Guest guest Posted November 5, 2002 Report Share Posted November 5, 2002 Sy, Thank you for sending the Kali puja. When I lived in my Guru's ashram, I loved to watch the five different (DURGA, SHIVA, HANUMAN, KALI, GANESH) pujas performed daily. I hope that one day my Guru will teach me the pujas. I have copies of it on paper, but must learn from my Guru. When I get it typed in, I will send it to you. JAI MA! melindaGet faster connections -- switch to MSN Internet Access! Click Here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 14, 2003 Report Share Posted February 14, 2003 Namaste Nurcarnation -ji It is not wrong to just show incense, dhupa and light to mother just calling Her name with unconditional love and devotion but to bring one self to a meditative state proper structure of this offerings should be followed. As some would say that Puujaa is a guided meditaion... Krishna-ji has elobrated on this matter in his previous mails. This Simple Puujaa is not complete as it is for getting things started and for many to start doing Puujaa. I would say that this Simple Puujaa is pinched out from the Kali Puujaa of Srirangiri Math sampradaya.... Everyone can do this Puujaa..... It is good to know the Sampradaya for every Puujaa as you should choose the one that suits your bhava.... 1. Where do you place this flower, place it at mother's (Flower Placement) You can place it anywhere infront of the Deity. Preferbelly infront of your asan. There is a sequnce how to place these flower I will send you a pic on my next mail togather with the pic of the Mudras needed for these Simple Puujaa 2. How do you do a sankalpa mudra? I will post these pic on my next mail ( as soon as I figure out how to put these pic on the group) 3. What are we suppose to do here? Ji, what do you mean by left up , right up and so on. At this part you need to draw a yantra with water or sandle paste and offer rice to each corner of the yantra (I willl also post this yantra on my next mail) Om Aadhaara Shaktaye Namah (left up) Om I bow to the Primal Energy Om Kuurmmaaya Namah (right up) Om I bow to the Support of the Earth Om Anantaaya Namah (right down) Om I bow to Infinity Om Prthivyai Namah (lefft up) Om I bow to the Earth Sthaang Sthiing Sthiro Bhava Phat Be Still in the Gross Body! Be Still in the Subtle Body! Be Still in the Causal Body! PURIFY! 4. What pot is it ji? Are you talking about a khumbam or thertha cup (Fill pot with water) It is called Khosa Khusi it is Mother's womb. It is shaped like a yoni and normallly made of copper. After drawing the yantra and offering to all the corness you should place the Khosa Khusi on the middle of the yantra while reciting Sthaang Sthiing Sthiro Bhava Phat ! Then fill the Khosa Khusi with water while reciting this Mantra This proses is purification of water that is to be offered to Mother Om Gange Ca Jamune Caiva Godaavari Sarasvati/ Narmade Sindhu Kaaveri Jale-asmin Sannidhim Kuru/ Om the Ganges, Jamunaa, Godaavarii Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaaveri these waters are mingled together. 5. How do you do this mudra ji? (wave hand in Matsya,Dhenu and Angkush Mudra) I will post it soon 6. How do I find my muula mantra Muula Mantra is normallly given by Guru , in his physical absence any Kaali Mantra could be used eg: Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah. It is good to know the meaning of the mantra but it is not essential. 7. Ji, What are we suppose to do here ji? This act is to establish the mantras on your fingers Om Kraang Angusthaabhyaam Namah thumb/forefinger This is to establish the mantra on your Tumb. You should touch the tumb and forefinger while reciting mentallly establishing the Mantra on the Tumb (both hands togather).... and followed by all the other fingers with their respective mantras as below Om Kriing Tarjaniibhyaam Swaahaa thumb/forefinger Om Kruung Madhyamaabhyaam Vasat thumb/middle finger Om Kraing Anaamikaabhyaam Hung thumb/ring finger Om Kraung Kanisthikaabhyaam Vausat thumb/little finger Om Krah Karatala Kara Prsthaabhyaam Astraaya Phat ( Roll hand over hand front and back and clap) 8. Do we have a mantra for the aarati ji? Normally for Simple Puujaa any Kaalii Bhajan or Kirtan will do.... This is the Mantra used in Advance Puujaa while showing five wicked lamp Om Candraadityau Ca Dharanii Vidyudagnistathaiva Ca Tvameva Sarvajyotiising Aaraatrikam Pratigrhyataam Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Aaraatrikang Samarpayaami Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 18, 2003 Report Share Posted February 18, 2003 amaste ji, Thank you very much for your guidance ji. I would say that this Simple Puujaa is pinched out from the Kali Puujaa of Srirangiri Math sampradaya.... Everyone can do this Puujaa Ji, can you please eloborate about this sambarathaya. I could not get any materials or informations on this sambrathaya. Who is the guru in this sambrathaya? Ji, please do not get me wrong I have seen how people could go wrong in following a sambrathaya and they in turn become actually a cult member of the group. I like this way of worship as you do not leave any god or goddess. Ji, I understand from you that anyone can do this puja, that means one need not have initiation. Please correct me if I am wrong ji. What is the significant of perfroming this puja with or without initiation. What is the meaning behind the mudras we preform like the sankalpal, Matsya,Dhenu and Angkush Mudra How does a kosha koshi looks likeji. Ji what is the meaning of Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah? Ji why are we establishing the mantra in our finger.Why are we pointing at the 7 parts of our body and saying the mantra? Ji another question, If you do not mind telling me, Krishnaji that you have mention are you talking about Kanna_krishnanji. Thank you. I am waiting eagerly for your replyji. Children of kali Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 21, 2003 Report Share Posted February 21, 2003 Namaste Nucarnation-Ji, Sorry for the late reply "Ji, can you please eloborate about this sambarathaya. I could not get any materials or informations on this sambrathaya. Who is the guru in this sambrathaya? Ji, please do not get me wrong I have seen how people could go wrong in following a sambrathaya and they in turn become actually a cult member of the group." Srirangiri Math tradition is one of the oldest Sampradaya exsisting today. It is a Saktha tradition from Jagadguru Adi Shankaracarya... It is very true that information on this Sampradaya is difficult to obtain.... The Gurus known to us today are Swami Vittalananda Saraswathy from Devi Mandir Calafornia, His Guru Swami Satyananda Saraswathy Maharaj also from the Devi Mandir and His Guru Swami Amirtananda Saraswathy Maharaj from North India.. You can visit the website to know more about Swami Satyananda Maharaj... No words I say can discribe Maharaj and his greatness... "I like this way of worship as you do not leave any god or goddess. Ji, I understand from you that anyone can do this puja, that means one need not have initiation. Please correct me if I am wrong ji. What is the significant of perfroming this puja with or without initiation." As this is a simple begainers Puujaa, Initiation is not needed yet... "What is the meaning behind the mudras we preform like the sankalpal, Matsya,Dhenu and Angkush Mudra" The pic of these Mudras has been put on the photo album of this group and also the pic of the offering Yantra... the meaning of the Sankalpa Mudra is with the pic... Matsya :- The Matsya Mudra is the mudra of the fish, which symbolizes swimming across the ocean of worldlliness with out fear. Shree Maa tells us to be like the fish at the bottom of the pond. He is always in the mud, but never dirty. Dhenu :- The Dhenu Mudra is the mudra of the cow, which indicates the one who pours forth nourishing goodness in abundance. Angkusha :- The Ankusha Mudra is the mudra of the goad or curved sword, which symbolizes prodding seekers on towards their ultimate goal, or cutting down the iniquities of the ego. "How does a kosha koshi looks likeji." I have posted a pic of my Khosa Khosi on the photo album too "Ji what is the meaning of Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah?" I bow to the goddess Kaalii Who Takes Away Darkness Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 21, 2003 Report Share Posted February 21, 2003 Namaste Mataji This is a article I found on Nyasas and I am sure it will answer many questions on why these Mantras are establish on the parts of your body "Nyaasa" is derived from the verb "nyas (ni-as)" --to place or apply, put down or insert, etc.". In Tántra, "nyaasa" means "to place one's own attention on something". There are many kinds of Nyaasa-s, but you will use only Anganyaasa this time. "Ánga" means "body or limb". Thus, "Anganyaasa" is "to place one's own attention on different parts of the physical body". You may perform this in three ways: (1) Mentally: You pay attention to this part and then to that one, and so on; (2) With the help of a flower: You place a flower on the particular part of your body which you wish to pay attention to; and (3) With the help of your hand: You join the thumb and the middle finger and place them over the area of you body which you want to become conscious of. Some say that you should actually touch your body with the fingers, while others affirm that the fingers should not touch the skin but they should be placed over the zone without touching it at all. The first type of Anganyaasa, that is, "the mental one", is generally used when you practice Nyaasa over the Cakrá-s. Since you cannot touch the Cakrá-s with your physical hands, mental Nyaasa must obligatorily be practiced in this case. The second type, as well as the third one, is practiced directly over the various parts constituting the gross body. You will perform the third kind of Anganyaasa in this ritual. Fifty- one regions of the body will be touched. Each of those regions is associated with a particular sound. For instance, the sound A~ (a~) - -it sounds like "ang"-- is associated with the hair. Therefore, you join the thumb and the middle finger together and place them over your own hair. At the same time, you repeat the aforesaid sound, that is to say, A~ (a~). The sounds are approximate representatives of those emitted by the vibrations circulating through a particular area. Every part of your body produces a certain sound pattern. By means of the Sanskrit sounds, you tune in the region over which I perform Nyaasa. This natural and spontaneous tuning is really a subtle and profound awareness harmonizing all parts of your body. Anganyaasa makes you pay attention to your entire physical body, and that simple act places purity there wherein there was apparently impurity. Truly, there is impurity nowhere. The notions of impurities are just that, "notions". All this is the Pure Self, the Infinite Consciousness, the Immaculate Reality for ever. The practice of Nyaasa makes you realize that. Together with the main aforesaid sounds, you also repeat a salutation to the respective area of your body. For example, at the same time you touch the tips of the hair with your thumb and middle finger joined, you pronounce A~ (a~) along with a salutation, this way: ` A~ nm> kezaNte;u. -- Om a~ namah keshaantesu. --Om a~, salutation (námah) on the tips (antesu) of the hair (kesha). The sacred Om word is added to give further support to your salutation. Om is generally used as an auspicious way of both beginning and/or finishing a salutation. So, the function of the salutation is concerned with polishing the original sound associated with a particular part of your body. It works just as the fine tuner improving the reception of a specific wave. With this improvement, your consciousness of that bodily area will increase accordingly. And with the help of that augmented body awareness, you will be able to attain to higher levels of consciousness. Karanyaasa: Touching the hands with the hands themselves The hands are the "kará" or doer of the ritual. Therefore, it is very important for you to become conscious of them. Through certain main sounds (e.g. "Vásat") and specific salutations (námah), you come to realize that your own hands are the Pure Self. The hands are of the nature of "going and taking". By means of Karanyaasa, I perceive their nature and identify it with the Supreme Power of Action (Kriyaashakti) of the Supreme Reality. This should be your consciousness as you perform Karanyaasa. Thus, after practicing Nyaasa (both Ánga and Kará) you realize that your physical body is only a manifestation brought about by the Creative Delight of Shivá. You also realize that, as a matter of fact, there is no real impurity in it because even an apparent taint is a form of Shivá, your own Self. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 21, 2003 Report Share Posted February 21, 2003 Namaste Mata-ji When doing flower placement this sequance is followed... 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 - 11 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 1. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Gaang Ganapataye Namah / 2. Ete Gandhapuspe Om adityadi navagrahebhyo Namah / 3. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Shivaadi Pancha Devataabhyo Namah / 4. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Indraadi Dasha Dikpaalebhyo Namah / 5. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Matsyaadi Dashaavataarebhyo Namah / 6. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Prajaapataye Namah / 7. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Namo Naaraayanaaya Namah / 8. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Sarvebhyo Devebhyo Namah / 9. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Sarvaabhyo Deviibhyo Namah / 10.Ete Gandhapuspe Om Shrii Gurave Namah / 11.Ete Gandhapuspe Om Braahmanebhyo Namah / Normally after Sankalpa, sankalpa flower is also put with No. 11 that is in the middle of the flower placement Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 3, 2003 Report Share Posted March 3, 2003 Namaste Ji, I understand from Krishnan ji that you are well verse in both the simplified puja as well as the proper puja. Ji, Could you please teach me the proper puja as More and more I read the narada bhakti sutra the more I want to do the proper puja for Mother. Thank you very much ji. Ji, to do the proper puja must I be initiated. What is the significance if you do the puja with or without initiation ji. The yantra drawn on the offering plate what is the meaning to it. I really appreciate the sharing of knowledge that you are doing right now ji. Thank you very much. Children of Kali Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 11, 2003 Report Share Posted March 11, 2003 Namaste Mata-ji Here I have given the Puujaa Phadhoti that we use.... Even this puujaa is not complete because the Kalasa Stapan (establishment of the pot or Kumbham) is not included cause it can be done on a weekly basis... This Puujaa may look difficult at first sight so we could go through it togather so we could learn togather if you wish... 1. Devata Pranaam Srimanmahaganadhipataye namah Laksminarayanabhyam namah Umamahesvarabhyam namah Vanihiranyagarbhabhyam namah Sacipurandarabhyam namah Matapitrbhyam namah Istadevatabhyo namah Kuladevatabhyo namah Gramadevatabhyo namah Vastudevatabhyo namah Sthanadevatabhyo namah Sarvebhyo devebhyo namah Sarvebhyo brahmanebhyo namah 2. Chandi Dhyanam Khadgam Cakra Gadesu Capa / Parighan Chulam Bhusundim Sirah / Sankham Samdadhatim Karai / Strinayanam Sarvanga Bhusavrtam / Nilasmadyutimasya pada /dasakam Seve Mahakalikam / Yamastaut Svapite Harau Kamalajo / Hantum Madhum Kaitabham / Aksasrak Parasum Gadesu Kulisam / Padman dhanuh kundikam / Dandam Saktim Asim Ca Carma / Jalajam Ghantham Surabhajanam / Sulam Pasa Sudarsane Ca / Dadhatim Hastaih Prasannananam / Seva Sairibha Mardinimiha Mahalaksmim Sarojasthitam Ghanta Sula Halani Sankha / Musale Cakram Dhanuh Sayakam / Hastabjair dadhatim ghananta / Vilasacchitam Sutulya Prabham / Gaurideha Samudbhavaam / trijagatam adharabhutam maha/ Purvamatra Sarasvatim Anubhaje / Sumbhadi Daityardinim / Ya Candi Madhukaitabhadidaityadalani Ya Mahisonmulini / Ya Dhumreksanacandamundamathani Ya Raktabijasani / Saktih Sumbhanisumbhadaityadalini Ya Siddhidatri Para / Sa Devi Navakotimurtisahita Mam Patu Visvesvari / 3. Wave light Om Agnir Jyotir Jyotir Agnih Svaha / Suryo Jyotir Jyotih Suryah Svaha / Agnir Varco Jyotir Varchah Svaha / Suryo Varco Jyotir Varcah Svaha / Jyotih Suryah Suryo jyotih Svaha / Om Agnir Jyotish Ravir Jyotish Chandro Jyotisth tathaiva Ca / Jyotish Samuttamo Devi Dhupo-yang Pratigrhyatam Esa Dipah Om Aim Hrim Klim Chamundayai Vicce 4. Wave incense Om Vanaspatir rasotpanno Gandhatyayi Gandha Uttamah / Aghreyah Sarvadevanang Dhupo-yang Pratigrhyatam / Esa Dhupah Om Aim Hrim Klim Camundayai Vicce Om Payah Prthivyam Paya Osadhisu / Payo Divyantarikse Payo Dhah / Payahsvatih Pradisah Santu Mahyam / Om Agnirdevata Vato Devata Suryo Devata Candrama / Devata Vasavo Devata Rudro Devata-ditya Devata Maruto / Devata Visve Deva Devata Brhaspatirdevatendro Devata / Varuno Devata 5.Gayathri Viddhi Om Bhuur Bhuvah Svah Tat Savitur Varenyam / Bhargo Devasya Dhiimahi Dhiyo yo Nah Pracodayaat / Om Bhuuh, Om Bhuvah, Om Svah, Om Mahah, Om Janah, Om Tapah, Om Satyang Om Tat Savitur Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dhiimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayaat Om Apo Jyotiraso-mrtang Brahma Bhuur bhuvah svarong 6. Mala Purification Om Maang Maale Mahaamaaye Sarva shakti svaruupini / Catur Vargas Twayi Nyastas Tasmaan Ma Siddhidaa Bhava / Om Avighnang Kuru Maale Twang Grnaami Daksine Kare / Japakaale Ca Siddhyarthang Prasiidaha Mama Siddhaye / Om Aksa Maale Dhipataye Susiddhim Dehi Dehi Sarva / Mantraartha Saadhini Saadhaya Sarva Siddhim / Parikalpaya Parikalpaya Me Swaahaa / 7. Placement Ete Gandhapuspe Om Gaang Ganapataye Namah / Ete Gandhapuspe Om adityadi navagrahebhyo Namah / Ete Gandhapuspe Om Shivaadi Pancha Devataabhyo Namah / Ete Gandhapuspe Om Indraadi Dasha Dikpaalebhyo Namah / Ete Gandhapuspe Om Matsyaadi Dashaavataarebhyo Namah / Ete Gandhapuspe Om Prajaapataye Namah / Ete Gandhapuspe Om Namo Naaraayanaaya Namah / Ete Gandhapuspe Om Sarvebhyo Devebhyo Namah / Ete Gandhapuspe Om Sarvaabhyo Deviibhyo Namah / Ete Gandhapuspe Om Shrii Gurave Namah / Ete Gandhapuspe Om Braahmanebhyo Namah / 8.Hold thread Om Kushaasane Sthito Brahmaa Kushe Caiva Janaardanah / Kushe Hyaakaashavad Visnuh Kushaasana Namo-stu Te / 9. Mouth Purification Om Keshavaaya Namah Swaahaa / Om Maadhavaaya Namah Swaahaa / Om Govindaaya Namah Swaahaa / Om Visnuh Om Visnuh Om Visnuh / Om Tat Visnoh Paramang Padam / Sadaa Pashyanti Suuryah Dviiva Caksuraa Tatam / Om Tad Vipra Sa Pipaanova Juvigranso Somindrate / Visnuh Tat Paramang Padam / Om Apavitrah Pavitro Sarvaavasthaang Gato-pi Vaa / Yah Smaret Pundariikaaksang Sa Baahyaabhyantarah Shucih / Om Sarva Mangala Maangalyam Varenyam Varadam Shubhang / Naaraayanang Namaskrtya Sarvakarmaani Kaarayet / Om Suuryyashcameti Mantrasya Brahmaa Rsih Prakrtishchandah / Aapo Devataa Aacamane Viniyogah 10. Asan Purification Draw the following yantra with some drops of water and/or sandal paste at the front of your seat. Place a flower on the bindu in the middle Om Aasanasya Mantrasya Meruprstha Rsih Sutalang Chandah / Kuurmmo Devataa Aasanopaveshane Viniyogah Om / Ete Gandhapuspam Om Hriing Aadhaarashaktaye Kamalaasanaaya Namah / Om Prthvi Tvayaa Dhrtaa Lokaa Devi Twang Visnunaa Dhrtaa / Tvannca Dhaaraya Mang Nithya Pavitrang Kuru Caasanam Om Gurubhyo Namah / Om Paramagurubhyo Namah / Om Paraaparagurubhyo Namah / Om Paramesthigurubhyonamah / Om Gaang Ganeshaaya Namah / Om Anantaaya Namah / Om Aiing Hriing Kliing Caamundaayai Vicce / Om Namah Shivaaya / (Clap hands 3 times and snap fingers in ten direction repeating) N S E W NE SW NW SE UP DOWN Om Aiing Hriing Kliing Caamundaayai Vicce 11. Sankalpa Place flower on left hand sankalpa mudra formation and recite Visnuh Om Tat Sat then sprinkle water on it 3 times using another flower then clsoe without touching the flower recite Om Adya Jambuudviipe (Country) Deshe (state) Pradeshe (city) Nagare (name of house or temple) Mandire (month) Maase (shukla or Krsna) Pakse (name of day) Tithau (name of) Gotra Shrii (your name) Krtaitat Shrii Kaalii Kaamah Puujaa Karmaaham Shrii Kaalii Puujaam Karisye Om yajjograto duuramudeti daivang tadu suptasya tathaiveti / Duurrangamang jyothioshaang jyotirekang tanme manah shiva sankalpanamastu Place the flower on the center flower of placement Om Yaa Gung Guryaa Sinivalli, Yaa Raakaa Yaa Saraswathi / Indraniimahwa uutaye , vaarunnaning swastaye / Om Swasti Na Indro Vriddhasravaah / Swasthi Nah Puushaa Vishwa Vedaah / Swasti Nastaarkshyo Arishthanemih / Swasti No Brihaspatir Dadhaathu / Om Ganaanaaang Twaa Ganapating Gun Havaamahe / Priyaanaang Twaa Priyapating Gum Haavaamahe / Niidhiinaang Twa Nidhipating Gum Havaamahe Vaso Mama / Aahamajaani Garbhadhamaa Twamajaasi Garbhadham Om Ganaanaaang Twaa Ganapating Gun Havaamahe / Kavimkaviina Mupa mashravas tamam / Jestha Raajaang Brhahmanaang Brahmanaspata / Aa Nah Shrinvanuutibhih Siidda Saadanam Om Aditir dyauraditir antariksham aditir maataa sa pitaa sa putrah / Vishwe Devaa Aditih Pancha Janna aditir Jaatam Aditir Janitwam / Om Twang Shriswang Pumanasi Twang Kumara Athavaa Kumarii / Twang Girno dandena Vanchasi Twang Jaato Bhavasi Vishwa Mukha / Om ambe –ambike mbaalike Na Maa nayati Kashchana / Sasastyashwakah Subhadrikaang Kaapiilavaasiniim 12. Shanthi Mantras Ring bell recite Om Shaanta Dhyau Shaaantha Prithviing, shantam idamurvantariksam / Shaatham Uurdhwam Vatiraapaah Shaantaang Nah Shaanwoshadhii Om Shaantaani Puurva Ruupani Shantaang No-stukritaa Kritam / Shaantang Bhuutang Cha Bhavyang Cha Sarvameva Samastu Nah / Om Prithving Shaanthir ,Antarikshang Shaantir Dhyau / Shaantir Aapah, Shantir Oshadayah Shaantih ,Vanaspatayah Shantir Vishwe Me Devaah Shaantir Brahma / Shantir Aapah, Shaanthi Sarvam,Shaantiredhi, Shaanthi,Shaanthi. Sarva Shaanthi, Sa Maa Shaanthi, Shaantibhih Tabhi Shaantibhi, Sarva Shaantibhi, Samaya Mohang, Yadhiha Ghorang,Yadhiha Krukrang, Yadhiha Paapang, Tachchhantang Tacchivam, Sarvameva Samastunah, Om Shaantih,Shaantih, Shaantih. 13.Ganesa Puja Om Tat Purusaaya Vidmahe Vakratundaaya Dhiimahi / Tanno Dhantii Pracodayaat / Ete Gandhapuspe Om Gaang Ganapataye Namah Om Smukhashcaika Dantashca Kapilo Gaja Karnakah / Lambodarashca Vikato Vighnanaaso Vinaayakah/ Dhuumraketuganaadhyakso Bhaala Candro Gajaananah / Dvaadashaitaani Naamaani Yah Pathecchrnu Yaadapi / Vidyaarambhe Vivaahe Ca Praveshe Nirgame Tathaa / Samgraame Samkate Caiva Vighnastasya Na Jaayate/ Shuklaabaradharam Devam Shashivarnam Caturbhujam / Prasannavadanam Dhyaayet Sarvavighnopashaantaye/ Abhiipsitaartha Siddhyartham Puujito Yah Sura Suraih / Sarvavighna Haras Tasmai Ganaadhipataye Namah/ Mallikaadi Sugandhini Maalityaadiini Vai Prabho / Mayaa-hrtaani Puujaartham Puspaani Pratigrhyataam// Ete Gandhapuspe Om Gaang Ganapataye Namah Vakratunda Mahaakaaya Suurya Koti Samaprabha / Avighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva Kaaryesu Sarvadaa/ Ekadantam Mahaakaayam Lambodaram Gajaananam/ Vighnanaashakaram Devam Herambam Pranamaamyaham/ 14. Guru Puja Akhandamandalakaram Vyaptam Yena Caracaram/ Tatpadam Darsitam Yena Tasmai Sriguruve Namah/ Dhyanamulam Gurormurtih Puja Mulam Guroh Padam/ Mantramulam Gurovakyam Moksamulam Guroh Krpa / Gurur Brahma Guruvisnuh Gururdevo Mahesvarah/ Gurusaksat Param Brahma Tasmai Sriguruve Namah/ Ete gandhapuspe Sri Guruve Namah Swami Satyananda Om Satyanandaye Vidhmahe Maha Bhaktaye Dheemahi Tanno Chandi Pracodayat Shree Maa Om Santani Maya Vidmahe Jnana Prakasayai Dhimahe Tanno Sri Mam Pracodayat Shree Ramakrishna Om Sthapakaya Ca Dharmasya Sarvadharmasvarupine Avatara Varisthaya Ramakrsnaya Te Namah Om namo Bhagavathe Sri Ramakrsnaya Namo Namah Sri Sarada Devi Om Jananim Saradam Devim Ramakrsna Jagadgurum Padapadme Tayoh Sritva Pranamami Muhurmuhuh Om Sri Sarada Devyai Namo Namah 16.Punya Havacana Om Shaantirastu Om Pustirastu Om Tustirastu Om Vrddhirastu Om Avighnamastu Om Aayusyamastu Om Aarogyamastu Om Shivamastu Om Shivakarmaa-stu Om Karmasamrddhirastu Om Dharmasamddhirastu Om Vedasamrddhirastu Om Shaastrasamrddirastu Om Dhana- Dhaanyasamrddhirastu Om Istasampadastu Om Aristanirasanamastu Om Yatpaapam Rogamashubhamakalyaanam Tadduure Pratihatamastu Om Brahma Punyamaharyacca Srstyutpaadanakaarakam/ Vedavrksodbhavam Nityam Tatpunyaaham Bruvantu Nah/ Bho Braahmanaah ! Mayaa Kriyamaanasya Kaaliipuujanaakhyasya Karmanah Punyaaham Bhavanto Bruvantu/ Om Punyaaham Om Punyaaham Om Punyaaham/ Om Asya Karmanah Punyhaam Bhavanto Bruvantu/ Om Punyaaham Om Punyaaham Om Punyaaham/ Prthivyaamuddhrtaayaam Tu Yatkalyaanam Puraa Krtam/ Rsibhih Siddha Gandharvaistatkalyaanam Bruvantu Nah/ Bho Braahmanaah ! Mayaa Kriyamaanasya Kaaliipuujanaakhyasya Karmanah Kalyaanam Bhavanto Bruvantu/ Om Kalyaanam Om Kalyaanam Om Kalyaanam Saagarasya Tu Yaa Rddhimahaalaksmyaadibhih Krtaa/ Sampuurnaa Suprabhaavaa Ca Taamrddhim Prabruvantu Nah/ Bho Braahmanaah ! Mayaa Kriyamaanasya Kaaliipuujanaakhyasya Karmanah Rddim Bhavanto Bruvantu/ Om Karma Rdhyataam Om Karma Rdhyataam Om Karma Rdhyataam Svastirastu Ya Vinaashakhyaa Punya Kalyaana Vrdddhidaa/ Vinaayakapriyaa Nityam Taam Ca Svastim Bruvantu Nah/ Boh Braahmanaah ! Mayaa Kriyamaanasya Kaaliipuujanaakhyasya Karmanah Shiirastviti Bhavanto Bruvantu/ Om Aayusmate Svasti Om Aasyusmate Svasti Om Aayusmate Svasti Om Svasti Na Indro Vrddhashravaah Svati Nah Puusaa Vishvavedaah/ Svasti Nastaarksyo Aristanemih Svasti No Brhaspatirdadhaatu/ Samudramathnaajjaataa Jagadaanandakaarikaa/ Haripriyaa Ca Maangalyaa Taam Shriyam Ca Bruvantu Nah/ Boh Braahmanaah ! Mayaa Kriyamaanasya Kaaliipuujanakhyasya Karmanah Shriirastviti Bhavanto Bruvantu/ Om Astu Shriih Om Astu Shriih Om Astu Shriih/ Om Shriishca Te Laksmiishca Patnyaavahoraatre Paarshve Naksatraani Ruupamashvinau Vyaattam Isnannisaanaamum Ma Isaana Sarvalokam Ma Isaana Mrkandasuunoraayuryaddhruvalomashayostathaa/ Aayusaa Tena Samyuktaa Jiivema Sharadah Shatam/ Shatam Jiivantu Bhavantah Shiva Gaurii Vivaahe Yaa Yaa Shriiraame Nrpaatmaje/ Dhanadasya Grhe Yaa Shriirasmaakam Saa-stu Sadmani/ Om Aastu Shriih Om Astu Shriih Om Astu Shriih Prajaapatirlokapaalo Dhaata Brahmaa Ca Devaraat/ Bhagavaanchaashvato Nithyam No Vai Raksantu Sarvatah/ Om Bhagavaan Prajaapatih Priyataam Aasyusmate Svastimate Yajamaanaaya Daashuse Shriye Dattaashisah Santu Rtvigbhirvedapaaragaih Om Svastivaacanasamrddhirastu 16.Saamaanyaarghya (Draw Yantra ) Om Aadhaara Shaktaye Namah (left up) Om Kuurmmaaya Namah (right up) Om Anantaaya Namah (right down) Om Prthivyai Namah (left up) Sthaam Sthiim Sthiro Bhava Phat (fill pot with water) Om Gange Ca Jamune Caiva Godaavari Sarasvati/ Narmade Sindhu Kaaveri Jale-asmin Sannidhim Kuru/ Om Aiing Hriing Kliing Shriing Vrndaavanavaasinyai Swaahaa Ete Gandhapuspe Om Ang Arkamandalaaya Dvaadashakalaatmane Namah Ete Gandhapuspe Om Ung Somamandalaaya Sodashakalaatmane Namah Ete Gandhapuspe Om Mang Vahnimandalaaya Dashakalaatmane Namah Wave matsya,dhenu and ankusha mudra reciting Om Gange Ca Jamune Caiva Godaavari Sarasvati Narmade Sindhu Kaaveri Jale-asmin Sannidhim Kuru Sprinkle with flower to 10 direction reciting Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa The same flower toss towards murthi Amrtaam Kuru Swaahaa 17.Puspa Shuddhi Wave hand in matysa mudra 1st line and dhenu mudra in 2nd line Om Puspa Puspa Mahaapuspa Supuspa Puspa Sambhave/ Puspa Cayaavakiirne Ca Hum Phat Swaahaa/ Om Aing Rang Astraaya Phat 18. Pranayama Close right nostril with thumb of right hand and breath through left nostril.Close both nostril with thumb and middle finger and hold breath for 4 times taken to breath.Remove thumb from right nostril and slowly breath out.Do the same with left nostril for 9 times (1:4:2) 19.Kaalii Gaayatrii Om Mahaakaalyai Ca Vidmahe Shmashaana Vaasinyai Ca Dhiimahi/ Tanno Kaalii Pracodayaat/ 20.Kali Dhyanam Karaalavadanaam Ghoraam Muktakeshiim Caturbhujaam/ Kaalikaam Daksinaam Divyaam Mundamaalaa Vibbhuusitaam/ Sadyashchinnashirahkhanga Vaamaadhorddhva Karaambujaang/ Abhayaam Varadanncaiva Daksinorddhaadhahpaanikaam/ Mahaamegha Prabhaam Shyaamaam Tathaa Caiva Digambariing/ Kanthaavasaktamundaaliigaladrudhuracarcitaam/ Karnaavatamsataaniitashava Yugmabhayaanakaam/ Ghoradamstraam Karaalaasyaang Piinonnatapayoddharaam/ Shavaanaam Karasanghaataihkrtakaannciim Hasanmukhiing/ Srkkadvayagaladraktadhaaraavisphuritaananaam/ Ghoraraavaam Mahaaraudrim Shmasshaanaalayavaasiniim/ Baalaarkamandalaakaaralocanatritayaanvitaam/ Danturaam Daksinavyaapi Muktalanvikacoccayaam/ Shavaruupa Mahaadevahrdayoparisamsthitaam/ Shivaabhirghoraravaabhishcaturddiksu Samanvitaam/ Mahaakaalena Ca Samam Vipariitarataaturaam/ Sukhaprasannavadanaam Smeraanana Saroruham Evam Samcintayet Kaaliing Sarvakaamasamrddhidaam Om Kriing Kriing Kriing Hung Hung Hriing Daksine Kaaliike Kriing Kriing Kriing Hung Hung Hriing Hriing Swaahaa 21.Kara Nyasa Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah Om Kraang Angusthaabhyaam Namah thumb/forefinger Om Kriing Tarjaniibhyaam Swaahaa thumb/forefinger Om Kruung Madhyamaabhyaam Vasat thumb/middlefinger Om Kraing Anaamikaabhyaam Hung thumb/ringfinger Om Kraung Kanisthikaabhyaam Vausat thumb/littlefinger (namaskar – Roll in front - roll backwards and clap hands) Om Krah Karatala Kara Prsthaabhyaam Astraaya Phat Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah 22.Angga Nyasa (tatva mudra) Om Kraang Hrdayaaya Namah heart Om Kriing Shirase Swaahaa top of head Om Kraung Shikhaayai Vasat back of head OM Kraing Kavacaaya Hung cross both arms Om Kraung Netratrayaaya three eyes(3 eyes 3 middle finger) (namaskar – Roll in front - roll backwards and clap hands) Om Krah Karatala Kara Prsthaabhyaam Astraaya Phat Om Kriing Kaalyai namah 23.Nyasa Head Om Namah Genital Striing Namah Genital Eng Namah Navel Striing Namah Heart Aing namah Throat Kliing Namah Third eye Saing Namah Right arm Om Namah Left arm Shriing Namah Right foot Hriing Namah Left foot Kliing Namah Back Krong Namah Om Kriing Kaaalyai Namah (108 times) 24.Kali Kavacham Srisadasiva uvaca Kathitam paramam brahmaprakrteh stavanam mahat/ Adyayah srikalikayah kavacam srnu sampratam/ Trailokyavijayasyasya kavacasya rsih sivah/ Chando-nustubdevata ca adya kali prakirttita/ Mayabijam bijamiti rama saktirudahrta/ Krim kilakam kamyasiddhau viniyogah prakirttitah/ Hrimadya me sirah patu srim kali vadanam mama/ Hrdayam krim para saktih payat kantham paratpara/ Netre patu jagaddhatri karnau raksatu sankari / Ghranam patu mahamaya rasanam sarvamangala/ Dantan raksatu kaumari kapolau kamalalaya/ Ostadharau ksama rakset cibukam caruhasini/ Grivam payat kulesani kakut patu krpamayi/ Dvau bahu bahuda rakset karau kaivalyadayini/ Skandhau kapardini patu prstham trailokyatarini/ Parsve payadaparna me katim me kamathasana/ Nabhau patu visalaksi prajasthanam prabhavati/ Uru raksatu kalyani padau me patu parvati/ Jayadurga-vatu pranam sarvangam sarvasiddhida/ Raksahinamtu yat sthanam varjitam kavacena ca/ Tat sarvam me sada raksedadya kali sanatani/ Iti te kathitam divyam trailokyavijayabhidham/ Kavacam kalikadevya adyayah paramadbhutam/ Pujakale pathedyastu adyadhikrtamanasah/ Sarvan kamanavapnoti tasyadya suprasidati/ Mantrasiddhirbhavedasu kinkarah ksudrasiddhayah/ Aputro labhate putram dhanarthi prapnuyaddhanam/ Vidyarthi labhate vidyam kami kamanavapnuyat/ Sahasravrttapathena varmano-sya puraskriya/ Purscaranasampannam yathoktaphaladam bhavet/ Candanagarukasturikunkumaih raktacandanaih/ Bhurje vilikhya gutikam svarnastham dharayed yadi/ Sikhayam daksine bahau kanthe va sadhakah katau/ Tasya-dya kalika vasya vanchitartham prayacchati/ Na kutrapi bhayam tasya sarvatra vijayi kavih/ Arogi cirajivi syat balavan dharanaksamah/ Sarvavidyasu nipunah sarvasastrarthatattvavit/ Vase tasya mahipala bhogamoksau karasthitau/ Kalikalmasayuktanam nihsreyasakaram param/ 25.Adya Stotram Srnu vatsa pravaksyami adya stotram mahaphalam/ Yah pathet satatam bhaktya sa eva visnu vallabhah/ Mrtyuvyadhibhayam tasya nasti kincit kalau yuge/ Aputro labhate putram tripaksam sravanam yadi/ Dvau masau bandhanan muktirvipravaktra srutam yadi/ Mrtavatsa jivavatsa sanmasan sravanam yadi/ Naukayam sankate yuddhe pathanajjayamapnuyat/ Likhitva sthapanad gehe nagnicaurabhayam kvacit/ Rajasthane jayi nityam prasannah sarvadevatah/ Papani vilayam yanti mrtau mukti mavapnuyat/ Om hrim brahmani brahmaloke ca vaikunthe sarvamangala/ Indrani amaravatyamambika varunalaye/ Yamalaye kalarupa kuberabhavane subha/ Mahanandagni kone ca vayavyam mrga vahini/ Nairrtyam raktadanta ca aisanyam suladharini/ Patale vaisnavi rupa simhale devamohini/ Surasa ca manidvipe lankayam bhadrakalika/ Ramesvari setubandhe vimala purusottame/ Viraja audradese ca kamakhya nilaparvate/ Kalika bangadese ca ayodhyayam mahesvari/ Varanasyamannapurna gayaksetre gayesvari/ Kuruksetre bhadrakali vraje katyayani para/ Dvarakayam mahamaya mathurayam mahesvari/ Ksudha tvam sarvabhutanam vela tvam sagarasya ca/ Navami krsna paksasya suklasyaikadasi para/ Daksasya duhita devi daksayajna vinasini/ Ramasya janaki tvam hi ravanadhvamsa karini/ Candamundavadhe devi raktabija vinasini/ Nisumbha sumbha mathani madhu kaitabha ghatini/ Visnu bhakti prada durga sukhada moksada sada/ Imam adya stavam punyam yah pathet satatam narah/ Sarvajvarabhayam na syat sarvayadhi vinasanam/ Koti tirtha phalancasau labhate natra samsayah/ Jaya me cagratah patu vijaya patu prsthatah/ Narayani sirsadese sarvange simhavahini/ Sivaduti ugracanda pratyange paramesvari/ Visalaksi mahamaya kaumari sankhini siva/ Cakrini jayadatri ca ranamatta ranapriya/ Durga jayanti kali ca bhadrakali mahodari/ Narasimhi ca varahi siddhidatri sukhaprada/ Bhayankari maharaudri mahabhaya vinasini/ Iti adya stotram samaptam/ 26. Kali Japa Om Kriing Kaalyai Namah (108) 27.Conch Shell Offering - Vishesaarghya Om Aadhaarashaktaye Namah Om Kuurmmaaya Namah Om Anantaya Namah Om Prthivyai Namah Sthaam Sthiim Sthiro Bhava Phat (place conch shell on the bindu) Om Gange Ca Jamuna Caiva Godaavari Sarasvati / Narmade Sindhu Kaaveri Jale-asmin Sannidhim Kuru/ Om Aing Hriing Kliing Shriing Vrndaavanavaasinyai Swaahaa (offer 3 flowers into the pot) Ete Gandhapuspe Om Ang Arkamandalaaya Dvaadashakalaatmane Namah Ete Gandhapuspe Om Ung Somamandalaaya Sodashakalaatmane Namah Ete Gandhapuspe Om Mang Vahnimandalaaya Dashakalaatmane Namah (wave hands in matsyaa,dhenu and ankusha mudras) Om Gange Ca Jamune Caiva Godaavari Sarasvati Narmade Sindhu Kaaveri Jale-asmin Sannidhim Kuru l (Take one flower offer to 10 direction) Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Sprinkle water over article to be offered and throw some drops over you shoulder Amritham Kuru Swaahaa Offer to Ma Feet 28.Puujaa Naivedya Invitation Aagaccheha Mahaadevi ! Sarvasampatpradaayini/ Yaavad Vratam Samaapyeta Taavattvam Sannidhau Bhava/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Aavaahanam Samarpayaami Seat Anekaratna Samyuktam Naanaamani Ganaanvitam Kaartasvaramayam Divyamaasanam Pratigrhyataam Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Aasanang Samarpayaami Foot Bath Om Gangaadi Sarva Tiirthebhyo Mayaa Praarthanayaahrtam/ Toyametat Sukha Sparsham Paadyaartham Pratigrhyataam/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshavari Kaalike Swahaa Paadyam Samarpayaami Water for washing hands and mouth Karpuurena Sugandhena Surabhisvaadu Shiitalam / Toyamaacamaniiyaartham Deviidam Pratigrhyataam/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Acamaniyam Samarpayaami Arghya Nidhinam Sarvadevanam Tvamanaarghyaaguna Hyasi/ Simhoparisthite devi ! Grahanaarghyam Namo stute / Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Arghyam Samarpayaami Madhuparka (mix honey,ghee and sugar) Dadhi Madhu Ghrtasamaayuktam Paatrayugmang Samanvitam/ Madhuparkam Grhaana Tvam Subhada Bhava Sobhane/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Madhuparkam Samarpayaami Water Bath Om Gange Ca Jamune Caiva Godaavari Sarasvati/ Narmade Sindhu Kaaveri Snaanaartham Pratigrhyataam/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Gangaa Snaanam Samarpayaami Bracelets Om Maanikya Mukthaa Khandayukte Suvarnakaarena Ca Samskrte Ye/ Te Kinkinibhih Suvarne Mayaa-rpite Devi Grhaana Kankane/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Paramesvari Kaalike Swaahaa Kankane Samarpayaami Conch Ornaments Om Shankhanca Vividham Citram Baahuunaanca Vibhuusanam/ Mayaa Niveditam Bhaktyaa Grhaana Parameshvari/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Shankhaalankaaram Samarpayaami Ornaments Om Divyaratnasamaayuktaa Vahnibhaanusamaprabhaah/ Gaatraani Shobhayisyanti Alankaaraah Sureshvari / Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Alankaaraan Samarpayaami Rice Aksataan Nirmalaan Shuddhaan Mukthaaphalasamanvitaan/ Grhaanemaan Mahaadevi Dehi Me Nirmalaam Dhiyam/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Aksataan Samarpayaami Food Offering Om Satpaatram shuddhasuhavirv Vividdhaanekabhaksanam/ Nivedayaami Deveshi Satvatrptikaram Param/ Om Annapuurne Sadaa Puurne Shankara Praanavallabhe/ Jnanavairaagyasiddhyartham Bhiksaang Dehi Namo-stu te/ Maataa Ca Paarvatii Devii Pitaa Devo Maheshvarah/ Baandhavaah Shivabhaktaashca svadesho Bhuvanatrayam/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Bhog-naivedyam Samarpayaami Drinking Water Om Samasta Devadeveshi Sarvatrptikaram Param/ Akhandaananda Sampuurnam Grhaana Jalamuttamam/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Paanaarthang Jalam Samarpayaami Betelnuts Puugiiphalam Mahaddivyam Naagavallii Dalairyutam/ Elaadicuurnasamyuktam Taambulam Pratigrhyataam/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Taambuulang Samarpayaami Daksina Om Puujaaphalasmrddhyartham Tavaagre Svarnamiishvari / Sthaapitam Tena Me Priitaa Puurnaan Kuru Manorathaan/ Hirannyagarbhagarbhastham Hemabijam Vibhavasah/ Anantapunya Phaladamatah Santim Prayacchame/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Daksinaam Samaarpayaami Umbrella Chatrang Devi Jagaddhaatri ! Gharma Vaata Pranaashanam/ Grhaana He Mahaamaaye ! Saubhaagyam Sarvadaa Kuru/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Chatrang Samarpayami Fly Whisk Caamaram He Mahaadevi ! Camariipucchannirmitam/ Grhiitvaa Paaparaashiinaam Khandanam Sarvadaa Kuru/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Caamaram Samarpayaami Fan Barthirbarhakrtaakaaram Madhyadanda Samanvitam/ Grhyataam Vyajanang Durge Dehasvedaapanuttaye/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Swaahaa Taalavrntang Samarpayaami Mirror Darpanam Vimalam Ramyang Shuddhabimbapradaayakam/ Aathmabimbapradarshanaarthapayaami Maheshvari/ Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Darpanang Samarpayami Aratrikam Om Candradityau Ca Dharani Vidyudagnistahaiva Ca Tvameva Sarvajyotisim Aratrikam Pratigryahtam Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Darpanang Samarpayami Flower Malikkadi Sugandhini Malityadini Vai Prabho Maya-hrtani Pujartham Puspani Pratigrhyatam Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Puspam Samarpayami 29. Visarjana Om Itah Purva Prannabuddhideha Dharmadhikarato Jagrat Svapnasusuptayavasthasu Manasa Vaca Karmana Hastabhyam Padhbhyaamudarena Sisna Yat Krtam Tadyuktam Yat Smrtam Tat Sarvam Brahmarpanam Bhavatu Svaha Mam Madiyanca Sakalam Sri Kali Carane Samarpaye Om Tat Sat Om Brahmarpanam Brahma havirbrahmagnou , Brahmana hutam, Braahmaiva Tena Gantavyam , Brahmakarmasamadhina, Om Purnamadah Purnamidam ,Purnat Purnamiudacyate , Purnasya Purna madaya ,Purnamevava Sisyate , Om Shantih Shantih Shantih Ksmasya 30. Kali Gayathri Om Mahakaalyai Ca Vidmahe , Smaashaana Vasinyai Ca Dhimahi, Tanno Kaali Pracodayaat Om Aing Hring Kling Chamundayai Vicce !!! Om Hriing Shriing Kriing Parameshvari Kaalike Swaahaa Darpanang Samarpayami Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 12, 2003 Report Share Posted March 12, 2003 Namaste Ji, Thank you very much for posting the proper puja for Mother Kali. and Yes Ji, I love to learn the puja from you ji. Shall we proceed immediately on the phadhoti. Thank you ji. Children of Kali Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 18, 2003 Report Share Posted March 18, 2003 Namaste Mata-ji As this tradition do not deferenciate the initiated and the non initiated when it comes to Puujaa lets begin and leave the rest to Mother...May Mother bless this journey..... The first part of this Puujaa is called Devata Pranam, bowing in respect the Devas and getting blessing from them to do Puujaa for Mother. Here the meaning of the Mantra is given... i) Devata Pranaam Srimanmahaganadhipataye namah We bow to the Respected Great Lord of Wisdom Laksminarayanabhyam namah We bow to Laksmii and Narayana, The Goal of all Existence and the Perceiver of all Umamahesvarabhyam namah We bow to Umaa and Mahesshvara, She who protects existence, and the Great Consciousness or Seer of all Vanihiranyagarbhabhyam We bow to Vaanii and Hiranyagarbha, Sarasvatii and Brahmaa, who create the cosmic existence Sacipurandarabhyam namah We bow to Shacii and Purandara, Indra and his wife, who preside over all that is divine Matapitrbhyam namah We bow to the Mothers and Fathers Istadevatabhyo namah We bow to the choosen deity of worship Kuladevatabhyo namah We bow to the family deity of worship Gramadevatabhyo namah We bow to the village deity of worship Vastudevatabhyo namah We bow to the particular household deity of worship Sthanadevatabhyo namah We bow to the established deity of worship Sarvebhyo devebhyo namah We bow to all the Gods Sarvebhyo brahmanebhyo namah We bow to all the knowers of divinity Normally when Devata Pranam is recited our palms is put togather (vanakam). When the first mantra is recited the hands is tilted to the left because Lord Ganesha is normally on your left of the alter when you are facing the deity.... If the other devas are on your alter then you can point to them or you can point to Mother. You could also close your eyes think of them and bow down in respect... It is good to use the meaning of the mantra to help you concentrate.... Next will be Chandi Dyanam..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 19, 2003 Report Share Posted March 19, 2003 Namaste ji, Thank you very much ji. Lets embark on the next lesson. Children of Kali Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 19, 2003 Report Share Posted March 19, 2003 Namaste Mata-ji As this is a shakta tradition (Mother's whorshipers) the Main Deity is Mother Chandi, thus the Divine Mother is invoked first. If this was a Shivite Tradition then Lord Shiva will invoked first and so on for the other taditions... Here the meaning of the Dhyanam is given...... ii. Chandi Dhyanam Khadgam Cakra Gadesu Capa / Parighan Chulam Bhusundim Sirah / Sankham Samdadhatim Karai / Strinayanam Sarvanga Bhusavrtam / Nilasmadyutimasya pada /dasakam Seve Mahakalikam / Yamastaut Svapite Harau Kamalajo / Hantum Madhum Kaitabham / Bearing in Her ten hands the sword of worship, the discuss of revolving time, the club of articulation, the bow of determination, the iron bar of restraint, pike of attention, the sling, the head of egoism and the conch of vibrations, She has three eyes and displays ornaments on all Her limbs. Shining like a blue gem, She has ten faces and feet, I worship that Great Remover of Darkness whom the lotus-born Creative Capacity praised in order to slay Too Much and Too Little, when the Supreme Consciousness was in sleep. Aksasrak Parasum Gadesu Kulisam / Padman dhanuh kundikam / Dandam Saktim Asim Ca Carma / Jalajam Ghantham Surabhajanam / Sulam Pasa Sudarsane Ca / Dadhatim Hastaih Prasannananam / Seva Sairibha Mardinimiha Mahalaksmim Sarojasthitam She with the beautiful faces, Destroyer of Great Ego ,is seated upon the lotus of Peace. In Her hands She holds the rosary of alphabets , the battle axe of good actions, the club of articulation, the arrows of speech,t he thunderbolt of illumination, the lotus of peace ,the bow of determination, the water pot of purification, t he staff of discipline, energy, the sword of worship,the shield of faith ,the conch of vibration, the bell of continuous tone ,the wine cup of joy,the pike of concentration. the net of unity and the discus of revolving time named Excellent Intuitive Vision, I worship the Great Goddess of True Weatlh Ghanta Sula Halani Sankha / Musale Cakram Dhanuh Sayakam / Hastabjair dadhatim ghananta / Vilasacchitam Sutulya Prabham / Gaurideha Samudbhavaam / trijagatam adharabhutam maha/ Purvamatra Sarasvatim Anubhaje / Sumbhadi Daityardinim / Bearing in Her lotus hands the bell of continuous tone, the pike of concentration, the plow sowing the seeds of the Way of Truth to Wisdom, the conch of vibrations, the pestle of refinement, the discus of revolving time, the bow of determination and the arrow of speech, whose radiance is like the moon in autumn, whose appearance is most beautiful, who is manifested from the body of She Who is Rays of Light, and is the support of the three worlds, that Great Goddess of All-prevading Knowledge, who destroyed Self-Conceit and other thoughts, I worship. Ya Candi Madhukaitabhadidaityadalani Ya Mahisonmulini / Ya Dhumreksanacandamundamathani Ya Raktabijasani / Saktih Sumbhanisumbhadaityadalini Ya Siddhidatri Para / Sa Devi Navakotimurtisahita Mam Patu Visvesvari / That Chandii, who slays the negativities of Too Much and Too Little and other thoughts; Who is the Destroyer of the Great Ego, and the Vanquisher of Sinfull Eyes, Passion and Anger, and the seed of Desire; the Energy which tears asunder Self-Conceit and Self- Deprecation, the Grantor of the Highest attainment of perfection : May that Supreme Lord of the Universe, remain close and protect me. As you will notice when you read the Dhyanam that the first verse is the form of Mother Kaalii, second verse Mother Laksmii and the third verse Mother Saraswathy... This is because the Divine Mother truely do not have form, She came in the form of Mahakaalii to slay Madhu and Kaitabha (too much and too little), and when She slayed Canda and Munda (passion and anger) She was called Camunda. She also came in the form of Mahalaksmii and slayed Mahisasura (the great Ego) thus called Mahisasuramardini. When She came in the form of Mahasaraswathy she slayed Sumbha and Nisumba (self-conceit ans self-depreciation). That is Chandi, She Who Tears Apart Thought and beyond.... Next will be wave light and incense.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 22, 2003 Report Share Posted March 22, 2003 Namaste ji, Thank you very much ji. While reciting the mantra should I just show namaskar. Thank you ji. Looking forward for the next lesson. Children of Kali Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 23, 2003 Report Share Posted March 23, 2003 Namaste Mata-ji It is a custom to ring the bell when you recite Chandi Dyanam and trying to fix your mind on her… After this you will place the single wicked lamp holder in front of you and offer flower to it five times while reciting each verse at "svaha"…. Normally you will hold the flower with your middle finger, ring finger and thumb. When any flower offering is done it is nice to pick the flower bring it to your heart then to the middle of your fore head (third eye) and offer to the lamp or any other flower offering…. Om Agnir Jyotir Jyotir Agnih Svaha / Suryo Jyotir Jyotih Suryah Svaha / Agnir Varco Jyotir Varchah Svaha / Suryo Varco Jyotir Varcah Svaha / Jyotih Suryah Suryo jyotih Svaha / Om the Divine Fire is the Light, and the Light is the Divine Fire; I am one with God! The Light of Wisdom is the Light, and the Light is the Light of Wisdom; I am one with God! The Divine Fire is the offering, and the light is the offering; I am one with God! The Light of Wisdom is the offering, and the light is the Light of wisdom; I am one with God! After this, pick up the single wicked lamp holder, while ringing the bell again recite this mantra waving it at Mother…don't stop rigging the bell until after waving of the incense, which is next…. iii. Wave light Om Agnir Jyotish Ravir Jyotish Chandro Jyotisth tathaiva Ca / Jyotish Samuttamo Devi Dhupo-yang Pratigrhyatam Esa Dipah Om Aim Hrim Klim Chamundayai Vicce Om the Divine Fire is the Light, the Light of Wisdom is the Light, The Light of Devotion is the Light as well. The Light of the Highest Bliss, Oh Goddess, is in the light, which we offer, the Light, which we request you to accept. With the offering of Light Om Aing Hriing Kliing Caamundaayai Vicce. Iv. Wave incense Om Vanaspatir rasotpanno Gandhatyayi Gandha Uttamah / Aghreyah Sarvadevanang Dhupo-yang Pratigrhyatam / Esa Dhupah Om Aim Hrim Klim Camundayai Vicce Om Spirit of the Forest, From you is produced the most excellent of scents. The Scent most Pleasing to all Gods, that scent we requested you to accept. With the offering of fragrant scent Om Aing Hriing Kliing Caamundaayai Vicce It does not matter how much incense you offer, it is the thought that goes with that really counts…. Normally we only wave a single stick of incense so it does not effect the pranayam thus creating a conducive atmosphere for Puujaa…. The next two verse of mantra could be recited while hands in Namaskar…. Here the meaning of the mantras are given because it is always better to put the thought in the mind while doing the action and reciting the mantra…. This way will bring you to the state of dyanam faster because all senses are concentrated on ONE Om Payah Prthivyam Paya Osadhisu / Payo Divyantarikse Payo Dhah / Payahsvatih Pradisah Santu Mahyam / Om Earth is a reservoir of nectar, all vegetation is a reservoir of nectar, the Divine atmosphere is a reservoir of nectar, and also above. May all perceptions shine forth with the sweet taste of nectar for us Om Agnirdevata Vato Devata Suryo Devata Candrama / Devata Vasavo Devata Rudro Devata-ditya Devata Maruto / Devata Visve Deva Devata Brhaspatirdevatendro Devata / Varuno Devata Om The Divine Fire (Light of Purity) is the Shining God, the Wind is the shining God, the Moon (Lord of Devotion) is the shining God, the Protectors of the Wealth are shining Gods, the Relivers of Suffering are the shining Gods, the Sons of the Light are the shining Gods; the Emancipated seers (Maruts) are the shinings Gods, the Universal shining Gods is the shining God, the ruler of the Gods is the shining God, the Lord of Waters is the shining God. Thanks for letting me learn with you too…. Next will be Gyathri Viddih Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 24, 2003 Report Share Posted March 24, 2003 > Namaste ji > > Thnak you very much ji. Looking forward for your next mail. Children of Kali Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 24, 2003 Report Share Posted March 24, 2003 Namaste Mata-ji, Next will be Gayathri Viddih,this mantra is recited and here the meaning of the mantra is given Om Bhuur Bhuvah Svah Tat Savitur Varenyam / Bhargo Devasya Dhiimahi Dhiyo yo Nah Pracodayaat / Om the Infinite Beyond Conception, the gross body, the subtle body and the causal body; we meditate upon that Light of Wisdom which is the Supreme Wealth of the Gods. May it grant us increase in our meditations Here the Mantra is broken up into Ten and for each of it we will touch the thumb to the respective areas of the fingers.... each fingers are divided to three portion... tip of finger, middle of finger and bottom of finger.... the sequence will be touch thumb to 1.middle of the ring-finger, 2.bottom of the ring-finger, 3.bottom of the little-finger, 4.middle of the little-finger, 5.tip of little-finger, 6.tip of ring- finger, 7.tip of middle-finger, 8.middle of middle-finger, 9.bottom of middle-finger and lastly is 10.bottom of fore-finger. You will use this Mantras when touching this ten parts of the finger 1. Om Bhuuh, 2. Om Bhuvah, 3. Om Svah, 4. Om Mahah, 5. Om Janah, 6. Om Tapah, 7. Om Satyang 8. Om Tat Savitur Varenyam, 9. Bhargo Devasya Dhiimahi, 10.Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayaat Om the gross body, Om the subtle body, Om the causal body, Om the great body of existence, Om the body of knowledge, Om the body of light, Om the body of Truth, Om we meditate upon the Light of Wisdom which is the Supreme Wealth of the Gods. May it grant us increase in our meditations. While reciting this next mantra touch all your three eyes with your fingers... ring finger to left eye, middle finger to right eye and thumb to you middle of your fore head (third eye) you could also just touch the middle of your fore head with your middle finger while your thumb touching the middle of the middle-finger to make things simple Om Apo Jyotiraso-mrtang Brahma Bhuur bhuvah svarong May the divine waters luminous with the nectar of immortality of Supreme Divinity fill the earth, the atmosphere and the heavens Next will be Mala purification... hold your mala in your hands and recite this Mantra after reciting this Mantra your could put the Mala on you neck... Here the meaning of the mantra is given to help to put the thought in the mind... vi. Mala Purification Om Maang Maale Mahaamaaye Sarva shakti svaruupini / Catur Vargas Twayi Nyastas Tasmaan Ma Siddhidaa Bhava / Om My Rosary, The Great Measurement of Consciousness, containing all the energy within as your intristic nature, give to the attainment of your Perfection, fulfilling the four objectives of live. Om Avighnang Kuru Maale Twang Grnaami Daksine Kare / Japakaale Ca Siddhyarthang Prasiidaha Mama Siddhaye / Om Rosary, You please remove all obstacles. I hold you in my right hand. At the time of recitation be pleased with me. Allow me to attain the Highest Perfection. Om Aksa Maale Dhipataye Susiddhim Dehi Dehi Sarva / Mantraartha Saadhini Saadhaya Sarva Siddhim / Parikalpaya Parikalpaya Me Swaahaa / Om Rosary of Rudraaksa Seeds, my Lord, Give to me excellent attainment. Give to me , give to me. illuminate the meanings of all mantras, illuminate, illuminate! Fashion me with all excellent attainments, Fashion me! I am one With God! Next will be Flower Placement…... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 29, 2003 Report Share Posted March 29, 2003 Namaste Mata-ji Firstly I would like to apologize, there was a mistake when after the touching of the parts of the finger in the Gayathri Viddih, you can touch thumb to bottom of ring-finger (not middle of middle-finger) when touching third eyes… this Mudra is called Tatva Mudra….. Now lets have a look at the next that is flower placement… As we have discuss before there is a sequence to place the flower…. There are 11 deities in the flower placement and the sequance goes as the following 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 – 11 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 7 - 9 vii.Placement of offering flowers to the deities 1. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Gaang Ganapataye Namah / With these scented flowers Om we bow to the Lord of Wisdom,Lord of Multituide 2. Ete Gandhapuspe Om adityadi navagrahebhyo Namah / With these scented flowers Om we bow to the sun ,the light of Wisdom,along with the nine planets 3. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Shivaadi Pancha Devataabhyo Namah / With these scented flowers Om we bow to Siva,the Consciousness of Infinite Goodness,along with five primary deities. 4. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Indraadi Dasha Dikpaalebhyo Namah / With these scented flowers Om we bow to Indra ,the Ruler of the Pure ,along with Ten Protectors of the ten directions 5. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Matsyaadi Dashaavataarebhyo Namah / With these scented flowers Om we bow to Visnu, the Fish along with the ten incarnations, which He assumed 6. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Prajaapataye Namah / With these scented flowers Om we bow to the Lord of all created beings 7. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Namo Naaraayanaaya Namah / With these scented flowers Om we bow to the Perfect Perception of Consciousness 8.Ete Gandhapuspe Om Sarvebhyo Devebhyo Namah / With these scented flowers Om we bow to all the Gods 9. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Sarvaabhyo Deviibhyo Namah / With these scented flowers Om we bow to all the Goddesses 10. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Shrii Gurave Namah / With these scented flowers Om we bow to the Guru 11. Ete Gandhapuspe Om Braahmanebhyo Namah / With these scented flowers Om we bow to all Knowers of Wisdom viii. Hold thread Hold the piece of thread that you have tied for sankalpa around middle finger or wrist Om Kushaasane Sthito Brahmaa Kushe Caiva Janaardanah / Kushe Hyaakaashavad Visnuh Kushaasana Namo-stu Te / Brahma is the shinning light in kusa grass in the shinning light resides Janardana ,the Lord of Beings .The Supreme all pervading Consciousness , Visnu resides in the shinning light, Oh Repository of the shinning light, we bow down to you ,the seat of kusa grass. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 31, 2003 Report Share Posted March 31, 2003 Namaste ji, > Next will be Mala purification... hold your mala in your hands and > recite this Mantra after reciting this Mantra your could put the Mala > on you neck... Here the meaning of the mantra is given to help to put > the thought in the mind... > Ji, what kind of maala can we use here? I do not have a maala, what is the best thing to do? Must the malla be blessed by a guru? Thank you very much for sharing ji. Children of Kali Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 31, 2003 Report Share Posted March 31, 2003 > Namaste ji > > > > > viii. Hold thread > > What thread are we holding here ji.Are you talking about the brahman thread. Thank you Children of kali Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2003 Report Share Posted April 3, 2003 Namaste Mata-ji "What thread are we holding here ji.Are you talking about the brahman thread." Traditionally Kusa Grass (Therbai) is tied around the wrist when making a resulution... In Shaivite Whorship this grass is made in a form of a ring and put on the ring finger (pavitram). Nowdays for convinience sake a red cotton string is tied around the wrist... This is also done in this tradition when someone learns a puujaa or makes a resulution to do puujaa.... Once Mata-ji have learned this Puujaa you can show what you have learned to Swami Vittalananda Saraswathy and I am sure he will be more than happy to tie this string around your wrisk.... He will be comming down to Malaysia on the 20 June with his family... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2003 Report Share Posted April 3, 2003 Namaste Mata-ji In this tradition a Rudraksha Maalaa is normally used... you could get a 108 Rudraksha bead Maalaa from a nearby ashram.... If this is not possible then I am sure we will make arrangements for you to get one.... It is nice to get blessing from a guru before you start anything... in his fizical abcense we can pray for his blessings.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 3, 2003 Report Share Posted April 3, 2003 Namaste ji, Thank you very much ji. I shall ask a friend who is going to India to get in for me from the Shivananda ashram or Ramakrishna ashram. In the absence of the mala, right now what should I do ji? Children of Kali Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2003 Report Share Posted April 17, 2003 Namaste Mata-ji, Firstly sorry for the late come back.... Next will be Mouth Purification... in this tradition normally a Kamandala (a pot for water normally a sanyasi carries). You could also use a normal thertam cup and spoon while sipping water while reciting....3 times ix.Mouth Purification Om Keshavaaya Namah Swaahaa / We bow to the one of beautiful hair Om Maadhavaaya Namah Swaahaa / We bow to the one who is always sweet Om Govindaaya Namah Swaahaa / We bow to He who is one-pointed light. Om Visnuh Om Visnuh Om Visnuh / Om Consciousness, Om Consciousness, Om Consciousness ting theese Mantras It is good to get your lips properly wet to be helpfull when reciting all the other mantras ......Next these Mantras are to be ricited Om Tat Visnoh Paramang Padam / Sadaa Pashyanti Suuryah Dviiva Caksuraa Tatam / Om That Consciousness of the highest station, who always sees the Light of Wisdom, give us Divine Eyes. Om Tad Vipra Sa Pipaanova Juvigranso Somindrate / Visnuh Tat Paramang Padam / Om That twice-born teacher who is always thirsty for accepting the nectar of devotion, Oh Consciousness, you are in that highest station. Om Apavitrah Pavitro Sarvaavasthaang Gato-pi Vaa / Yah Smaret Pundariikaaksang Sa Baahyaabhyantarah Shucih / Om The Impure and the Pure reside within all objects. Who remembers the lotus-eyed Consciousness is conveyed to radiant beauty. Om Sarva Mangala Maangalyam Varenyam Varadam Shubhang / Naaraayanang Namaskrtya Sarvakarmaani Kaarayet / All the Welfare of all Welfare, the highest blessing of Purity and illumination, with the offering of respectwe bow down to the Supreme Consciousness who is the actual performer of all action. Om Suuryyashcameti Mantrasya Brahmaa Rsih Prakrtishchandah / Aapo Devataa Aacamane Viniyogah Om these are the mantras of the Light of Wisdom, the Creative Capacity is the Seer, Nature is the meter, the divine flow of waters is the deity, being applied in washing the hands and rinsing the mouth Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2003 Report Share Posted April 17, 2003 Namaste Mata-ji Next will be Asan Purification (seat Purification).... Draw the yantra with some drops of water and/or sandal paste at the front of your seat. Place a flower on the bindu in the middle. Yantra would be a triangle with a dot in middle... the picture of this yantra is in the photo album of this group...reciting Om Aasanasya Mantrasya Meruprstha Rsih Sutalang Chandah / Kuurmmo Devataa Aasanopaveshane Viniyogah Om / Introducing the mantras of the Purification of the seat. The seer is He whose backis Straight, the meter is of very beautifull form, the tortoise who supports the earth is the deity. These Mantras are applied to make the seat free from obstructions A flower is offered to the bindu (dot) of this yantra while reciting.... Ete Gandhapuspam Om Hriing Aadhaarashaktaye Kamalaasanaaya Namah / Lastly the next mantra is to be recited while both hands touch the ground Om Prthvi Tvayaa Dhrtaa Lokaa Devi Twang Visnunaa Dhrtaa / Tvannca Dhaaraya Mang Nithya Pavitrang Kuru Caasanam Om Earth! You support the realms of the Goddess. You are supported by Supreme Consciouness. Also bear me eternally and make pure this seat. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 24, 2003 Report Share Posted April 24, 2003 Namaste ji, Sorry for this delay. What do I do when reciting this mantra > Om Tat Visnoh Paramang Padam / Sadaa Pashyanti Suuryah > Dviiva Caksuraa Tatam / > Om That Consciousness of the highest station, who always sees the > Light of Wisdom, give us Divine Eyes. > > Om Tad Vipra Sa Pipaanova Juvigranso Somindrate / > Visnuh Tat Paramang Padam / > Om That twice-born teacher who is always thirsty for accepting the > nectar of devotion, Oh Consciousness, you are in that highest station. > > Om Apavitrah Pavitro Sarvaavasthaang Gato-pi Vaa / > Yah Smaret Pundariikaaksang Sa Baahyaabhyantarah Shucih / > Om The Impure and the Pure reside within all objects. Who remembers > the lotus-eyed Consciousness is conveyed to radiant beauty. > > Om Sarva Mangala Maangalyam Varenyam Varadam Shubhang / > Naaraayanang Namaskrtya Sarvakarmaani Kaarayet / > All the Welfare of all Welfare, the highest blessing of Purity and > illumination, with the offering of respectwe bow down to the Supreme > Consciousness who is the actual performer of all action. > > Om Suuryyashcameti Mantrasya Brahmaa Rsih Prakrtishchandah / > Aapo Devataa Aacamane Viniyogah > Om these are the mantras of the Light of Wisdom, the Creative > Capacity is the Seer, Nature is the meter, the divine flow of waters > is the deity, being applied in washing the hands and rinsing the > mouth Thank you very much ji. Children of Kali Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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