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Pattabhi Jois interview

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Does anyone have a copy of Yoga Journal from 1995 May/June with the cover

Secrets of the Masters? That has something from Jois. If anyone has that I'd

love a scanned copy of the piece.

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I have that issue. The section from Pattabhi Jois

is no more than two paragraphs. I'll look it up and

try to post it here tomorrow (if no one beats me to

it).<br><br>Since we're on the topic of Yoga Journal, I'm sure most

of you know this but for those who don't: YJ had a

special issue on Ashtanga several years back that was

quite good, they also had Richard Freeman as the asana

columnist for a full year (1997 or '98, don't remember off

hand) and his columns were very good. YI had an

interview with Pattabhi Jois some time back around 1996/7.

If anyone is interested I can give you the specific

back issue dates so that you can get them.

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This is a prime illustration of why a webzine is

a good idea, or why paper magazines should have all

their content online - assuming they are more

interested in serving their community than in selling weird

shaped little wooden benches. <br><br>It sounds like

there has been some interesting astang coverage over

the years in general yoga mags - but I'm not

interested enough to consider paying for back issues plus

exorbitant international shippng fees.

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In case it is helpful; you can order back issues

of Yoga Journal online. <a href=http://www.yogajournal.com


Also, there is an issue of Yoga International that had

an interview with SPJ in January of 1994. I think I

read it somewhere on line, but I can't track down the

address. <a href=http://www.yimag.com/Back_Issues/back_issues.htm


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Okay, I promised the text from the Pattabhi Jois

section of the "Wisdom of the Masters" article from YJ

May/June 1995. Its very short, I hope YJ doesn't object to

this since it is a very short piece:<br><br>"Its

important for beginning students to start gradually. Begin

with Suryanamaskar, a prayer to the sun god. This

helps develop the correct breathing method and a

focused mind. Practise this for one week and then add

Suryanamaskar B. Practise both of these for another week, then

begin adding standing postures. One day add

Padangustasana, next day also include Padahastasana, day after

that include Trikonasana (for beginners, Trikonasana B

-- twisting -- is best left out). This is the

method. Gradually , one by one, as you are able, add the

postures from the primary series. In this way after the

third week you might begin to practise the sitting

postures."<br><br>"Go Slowly, no problem. Following this same method,

all the students -- all the beginners also -- will be

happy. Taking practise is good. Looking at pictures and

learning from books, practising without a teacher, is

dangerous. If you want to practise yoga, find a guru. Follow

your guru's instructions, and you will be happy with

good health and a good nature. This is very fine. That

is tue. Find a guru with practical experience."

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