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ThirumuRai Series - 730

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thirunyAnacambandhar aruLiya thirukkaDaikkAppu

thalam thiruvAlavAy

paN kaucikam

3rd thirumuRai


kATTu mAvathu uri pOrththu uDal

n^ATTam mUnRu uDaiyAy urai ceyvan n^An

vETTu vELvi ceyyA amaN kaiyarai

OTTi vAthu ceyath thiruvuLLamE?



Oh One, covered with the skin of the forest wild (elephant),

Having three eyes! I am asking.

Is there the Holy intent to drive away in debate

the jains who do not perform rites with interest?


1. This is the padhikam taking permission from God of

thiruvAlavAy before cambandhar won the debate with the jains.

2. mA - animal (here elephant); n^ATTam - eye; vETTal - seek.


Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

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