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Nerve problems

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I have a lingering problem with the nerves in my

neck from an auto accident last year that are

troubling me in my asana practice. I studied with guruji in

France and noticed nerve shocks down my arms and legs

when doing the bridge and while coming out of

headstand. I realize that it is probably due to weak

abdominal muscles and I was compensating with tensing my

back. Guruji let me modify setu bandasana but I find my

symptoms worsening. My hands are now numb and my left leg

has begun to be numb. <br><br>Has anyone experienced

this injury? I'm due to study with guruji again in

california and wonder if I should cancel and back off my

practice. <br><br>Thanks,<br>Yeshe

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if you have not seen a doctor yet, you should.

the kind of nerve disfunction your describing can be

the result of a herniated disk. if that is occuring,

further activity could result in permanent loss of

sensation or function. it is a fairly simple thing to

dx--an mri will check the spinal canal. if you can rule

it out, then you could consider the option of

resuming practice with less risk

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I was told that suryanamaskar will heal almost

any nerve problem when the "dosages" are increased: a

minnimum of 10 times A and 10 times B TWICE a day

(mornings and evenings) is prescribed as a cure for people

with nerve-problems. Maybe through your problem you

can motivate yourself enough to work on it - it

surely will also benefit your practice.

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It seems you have a pincehd nerve in the neck or

spine. I would suggest finding a skilled, insightful

cranial sacral practitioner to help alleviate the

condition. Let Guruji know about your problem and its

history, and he will continue to work with you. If you are

able to go to Mysore, I am sure you would get in depth

attention from him there. I have seen him work very closely

and sweetly with other students with bad neck

conditions from previous accidents (including broken necks).

I have also seen him work year after year with a

woman with degenerative nerve disease. Her progress was

also extrordinary.<br>Continue to practice building

shoulder, leg, spine and abdominal strength - all are

necessary.<br>Should you pass up a chance to study with Guruji in

California? Missy says no way!

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Thanks dantrishan for your advice. I was

wondering, tho, if the numbness in my hands is due to carpal

tunnel from too many downdogs. Maybe many repetitions

isn't a good idea. Any thoughts on this? <br><br>I do

plan on getting and MRI once the insurance company

ok's it. Funny, but I thought doctors were supposed to

have the final word. Let's vote for Ralph Nadar.

Anyway, hopefully I will have more info soon. As for now,

I am continuing the series with special attention

to my hands, shoulders, and back. <br><br>yeshe

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I studied with guruji in France and I think the

full series, two weeks in a row, was too much for me

and aggravated my problem. I do agree that he is

compassionate but I need to back off and do less of the series

and at a slower pace. Guruji really sped it up and I

was exhausted and not as mindful as I ordinarily am.

I think I'll be patient and sit this one out and

see him in Mysore someday.<br><br>Yeshe

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know this is from a while ago..but I just

thought I would mention that when I started yoga 5 years

ago (not ashtanga..sorry) I had peripheral neuropathy

and am now cured. It does wonders with nerve damage!

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