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David Swenson's new book

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Hello Everybody,<br><br>I just received David

Swenson's new book from Amazon, and was a bit dissapointed

with it.<br>I didn't think it was nearly as good as

Beryl Bender Birch's book.<br><br>It does have photos

of all the asanas, including several variations for

less flexible people.<br>However so does BBB's book,

so in this respect they come out equal.<br><br>It

has good binding and a hard cover, which is a plus (

which you pay for )<br><br>But it has hardly any words

in the book. What you can't pick up from the photos

he often doesn't explain. Most inhales / exhales

only have a half line of text, which leaves a lot of

details out!<br><br>Lots of short inspirational quotes,

which I liked.<br>But I did find BBB's illustrative

stories more inspirational. ( Althought these quotes are

the kind of thing you can apply during practice, and

are good. )<br><br>This book would be useful to

anybody reading this post who has been to classes and

knows (Vaguely) what they're doing. But I don't think a

total beginer would get a good idea just from the

book.<br>I think BBB's book ( power yoga ) is much better

for beginers, and much more informative in


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Liz, I agree with your review, having just gotten

my own copy of DS's book. I like the binding and

hard cover (it's nice to finally have a book that I

can leave open during my practise!), and I also like

his "short form" routines that can be done when you

don't have time for a full practise. I was a little

disappointed that there wasn't more text though - as you

mentioned, some longer stories and explanations would have

been appreciated.<br><br>I do think I will find this

book useful as part of my 'yoga library', but probably

in combination with Beryl Bender Birch's and Godfrey

Devereaux's books. If anyone is considering buying it, I'd

suggest taking a good skim of the contents to see if it

will give you what you want/need. <br><br>Namaste all!

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