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ThirumuRai Series - 748

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thirunAvukkaracar aruLiya thEvAram

thalam thiruppazanam


4th thirumuRai


Adhiththan aN^gi cOman ayanoDu mAl budhanum

pOthiththu n^inRu ulakil pORRicaiththAr ivarkaL

cOthiththAr Ezulakum cOthiyuL cOthiyAgip

pAthip peN uruvam AnAr pazanaththu em paramanArE.



Divines of sun, fire, moon, brahma, viShNu, divine of

mercury - they preached and hailed in the world.

They searched the seven worlds! Staying as the

Splendor inside the splendor, our Supreme of pazanam

became half female form!


1. These divines worshipped at the abode of pazanam.

2. Divines who reached their grand state due to their

austerous love on Lord shiva - which may not have been

niShkAmya always to get to liberation - tell the glory of

worshipping God to the appropriate people. (as evident

from puranas).

3. For the divines the Lord appear so cryptic, whereas

for the devotes people to worship It took the form of

ardhanArIshvara - full of Grace, and stood in the abodes

such as pazanam.



Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org

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