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favorite yoga books

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What are your favorite yoga books? I have used

"Yoga for your life" by Pierce. It is an excellent user

friendly beginners book. I am reading "The Heart of

Yoga"by Desikachar also excellent. I still refer to Power

Yoga by Birch and the Dave Swenson manual<br>Ihave

looked at a million books on line and in the stores.

Which do you love?

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I've found Beryl Bender Birch's and David

Swenson's books useful as guides to practice.<br><br>But as

for yoga books that I "love"? I'm fond of Light On

Yoga. I think the most interesting books I've read on

what hatha yoga is about - as opposed to how to do an

asana practice - are "Dynamic Yoga" and "Elements of

Yoga" by Godfrey Devereux.<br><br>I haven't read

Desikachar or Patthabi Jois' Yoga Mala. Somebody once showed

me what looked like a very good sivananda book - I

would recognise it if I saw it again, but I don't

remember the author or the title.

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A couple of books that are fun just to

read:<br><br>Yogi Bare - Philip Self - this is a collection of

interviews with 20 different yoga teachers. Kind of light

reading.<br><br>Yoga and the Quest for the True Self - Stephen Cope -

a lengthy and very interesting read.<br><br>If you

like Heart of Yoga, you should check out<br>Health,

Healing, and Beyond, Deskichar's book about

Krishnamacharya.<br><br>BKS Iyengar's Light on Yoga is an essential

reference, kind of a bible of hatha yoga.<br><br>As far as

Ashtanga books, I like Swenson's and Yoga Mala the best,

but I have them all and would recommend getting them

all, since they all have little clues not found in the

others. I would like to see some more extensive books on

Ashtanga yoga. Most of the ashtanga books are kind of new,

so maybe more are on the way. Godfrey Devereaux's

books are cool.<br><br>I have a list of yoga books,

including everything<br>I know of on Ashtanga yoga,

at:<br><a href=http://www.ionet.net/~tslade/yogabook.htm


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I usually read everything I can. My favorites

are: Dynamic Yoga (Godfrey Devereaux) and Ashtanga

Yoga the practice manual (David Swenson). I also found

Yoga for Wellness (Gary Kraftsow) interesting (he's

trained by Desikachar). I'd love to see a magazine on the

market which covered ashtanga yoga .I read yoga journal

but I'm hungry for more...How do you feel about that?

Wouldn't it be great to read interviews with Pattabhi Jois

& teachers all around the world.....hmmm

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I think an ashtanga magazine would be great. I've thought about doing one for a

year or so, but the community is so small I think it would be hard to make it

fly financially. But it's a cool idea.

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What a fun question for a Sunday morning. A

couple more i didn't notice mention of:<br><br>Astanga

Yoga (full vinyasa) by Lino Mile<br> This is the best

documentation of the Vinyasa system. A must for teaachers or

serious students.<br><br>How to Know God by Swami

Prabhavanada (<a href=http://www.vedanta.com

target=new>http://www.vedanta.com</a>) an excelent and readable

exposition of the yoga sutras. I'll admit it- this book

changed my life. It was my first exposure to the

philosophic side of yoga after years of asana practice. (Well

i'm a slow learner.)

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the Yoga book question remains<br>While I am happy about the interest in an

ashtanga mag, I am still interested in your feedback about yoga books.

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Some fave yoga books and linked

stuff:<br><br>Asana, Pranayama and Mudra by swami Satyananda (Bihar

school of yoga)<br><br>Moolabandha - as

above<br><br>Aghora and Kundalini II by Robert Svoboda<br><br>Sexual

Secrets - Nik Douglas/Penny Salinger (Inner

Traditions)<br><br>Kundalini evolutionary energy in Man - Gopi Krishna

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