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The Purification of the mind [Query: Karmic retribution and Hell]

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, Redder Red <redderred>

wrote: As I understand it. There is neither heaven or hell. You may

have heard the saying "As Above, so Below", which means a uniformity.

We are in pain or joy because of what we have drawn to us. Bliss is

when we have neither, meaning we accept/love all. Realise and move

towards the truth/yourself now. The night is long, and there is but

little oil in the lamp. Make full use of your time here. Meditate

and keep encouraging company. Purify the mind. It may not seem easy,

and it is possible.



Yes good one. Want to start this thread : The Purification of the

mind. What does it means?



Any takers?

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One of the methods for me to purify my mind is to keep the right supportive

company. In this I am grateful to my sweetest Kaali for bringing me to you,

dear friends in Shakti Sadhana. Here we are able to share of ourselves and our

Paths with some advantage of not being distracted by physical appearances and

making funny faces at each other as we speak :-)


In being in love with my sweetest sweetest Kaali, and know this to be a Shakti

site, I would still like to share the knowledge I gained during my attendance to

Vipassana meditation camps under the Buddhist tradition as taught by Shri

Goenkaji - http://www.dhamma.org .


I am sure many of my fellow brothers and sisters will be aware of Buddhist

traditions, aandd I learn and share with you.


During the recorded video discourses we watched every evening of the 10 night

camp, two clusters remain embedded in my mind. Please allow me to share first

the portion on purifying the mind.


According to Goenkaji, Buddha said all great religions of the world encompassed

3 truths required for nirvana or I equate to unity with divinity in totality.


1 Avoid unwholesome actions

2 Do wholesome actions

3 Purify the mind


He explained, and I understand; unwholesome that which harms us or harms other

beings. Wholesome as that which is not unwholesome. Purifying the mind,

removing the junk already there. If I equate this to the room (mind) I live in,

it means to me, stop bringing in dirt, bring in the good stuff, and remove the

junk already there.


To support this endeavor he teaches,


Buddham sharanam gachhami

Dhamma sharanam gachhami

Sanght sharanam gachhami


Buddham - we take shelter in our own experienced wisdom, not the mental

acrobatics of knowledge, but the wisdom we gain from knowledge lived and applied

in our lives. I understanding it as walking our talk - embracing surrendering

(thanks Felicia) to what our rationalizations of knowledge tell us to be true,

and living that/those truths.


Dhamma - doing the right thing ? I could do with more info on this, but I

would equate Dhamma with points 1, 2 and 3 above


Sangha - Shakti Sadhana and the like. Meaning being with like minded people,

being focused. I will give my example, and thanks to Devi. I wanted to join

the Wicca Shakti group, f course Devi kindly accepted me into her fold, but she

has cautioned me, based on some correspondence exchanged earlier, that Wicca may

not perhaps be the path for me. She is right. I have now only the remains of a

once keen curiosity. Now I am scared to stray from the Path I have found,

because Wicca in a corruptible/weak mind can throw me off-path. Wicca or Tantra

is never good or evil, and like the tongue is but an instrument if wisely used

makes one a Master or Guru,, but unwisely will lead to a grave regression. Guys

I have a long way to go, if at all I am able to dabble in the forces of nature.

Let my sweet Kali decide. Sorry, my point here is, that Devi helped me

re-evaluate, and hence stay focused, meaning within Shakti Sadhana only.


There are Gurus everywhere. Felicia helped me and now Devi too. The only

requisite is to be sincere, and that for me friends is the struggle.


The process of purification of the mind through Vipassana is simple, like any

spiritual path - embrace, sincerity and practice - these are the tough one for

me. The objective is know one's self, and one can begin within the framework of

their own body too experience the truth.


3 days of aana panna - observing the natural breath as it comes in and goes out

of the nostrils. No japa or visualisations, so no sampradhaya is atttached to

it, so it can be done by anyone regardless of faith or belief - it's our own

breath friends, we jsut observe it, and gradually to sensations at the entrance

of the nostrils and above the upper lip - focusing in a small area. the

sensations relate to the manifestations of four of the five elements, earth,

water, fire and air - heaviness, heat, etc (http://www.dhamma.org/art.htm)


I then transfer this awareness of sensation over my entire body moving in a

uniform method so I do not miss any part. The first station I arrive at if I

practice correctly (somewhat like studying and moving up from class to class if

we study right), is that I am equanimusly aware of even the minutest sensation

on any part of my body as my awareness flows over it like someone gently pouring

a bucket f water over my head and the water flows across. The second station

when I transfer my awareness inside my body, and in achieving that am aware as

though a drop of ink is spilt in a glass of clear water and gradually colours

it. Ann then I am told to pass the awareness through my spinal column –

Kundalini ?

The importance of purifying the mind for me is that I would like to make it

a permanent home for my sweet Kali. We keep our external temples clean, so in

the same way our inner temple pure.


That’s it my Friends.

With Love,


PS: empty vessels make most noise - I have a long way to go, the above is mental

acrobatics, with some blessed experiences thanks to my sweetest Kali, so I know

what I write is true.







NMadasamy <nmadasamy wrote: --- In

, Redder Red <redderred>

wrote: As I understand it. There is neither heaven or hell. You may

have heard the saying "As Above, so Below", which means a uniformity.

We are in pain or joy because of what we have drawn to us. Bliss is

when we have neither, meaning we accept/love all. Realise and move

towards the truth/yourself now. The night is long, and there is but

little oil in the lamp. Make full use of your time here. Meditate

and keep encouraging company. Purify the mind. It may not seem easy,

and it is possible.



Yes good one. Want to start this thread : The Purification of the

mind. What does it means?



Any takers?










Traditions Divine





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