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LalithA SahasranAma [655] YogyA

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YogyA : The meaning of the Yoga is given in the Visnu Pr.: "Having

controlled all the senses with the mind, the idea of unity of the soul

with the supreme Self is Yoga." The Bh.-gitA [VI. 23]:"One should know

that Yoga which frees from the attachment of the pain". The Yoga-sUtra

[i.2], "Yoga means the restraint of mental modifications". That [Yoga]

is of four kinds, Mantra, Laya, Hatha and RAja. The RAjayoga is also

of three kinds, SAmkhya, TAraka and Amanaska. The details of the

characteristics of these are ommitted her for want of space.


Or Yogini, the eight Yoginis [planets] from MaNgalA to SamkatA;

according to the Jyotisa-sAstra, they make a round in thirty-six years.


Or, Yoginis, are the seven deities, DAkini and others mentioned in the

Mantra-SAstra [ See the comm. under name 475]


Or Yoga means [lit] enjoyment of objects, hence of three names [ 653-

55], the first is enjoyer, the second, the bestower of enjoyment, and

the third, the object of the enjoyment. The Sve.up [i, 12]

says, "Having known the enjoyer,the objects of the enjoyment and the

bestower of the enjoyment as Brahman ...." This is to be known here :

The SAmkhyas say the primordial mAyA is independent, the VedAntins

say, that is the energy of Siva; VivaranAcArya, says, that energy

impllies dependence; that [energy] possesses the three qualities and

the qualities mutually exclude one another. For the bh.-gitA [XIV. 10]

says, "O BhArata, when rajas and tamas are excluded, sattva remains.

When sattva and tamas are excluded, rajas remains, when rajas and

sattva are excluded, tamas remain" hence that [energy] is established

as triple. When rajas and tamas are entirely excluded that [energy]

becomes pure sattva alone. When sattva is tainted by rajas and tamas,

the secondary sattva appears. When sattva and rajas are completely

excluded by tamas the third state [sattva] appeasr; of these the first

called Isvari, is meant by the name bestower of enjoyment [654]. The

energy possessed with the second [rajas] called jiva, is the enjoyer

and expressed by the word yogini [653]. The same possessed with the

third [tamas] called the material universe [jadavastu] is expressed by

the word yogyA. Thus they should be distinguished.





BhAskararAya's Commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry

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She is the Best. Whatever is supremely good or excellent is Her

vibhUti, or aspect.


- Dr. C. Suryanarayana Murthy, Commentary on the Sri Lalita

Sahasranama, 1962.


, "NMadasamy" <nmadasamy@s...>




> YogyA : The meaning of the Yoga is given in the Visnu Pr.: "Having

> controlled all the senses with the mind, the idea of unity of the


> with the supreme Self is Yoga." The Bh.-gitA [VI. 23]:"One should


> that Yoga which frees from the attachment of the pain". The Yoga-


> [i.2], "Yoga means the restraint of mental modifications". That


> is of four kinds, Mantra, Laya, Hatha and RAja. The RAjayoga is


> of three kinds, SAmkhya, TAraka and Amanaska. The details of the

> characteristics of these are ommitted her for want of space.


> Or Yogini, the eight Yoginis [planets] from MaNgalA to SamkatA;

> according to the Jyotisa-sAstra, they make a round in thirty-six



> Or, Yoginis, are the seven deities, DAkini and others mentioned in


> Mantra-SAstra [ See the comm. under name 475]


> Or Yoga means [lit] enjoyment of objects, hence of three names [


> 55], the first is enjoyer, the second, the bestower of enjoyment,


> the third, the object of the enjoyment. The Sve.up [i, 12]

> says, "Having known the enjoyer,the objects of the enjoyment and


> bestower of the enjoyment as Brahman ...." This is to be known

here :

> The SAmkhyas say the primordial mAyA is independent, the VedAntins

> say, that is the energy of Siva; VivaranAcArya, says, that energy

> impllies dependence; that [energy] possesses the three qualities


> the qualities mutually exclude one another. For the bh.-gitA [XIV.


> says, "O BhArata, when rajas and tamas are excluded, sattva


> When sattva and tamas are excluded, rajas remains, when rajas and

> sattva are excluded, tamas remain" hence that [energy] is


> as triple. When rajas and tamas are entirely excluded that [energy]

> becomes pure sattva alone. When sattva is tainted by rajas and


> the secondary sattva appears. When sattva and rajas are completely

> excluded by tamas the third state [sattva] appeasr; of these the


> called Isvari, is meant by the name bestower of enjoyment [654].


> energy possessed with the second [rajas] called jiva, is the


> and expressed by the word yogini [653]. The same possessed with the

> third [tamas] called the material universe [jadavastu] is expressed


> the word yogyA. Thus they should be distinguished.





> BhAskararAya's Commentary

> Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry


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