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Query: Trance

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A friend of mine was involved in the thaipusam ceremony. Her task

was to carry a pot of milk from one temple to another temple which

covers a distance of about 3 km. She had to take part in a ceremony

before the journey. In the middle of the ceremony, my friend

collapsed and fell on the ground. When she regained consciousness,

she started screaming because she was in a trance. It took a few

people to restrain her. Recovering from the trance, she behaved

zombie like and was at the verge of another trance attack. We

supported her and finally reached the other temple. Then the trance

attack relapsed and she fainted on the floor. Fortunately the vow to

travel from the temples was accomplished. When she regained full

consciousness and she had no memory of the journey which she

undertook .


On one hand I feel a trance is good because she is able to transcend

many layers of consciousness to access her cosmic consciousness

which leads to trances.


But on the other hand it seems wrong because the self is over ridded

by whatever she transformed into. The self was totally gone. It

created problems in fulfilling her vows.



I wish to raise a few questions.


1. Is a trance beneficial or destructive?


2. How do you bring a person out of a trance?


3. How do you call for a trance at will so as to take advantage

of its telepathic and healing powers? (Its for my friend as she gets

trance easily)

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This is rare blessing by Muruga. Such trances and bizarre behaviour

are very normal during the Thaipooyyam time, and also when carrying a

kavadi. If you you observe this festival in India, there are people

who pearce their skins, cheeks, tongue etc with spears, knives and

sharp objects. It is a very scary sight to watch actually, but what

is remarkable is that at the end of the ceremony, they usually have

no recollection of what happened and even amazingly no signs of

injury at all, not a spill of even a single drop of blood.


Had there been even a slight injury, the leftist commie press would

have made a great deal of it. So far by the grace of Muruga, no

untoward incident has ever happened.


This "trance" is different from like when you are on a trip. As a

general rule, a trance where one is not in control is not advisable

and could be harmful.





, "Tulasi" <thundergod999



> A friend of mine was involved in the thaipusam ceremony. Her task

> was to carry a pot of milk from one temple to another temple which

> covers a distance of about 3 km. She had to take part in a ceremony

> before the journey. In the middle of the ceremony, my friend

> collapsed and fell on the ground. When she regained consciousness,

> she started screaming because she was in a trance. It took a few

> people to restrain her. Recovering from the trance, she behaved

> zombie like and was at the verge of another trance attack. We

> supported her and finally reached the other temple. Then the trance

> attack relapsed and she fainted on the floor. Fortunately the vow


> travel from the temples was accomplished. When she regained full

> consciousness and she had no memory of the journey which she

> undertook .


> On one hand I feel a trance is good because she is able to


> many layers of consciousness to access her cosmic consciousness

> which leads to trances.


> But on the other hand it seems wrong because the self is over


> by whatever she transformed into. The self was totally gone. It

> created problems in fulfilling her vows.



> I wish to raise a few questions.


> 1. Is a trance beneficial or destructive?


> 2. How do you bring a person out of a trance?


> 3. How do you call for a trance at will so as to take


> of its telepathic and healing powers? (Its for my friend as she


> trance easily)


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A trance is beneficial or otherwise is to be seen from the results of

the trance. Not from immediate results but over a longer period of



If your friend was screaming in the trance, it is better to analyze

with a properly trained mind (online messages are not of much help)

what was actually happening there.


Above mentioning of a trained mind also answers your next queries, how

to bring a person out of the trance - needs a trained person to help

in those situation and how to call a trance at will.


As Samatmika Devi mentioned in her post related to this thread, when

the mind is not ready, it is better to commit to "menial" jobs during

religious services to keep it occupied. Not the jobs that are

repeating and requires no active involvement of mind, but something

that needs a bit of thinking.


Eventhough it is not a sure fire method to prevent the person from

going into a trance, commitment to a job at hand will naturally train

the person subconsciously to exert a conscious control over the trance

- as you have mentioned "calling a trance at will."


I have seen and interacted with persons with such gifts, who will be

talking to a person, go into a trance and come up with answers for

questions asked and unasked even!!


A trance, as mentioned before by Samatmika, opens the human mind to

another plane of consciousness which might be taken control of forces,

both good and bad. Good or bad, depending on the perspective of the

beholder and the person going into a trance.


It all depends on the spiritual fortitude of the person going into the

trance (meaning the ability to control it).


I was once told of a person who wanted diksha of a moola mantra of a

very aggressive aspect of HER. A great SVU was consulted, he went into

a trance (just closed his eyes for a few seconds) and told his student

who brought in the person-in-question that the person cannot do it as

it is beyond the person's spiritual conditioning (The SVU said,

"thaanga mudiyaathu.").


It just indicates implicitly that a trance (as one would go into while

meditating), however beneficial it may be to some, is not at all

beneficial to everyone.


I do not know if your friend goes into trance during everyday life or

during religious ceremonies/rituals. But always remember, depending on

the person performing the ceremonies, depending on the place,

depending on the person going into the trance, there are several

elements around during the ritual. One can never be sure at the first

glance what enters the body.


Will sincerely request your friend to get in touch with an able seer

who can also find a solution to mitigate/channelize the effects so it

turns out to be beneficial to all concerned.




, "childofdevi" <childofdevi



> This is rare blessing by Muruga. Such trances and bizarre behaviour

> are very normal during the Thaipooyyam time, and also when carrying


> kavadi. If you you observe this festival in India, there are people

> who pearce their skins, cheeks, tongue etc with spears, knives and

> sharp objects. It is a very scary sight to watch actually, but what

> is remarkable is that at the end of the ceremony, they usually have

> no recollection of what happened and even amazingly no signs of

> injury at all, not a spill of even a single drop of blood.


> Had there been even a slight injury, the leftist commie press would

> have made a great deal of it. So far by the grace of Muruga, no

> untoward incident has ever happened.


> This "trance" is different from like when you are on a trip. As a

> general rule, a trance where one is not in control is not advisable

> and could be harmful.


> -yogaman



> , "Tulasi" <thundergod999@>

> wrote:

> >

> > A friend of mine was involved in the thaipusam ceremony. Her task

> > was to carry a pot of milk from one temple to another temple which

> > covers a distance of about 3 km. She had to take part in a


> > before the journey. In the middle of the ceremony, my friend

> > collapsed and fell on the ground. When she regained consciousness,

> > she started screaming because she was in a trance. It took a few

> > people to restrain her. Recovering from the trance, she behaved

> > zombie like and was at the verge of another trance attack. We

> > supported her and finally reached the other temple. Then the


> > attack relapsed and she fainted on the floor. Fortunately the vow

> to

> > travel from the temples was accomplished. When she regained full

> > consciousness and she had no memory of the journey which she

> > undertook .

> >

> > On one hand I feel a trance is good because she is able to

> transcend

> > many layers of consciousness to access her cosmic consciousness

> > which leads to trances.

> >

> > But on the other hand it seems wrong because the self is over

> ridded

> > by whatever she transformed into. The self was totally gone. It

> > created problems in fulfilling her vows.

> >

> >

> > I wish to raise a few questions.

> >

> > 1. Is a trance beneficial or destructive?

> >

> > 2. How do you bring a person out of a trance?

> >

> > 3. How do you call for a trance at will so as to take

> advantage

> > of its telepathic and healing powers? (Its for my friend as she

> gets

> > trance easily)

> >


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I really agree with you. It is really good if the individual talks to her

Guru about it.


I heard a story about Swami Sivananda. It was said that one of his now

famous devotees was living at his ashram and doing intense sadhana. The devotee

himself told the story.


The devotee was doing such intense sadhana that he began taking daily

swims in the Ganga in the winter in ice cold water. He would swim and swim every

day back and across several times.


One day the Devotee was swimming during one of his passes from bank to

bank, and he saw Swami Sivanada standing out on the opposite bank--( imagine the

very tall Swami standing out there). The devotee watched him and continued

swimming and finally heard Swami shouting over to him,"Are you going to stop

your swimming, or am I going to throw you out of this ashram!!!" He got out and

never did that again.


I guess the point of the story for me is that, often during sadhana, it is

possible for us to go overboard and become fixated and attached to a particular

tapas or spiritual experience. We can become so stubborn in our beliefs that

this practice is good that we can actually seriously harm ourselves and by so

doing, go backwards in our sadhana. I myself have been scolded around these

types of things. I have needed the counseling of my guru and his senior devotees

to make me ask myself if I was doing it our of love for Mother or out of wanting

spiritual experiences or attention so that I could feel special. As I said in my

earlier comment, I have literally wasted years doing silly things, sometimes

even somewhat dangerous things, that I thought were spiritual gifts.


I hope that by sharing this, that perhaps if someone is getting into this

type of attachment, that they will be warned and check with their Guru. I do not

want to be negative about spiritual gifts or scaring anyone. Right now I want to

love Mother and serve humanity--and see myself in others and others in me. That

is where I am at; and sharing about this SV path--that is what SS is for, so I

hope I am doing right.


love through Mother,



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Hi Tulasi,


Talking about Trance ? There is Many People Having Trance at Festivals like

Thaipusam & Panguni Yutharam . I Have Seen Myself Molesters,Thiefs & Robbers

having Trance at Hindu Festivals . I’m Not Implementing that Once a Thief Always

Thief Theory .But These Souls Who I had mentioned are Hard Core Criminals Who

are always back to Their Old Ways. So Are Pacifying Ourselves By Saying The

Almighty will come upon Any One that Believes on Her? Will She (Almighty) Put

a Side all Vices We Had & Have? Any One Can Bring Upon Trance BUT How Much

(Mantra Sakthi We Know Is Very Important ).


I’m Not A Very Keen Seeker Into Trance . To Clear the Air, Using

Japa,Yantra,Mantra & Tantra Practicing Devotee & Hard Core Who Had Trance are

Two Different Matters . Devotees Who Are Who Well Versed In Japa Mantra Having

Trance States When Spoken,Astonishes Everyone E.g. : In Trance State Will Tell

Our Kulla Devata Name What Problems Were Are Presently Facing & Going To In

Future Without Even Uttering A Word.


But Hard Core Devotes Having Trance When Spoken, Will Tell Basics Thing Like How

Life Should Be . But there is also Category 03 Bogus Who Act like Having Trance

State . Lay Men Who Can’t Differentiate True To Reality Get Cheated . Trance Is

Other Words In Simple Words Conscious & Subconscious State . Trance in Hinduism

Had Never & Will Show Importance ! Why Doesn’t Any Priest In Singapore Get

Trance When Performing Puja ? Is It Going to Be Liberated & Enlighten Us ? Or

Are We Going to Closer To Almighty ? In India Still In Rural Areas Still Trance

State So Called Devotee Are Respected Like God ! An Humble Feed Back Only! I

Leave My Judgment to The Learnt Souls To Ponder !








Tulasi <thundergod999 wrote:

A friend of mine was involved in the thaipusam ceremony. Her task

was to carry a pot of milk from one temple to another temple which

covers a distance of about 3 km. She had to take part in a ceremony

before the journey. In the middle of the ceremony, my friend

collapsed and fell on the ground. When she regained consciousness,

she started screaming because she was in a trance. It took a few

people to restrain her. Recovering from the trance, she behaved

zombie like and was at the verge of another trance attack. We

supported her and finally reached the other temple. Then the trance

attack relapsed and she fainted on the floor. Fortunately the vow to

travel from the temples was accomplished. When she regained full

consciousness and she had no memory of the journey which she

undertook .


On one hand I feel a trance is good because she is able to transcend

many layers of consciousness to access her cosmic consciousness

which leads to trances.


But on the other hand it seems wrong because the self is over ridded

by whatever she transformed into. The self was totally gone. It

created problems in fulfilling her vows.



I wish to raise a few questions.


1. Is a trance beneficial or destructive?


2. How do you bring a person out of a trance?


3. How do you call for a trance at will so as to take advantage

of its telepathic and healing powers? (Its for my friend as she gets

trance easily)













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