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Hi there,


I am new to the study of Kali Ma and to the many ways and beliefs where Her

worship originates. This is probably a silly question, but what is a Puja?


Best Regards,


My Tarot

- "Melinda Maes" <melindamaes (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>


Wednesday, November 27, 2002 6:20 PM


>Maa Khali>>We are greatfull that you could share the way of>your Puujaa.... May

I know what Path or Sampradaya>does this Puujaa come from?Shakta Tantrism

-Someone else pointed out to me that I should not haveposted the Pujas. So I

will not discuss them anyfurther. I apologize if I offended anyone.I meant no

harm.~OM MA

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Well, I hope you haven't put yourself on an apprehensive guilt

trip. The pujas were typeset, right? Anyone with a modicum of

drive could find them, right?


They're about as secret as yesterday's weather report.


You attempted to make the path easier for someone. That counts.

That counts big time.


I'd call that an act of kindness. Kindness kills negative karmas.


There are two approaches to the teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha. One

says that he taught we should all seek together, and not repair into

the great THAT until the last blade of grass may join us.


The other approach says that he sat around thinking up rules for

people to follow.


One finds a similar bifurcation in contemporary Hinduism. In its

more attractive form, it is magnet drawing souls from the fartherest

out universes...in its more usual form, it's just more middle class



In tantrism, Buddhist or Hindu, it gets worse. Keeping "secrets"

becomes more of a preoccupation than espying out the nature of the

secret keeper. Ego wins another round. And yet again we've let Ma







Kali_Ma, "Melinda Maes" <melindamaes@h...> wrote:

> >Maa Khali

> >

> >We are greatfull that you could share the way of

> >your Puujaa.... May I know what Path or Sampradaya

> >does this Puujaa come from?


> Shakta Tantrism -


> Someone else pointed out to me that I should not have

> posted the Pujas. So I will not discuss them any

> further. I apologize if I offended anyone.

> I meant no harm.


> ~OM MA OM~




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Maa Khali


I beg your pardon for being the cause of you not wanting to share

your Puujaa with us...But I really wannted to learn and normally before anyone

who wants to read a book or learn something reads the history of it... That is

way I asked for Sampradaya and seer. I am only normal Khali bakta who wants to

be wherever her name is spoken....


By you putting the puujaa on the group you are acctually giving us a

chance to learn and chance to have this wonderfull diccusion... The type of

puujaa deos not matter is the disscusion of the puujaa is very important....and

I beg u for a chance us to do soo...


We would really like to learn Mother Melinda way of worship and I promise

I would not be a pain in the ass....

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I wish I was from India but unfortunately not... Maybe its for the better cause

I would take my country for granted if I was there in India...llike we all

do.... But I am planing to go next February...This will be my first trip to

India and the most exciting time of my life... Anyone has any recomendations

where I should go to see Mother and her temples?

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Maa Khali


Thanks alot for sharing with us... Can I ask questions about the Puujaa

that you posted... After cheking Tantra Shastra by Sir John Woodroffe I think

this sampradaya is quite old and very close to Mother... Could you pls share

with this fool....



Kali_Ma, "Melinda Maes" <melindamaes@h...> wrote:



> For those who have expressed

> an interest in my path...

> Chandika Sampradaya.

> Five years ago (in Jan.),

> I took Shaktipat Initiation

> from my Guru who is an ordained

> monk in the Tantric Order of Dakshina Marg.

> On January 1st, 2000, my beloved Guruji

> founded a new Tantric Order - the

> Adya Tantric Order of the Chandika Sampradaya.

> "The purpose of this Order is to serve as the

> unified, Living Expression of the Divine Mother

> tradition, the Shaktipat tradition, Integral

> Advaitic Philosophy, and the Sacred Teachings."


> As for my feelings about it all...

> I strongly relate to the chant written by

> Ravi Shankar:


> Prabhujee


> Prabhujee Dayaa Karo

> Maname Aana Baso.


> Tuma Bina Laage Soonaa

> Khaali Ghatame Prema Bharo.


> Tantra Mantra Poojaa Nahi Jaanu

> Mai To Kevala Tumako Hi Maanu.


> Sare Jaga Me Dhundaa Tumako

> Aba To Aakara Baahan Dharo.


> Oh Master, show some compassion on me

> Please come and dwell in my heart.


> Because without you (Kali), it is painfully lonely

> Fill this empty pot with the nectar of Love.


> I do not know any Tantra, Mantra or Puja

> I know and believe only in you!


> I have been searching for you all over the world

> Please come and hold my hand now.


> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++



> The person who pointed out that I should not

> have posted the Pujas is not even on this list!

> They are from my Ashram!


> Thank you for all the kind and beautiful posts!


> Om Adyayai Vidmahe

> Parameashvaryai Dhimahi

> Tanno Kali Prachodayat

> Ommm


> melinda



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Nicole ,

There is a discussion called significance of puja at kalima2 as well

..If you need to know............






>Re: Pujas

>Thu, 28 Nov 2002 16:47:04 -0800





>Hi there,


>I am new to the study of Kali Ma and to the many ways and beliefs where Her

worship originates. This is probably a silly question, but what is a Puja?


>Best Regards,


>My Tarot


>"Melinda Maes"


>Wednesday, November 27, 2002 6:20 PM

> Pujas



> >Maa Khali

> >

> >We are greatfull that you could share the way of

> >your Puujaa.... May I know what Path or Sampradaya

> >does this Puujaa come from?


>Shakta Tantrism -


>Someone else pointed out to me that I should not have

>posted the Pujas. So I will not discuss them any

>further. I apologize if I offended anyone.

>I meant no harm.







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  • 3 years later...

Sorry for posting twice in one day...



The tradition in Sri Vidya is to start with worship of the

physical form (sthula) of God/dess, usually in the form of Sri

Kamakshi Devi. Why?

Is it for simple, less sophisticated people that really don't

have enough intellect to understand the "higher" knowledge that is

taught in Veda?

Why learn at the beginnning? Why not meditation on Sri Chakra in

the beginnning?


Those who cultivate knowledge before bhakti will fail miserably

in their aim--Gita


Without a firm love and faith in God/dess, an upasaca (I would

argue any person in yoga as well) will be unable to face trials

between good and evil, dharma and adharma, that will occur as a

result of the upasana.

They can become confused in the opposites, make good and evil

relative, start to see little difference in them; without

understanding the importance of a sattvic lifestyle and practicing

dharma and love of her and humanity; while offering all actions to

her. This confusion can cause situations where we can create karma.

To me, look at her beautiful face in a picture, then in a murthi,

then start to treat others as her, maintaining dharma. Take time to

learn how to love her, to develop that daily relationship of trust.

Enlightenment and Kundalini will take care of itself.

No one likes to think they have to start at the beginning. Many

people who come into Sri Vidya have already read Veda and want to

launch right out into panchadashi or stronger mantras, and meditate

with Sri Chakra. (How do I know this!!??? wink)


love through Mother,



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*** Sorry for posting twice in one day... ***


No need to apologize! Haven't you noticed what a rude bunch we are?

And I'm among the worst offenders! Post away!


*** Those who cultivate knowledge before bhakti will fail miserably in

their aim ***


Yes indeed.


*** No one likes to think they have to start at the beginning.

[They ... want to launch right out into panchadashi or stronger

mantras, and meditate with Sri Chakra. ***


Another fine warning, my friend. As a great soul of my acquaintance

likes to repeat: Slow and steady wins the race. ;-)

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Dear Samatmika Devi,


Am asking you most humbly what is Sri Vidya? and can you tell me something

about Maa Kamakshi? I am going to Guwhati soon and will be visiting the Kamakhya

temple isn't Maa Kamakshi the deity from Kamakhya?


Sorry for this barrage of questions. Am an aradhaka of Maa as Tara-Tarini and

as Maa Bhagwati. Or to cut the long story short I simply aradho Maa. I am also a

new comer to this site.



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Sri Kamakshi temple outside of Madras, so I'm told, was originally a temple

for an ugra, or fierce form of Mother. Sri Sankara installed a Sri Meru in the

temple and changed it to worship of a shanti or peaceful form of Mother.

Kamakshi was a woman who did many austerities and because of this eventually

became the wife of God.

The temple is run by the Sankaracharyas.

Sri Kamakshi is ususally the first aspect of Deity that Sri Vidyas practice

in the tradition I am from. There are many different branches. Look up on the

web and check out the different branches and make sure you feel comfortable with

the branch you want to learn in.

Many of the forms of Mother as we have in the dasa mahavidyas are fiercer

forms. I happen to follow the Tripura Sundari or Shodasi path. It is santi. I

like loving people and being agreeable! You probably know this, but, each of

these 10 aspects of Mother have mantras associated with them. It is important

that you understand the mantras and the ramifications of any that you might be

given. It is a lifelong decision to take a particular mantra or mantras.

Kamakshi Devi is beautiful and very tolerant and easy on her devotees. Other

aspects of Mother may not be as easy on you. It is your decision as to how many

or which of the 10 mahavidyas you become involved in.

Many people in the "Vidya" take mantras in more than one; especially the

more advanced upasacas. However, there is a risk. Write again if you think I can

tell you anything.


Love through Mother,




charu jagat <charu_jagat wrote:

Dear Samatmika Devi,


Am asking you most humbly what is Sri Vidya? and can you tell me something

about Maa Kamakshi? I am going to Guwhati soon and will be visiting the Kamakhya

temple isn't Maa Kamakshi the deity from Kamakhya?


Sorry for this barrage of questions. Am an aradhaka of Maa as Tara-Tarini and

as Maa Bhagwati. Or to cut the long story short I simply aradho Maa. I am also a

new comer to this site.



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you said : "It is a lifelong decision to take a particular mantra or mantras."

---- whose decision??


sue mcniel <samatmikadevi wrote: Hi:

Sri Kamakshi temple outside of Madras, so I'm told, was originally a temple

for an ugra, or fierce form of Mother. Sri Sankara installed a Sri Meru in the

temple and changed it to worship of a shanti or peaceful form of Mother.

Kamakshi was a woman who did many austerities and because of this eventually

became the wife of God.

The temple is run by the Sankaracharyas.

Sri Kamakshi is ususally the first aspect of Deity that Sri Vidyas practice

in the tradition I am from. There are many different branches. Look up on the

web and check out the different branches and make sure you feel comfortable with

the branch you want to learn in.

Many of the forms of Mother as we have in the dasa mahavidyas are fiercer

forms. I happen to follow the Tripura Sundari or Shodasi path. It is santi. I

like loving people and being agreeable! You probably know this, but, each of

these 10 aspects of Mother have mantras associated with them. It is important

that you understand the mantras and the ramifications of any that you might be

given. It is a lifelong decision to take a particular mantra or mantras.

Kamakshi Devi is beautiful and very tolerant and easy on her devotees. Other

aspects of Mother may not be as easy on you. It is your decision as to how many

or which of the 10 mahavidyas you become involved in.

Many people in the "Vidya" take mantras in more than one; especially the

more advanced upasacas. However, there is a risk. Write again if you think I can

tell you anything.


Love through Mother,




charu jagat <charu_jagat wrote:

Dear Samatmika Devi,


Am asking you most humbly what is Sri Vidya? and can you tell me something

about Maa Kamakshi? I am going to Guwhati soon and will be visiting the Kamakhya

temple isn't Maa Kamakshi the deity from Kamakhya?


Sorry for this barrage of questions. Am an aradhaka of Maa as Tara-Tarini and

as Maa Bhagwati. Or to cut the long story short I simply aradho Maa. I am also a

new comer to this site.










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