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Aghori, a question

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Hate to disappoint you, ishogun, but the method

you call Ashtanga is a variation of Krishnamacharya's

original system! The Vinyasakrama method (which you so

eagerly point out is not the same) contains many more

vinyasas than you can even imagine. (around 3000)<br>The

original method was based on the three stages of life

(Kramas). There is an approach for each successive Krama

and each approach has different focus on asanas,

pranayama, etc.<br>My Guru's text will be available in

November from Inner Traditions, if you would like to see

the undiluted form of the Vinyasakrama System. The

text is entitled Yoga for the Three Stages of Life.

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I stand corrected. Funny, a friend of mine on

this board and I had discussed that you are a very

knowledgable person and would be able to justify and explain

the situation. However, you still did nowt answer why

you taught a workshop at a yoga studio that El Senor

would deem questionable. Personally, I think that's

fine. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend your

workshop (though I would have liked to), I was at a Tim

Miller workshop instead. I respect you as a teacher.

After all. It was you who I took my very first yoga

class from long ago.<br><br>With all do


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Could someone on this board more involved in the

wierd little gossip thing than I am please provide

aghori's name so that if it is associated with a workshop

I can avoid it like the plague? I find compassion

an essential element in a teacher and as I see none

of it in his emanations I would like to avoid

inadvertantly supporting him as well as contact with such a

venomous, self-righteous individual. Thank

you.<br><br>Also, could someone please post the name of Godfrey

Dev(?)'s new book? And his other one(s)? He has a

rational, intelligent, and heart-felt voice and I would

like to support him as well as read more of what he

has to say.<br><br>Thanks again, B

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