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Dear Mahahradanatha,


Yes gentle sage, what you have said does indeed make sense; thankyou.


What should be my next step ? I LOVE KAALI


Respectfully and gratefully,




mahahradanatha <mahahradanatha wrote: Dear Vir

� only say that Aghor sampradaya is a differnt path from what

Vimalananda taught, though he had gurus they where not from Aghor

sampradaya that he calls himself aghori doesn�t mean that he belongs

to Aghor Sampradaya. His name alone shows this, aghor do not

have ....ananda in their names.

He never said he belongs to Aghor Sampradaya, he is a devotee of

Tara, Aghors are Shaivas they follow a diffferent path.


He himself never mentionend as far as i know who his gurus where nor

does svoboda,i think he doesn�t mention his Gurus or his Sampradaya

openly because he is opposed to the implications of an identification

with a traditional sampradaya which can indeed be very devastating.


I only mentionend this for your benefit so that you do not seek from

aghor or nath sampradaya Gurus what they cannot give, but look in

another direction. But if you prefer to associate Svoboda with Aghor

or Nath sampradaya i have no objections you have my blessing.




Aghor Lineage:

In the 16th century Baba Kinaram, after receiving darshan with

Bhagwan Dattatreya in Girnar mountains, awakened it for the welfare

of the humanity at large and embers hidden under the ashes began to

glow again. In the presence of Baba Kinaram spontaneous relief was

received by the suffering, answers to questions came automatically,

and mind experienced calmness naturally. One would experience the

higher Self merely by being in his presence. Baba Kinaram traveled

far and wide in all the four corners of India and witnessing the

suffering of people, engaged himself whole-heartedly in alleviating

their suffering.


Finally on the bank of the river Ganges in Varanasi, he established

his dhuni (sacred fire) and continued his sadhana of service. The

akhand dhuni (continuos burning fire) of Baba Kinaram fed by the

leftover wood from the nearby cremation grounds, and the samadhis

(tombs) of all the siddhas of the lineage in the same compound, are

witness to the continuum of this intact lineage of Aghor Siddhas.

Today, this yoga-bhumi (land of sadhana) of Aghor Siddhas of Kashi

(Varanasi) is called Krim Kund. The recorded history of the Siddhas

who headed the seat of Aghor in Varanasi at Krim Kund after Baba

Kinaram established the akhand dhuni is as follows:


1. Baba Kalu Ram (Bhagwan Dattatreya)

2. Aghoracharya Baba Kinaram (16th century)

3. Baba Bija Ram

4. Baba Dhouta Ram

5. Baba Gaibi Ram

6. Baba Bhavani Ram

7. Baba Jainarayan Ram

8. Baba Mathura Ram

9. Baba Saryu Ram

10. Baba Dal Singar Ram

11. Baba Rajeshwar Ram

12. Aghoreshwar Baba Bhagwan Ramji




This page has beautiful picture of the incredible powerful kreem kund

dhuni, please vist for darshan.

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