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The Purification of the mind [Query: Karmic retribution and Hell]

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I suddenly have mental diarrhoea.



, Redder Red <redderred>

wrote [ in summary ]


1] According to Goenkaji, Buddha said all great religions of the

world encompassed 3 truths required for nirvana or I equate to unity

with divinity in totality.


> 1 Avoid unwholesome actions

> 2 Do wholesome actions

> 3 Purify the mind


He explained, and I understand; unwholesome that which harms us or

harms other beings. Wholesome as that which is not unwholesome.

Purifying the mind, removing the junk already there. If I equate

this to the room (mind) I live in, it means to me, stop bringing in

dirt, bring in the good stuff, and remove the junk already there.



I have learned many times especially here in Shakti Sadhana that

Devi brings in the "wrong" to lured the "right". She would purposely

dumb the junk in, so the Gem can shine.




3] The importance of purifying the mind for me is that I would like

to make it a permanent home for my sweet Kali. We keep our external

temples clean, so in the same way our inner temple pure.


If our innerspace is pure [ so to say ] we create the ripple that

automically cleanse the external. We can be in anywhere in this

world, in the most polluted place, arent we not the one who create

the sacred place within ourself and around us? Confining ourself to

a clean external space only is like limiting our self. It is not

freedom but bondage.



4] Empty vessels make most noise - I have a long way to go, the

above is mental acrobatics, with some blessed experiences thanks to

my sweetest Kali, so I know what I write is true.





It is being highlighted : the more you speak, the more it shows ure

ignorance and your stupidity, thus many people are so scared to

speak up, least they will be ridicule. But if you do not speak, how

do you know your ignorance and your mistakes. This phrase "Empty

vessels makes most noise" perhaps have many interpretation too just

like those scriptures. You take 10 scholars to interprete maybe one

verse, and 10 will give u 10 different views.


There are empty vessels that make noise to attract attention. Like

the boy who cries wolf! They are bored and wants fun. They are

deprived of the attention, thus they demand or lured people towards

them. Look at me! I am here! why arent you looking at me!. For some

it is very important eh! to be recognise, to be acknowledge of their

existence. Invisibility is death. I have so much knowledge here. I

have read a lot. So ask me. Why are you not asking me?


Another vessels with all its content emptied, they make noise

because they wants answers. A genuine desire to find the truth, so

that they can fill their vessel again. How can you then receive the

fresh clean milk if you do not empty the stale ones.

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I forgot to include in my thread, how it is the practice of Vipassana purifies

the mind. According too Goenkaji, Vipassana is mentioned in the Vedas, and I

believe him.


The practice of Aana Paana, observing ones natural breath creates a samadhi or a

concentration of the mind, a focussed awarness.


However the real catch was keeping this awareness in eqanimity and without

concentration. The harder I tried to be eqanimus/calm/peaceful the less I could

be so. Concentration also gave me a bit of a head-ache between the brows.

After days and days of trying, 7 to 8 hours meditation every day with limbs

aching, from somewhere this love came forth for my-self. I felt such sorry and

compassion for this por sod struggling to get his nose above water, I forgot

about te pain and meditation though I wa aware of them happening/going on/being

done, when suddenly I realised I was aware and equanimous, and the technique

snapped into place. I cannot get the technique back if I try, only if I don't

try and try.


Well anyway, to continue with how Vipassana achieves purification of the mind;

once the sadhak brings to focus eqanimous awareness to sensations and the touch

of breath at the entrance of the nostrils and the area above the upper lip, this

eqanimus awarness is moved over every portion of the body, missing no portion.

Mising no portion is achieved by moving uniformily, head to feet and vice versa

or any way that suits the sadhak.


This eqanimity stills/calms the churning mind, annd our past sanskaras arise in

the form or pains, heat, cold, i.e bodily sensations. Because we are aware of

our entire body and not reacting (karma = action > no action no karma, so we are

not creating new karmas, and the old ones are coming to the surface and going

away) to these sensations we are training our mind and ridding it of pat junk.


The concept behind these sensations (vedana) being our past sanskaras is simply

explained. There is always a bodily response associated with karma, like we

take quick breaths when we are angry. If we observe anger it is may not go

awaay so easy because the object of our anger can come before us and stimulate

us further. However if I observe the response to my anger, that is the short

breaths, I am in effect observing my anger and eliminating it.


All our sankaras have a vedana we associate with them, which causes us to

act/react thereby adding more fuel to the fire. When we still our mind with

equanimity and keep our awarness light, when the churning ha stopped in opur

mind, the old sanskars rise, and because we do not react to them are cnsumed.

Imagine a fire too which we continually add the wood of sansskaras. The wood

below get covered by new sanskaras (actions/reactions) and only the wood above

burns. If we stop adding new wood, slowly the entire pile will burn and be



I believe that a Guru helps us to consume these samskaras quickly by teaching us

how to accept and allow them to be consumed. As we remove these sheaths that

clothe us, the purity/cleanliness achieved reflects a clearer image of divinity



So in Vipassana sadhana meditation, because we sit with eqanimous awareness, no

(reduced) unwholesme actions are being performed because we are busy meditating,

the whleome action of meditation is being performedd becase we are undertating a

purification process, and finally we are purifying the mind by allowing it to

get rid of junk collected over lifetimes.


This is how I see it. Hope this helps.


NMadasamy <nmadasamy wrote: I suddenly have mental


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