" In another place also {SUtagitA VIII. 80], 'She

who is in the form of vidyA, to be known by the Vedas, is existence,

bliss, infinity, and knowledge, by the grace of that speech, AmbikA,

the one mother of the universe [one obtains salvation] through



Or jNAna, the knowledge which leads to the bondage, da, the slayer

[the remover]. The Siva-sutra [i.2] says, "JNAna is bondage" some

commentators say JNana in this Sutra should be taken as AjAna. The

VArttika comments on this thus, "This knowledge, which possessing the

modification of the feeling inwardly, of joy, etc, tends outwardly

towards the sensual objects, and makes [always] duality to a man, is

called 'bondage]. As she is bound by this bondage he is far ever in

the samsara" Another Sutra [iI. 9] says, "Knowledge is food". The

VArttika explains it thus, "It is explained, knowledge is called

bondage in the previous Sutra. One who is attached to this, he sees

Atman in the things that are not Atman, hence it is called food

[because it is perishable]"



BhAskararAya's Commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry

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